UAD-2 Satellite Thunderbolt 3
Customer Reviews
UAD-2 Satellite Thunderbolt 3
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B. Bartley
Must Have Item!
The UAD-2 OCTO Satellite is a must have item while using plugins when recording in LUNA. We use two OCTO satellites linked together for superior DSP management.
A. Lee
Couldn't live without it
More plugins available without taxing the computer - amazing
D. Ho
Perfect for touring!
I work in the world music genre, which often requires recording in different countries. With the Satellite Octo, I can actually mix and master an album without compromise, with a system that fits in my backpack (laptop, Twin, Satellite)!
D. Ho
Perfect for touring!
I work in the world music genre, which often requires recording in different countries. With the Satellite Octo, I can actually mix and master an album without compromise, with a system that fits in my backpack (laptop, Twin, Satellite)!
J. Norato
Amazing plugin external processor!
I love my new UAD-2 Satellite ! It helps the interface to run the plugins and is perfect to save RAM on laptops. Really would like that one day could use the DSP in te console to increase the cores when recording! . Without a doubt, with Satellite, mixing music is easy and powerful.
K. Neill
Really opens things up!
I actually have the thunderbolt 2 octo version but other than the connectivity I don’t knew how much difference there is. I use it in conjunction with my Apollo Twin X and I’m recording almost exclusively in Luna now. Sessions that used to run 80-90% of my dsp on the twin alone are now using 8-9% with the satellite. It’s a game changer. Some of the hungrier plugs are ones that are used on the input when recording. I used to have to disable a bunch of plugs I had on monitoring tracks if I wanted to record a new track. Now I can just load up a new track with what ever I need. A huge boost to my workflow… what else is there to say? 10/10!
A. Mancino
R. Rockenschaub
Mit UAD-2 Satellite Thunderbolt - ERROR -38
Ich hab mir 2 UAD Octo gekauft um für mein Apollo X16 mehr DSP-Power zu bekommen. Mit den Satelliten (einer oder zwei) wurde das System total instabil. Das Arbeiten mit der stetigen Fehlermeldung Code-38 (Kommunikationsproblem zw. Computer und Uad) ist unmöglich. Ich habe Stunden verbracht um den Fehler zu finden. Mit Support, Computertechniker , weil ich es nicht glauben konnte. FAZIT: Die Geräte funktionieren nicht.
C. Cameau
Sound engineer
Still the best
W. Knittel
Tolles Gerät! Super Sound :-)
Die „ZauberBox“ ist absolut zuverlässig und nimmt dem iMac eine menge Arbeit ab!
U. Millan
Octo errors galore
Bought the unit, after thousands of dollars invested on UAD hardware and licenses l cannot use the unit because of the infamous -38 error.
Reached out to UA to no avail, and l am not alone on this ....
K. Woods
Think… The Sound Of The Room
UAD Accelerator
Part of any recording is the planning and implementation of the recording format and capabilities. Whatever limitations you are working with will affect the overall outcome.
I started recording in high school in the early 80s using two cassette recorders. First pass all the music was recorded live to the stereo cassette. Then we set up to overdub all the vocals live as we bounced from one to other. When you have little to work with you get inventive and resourceful.
As time went on I moved on to a four track real to real, then to an eight track real to real, and then added a sixteen track real to real with sync lock. By the late 90s I was mastering professionally with a Tube Tec Multiband compressor, TC electronics and much more with a digital/analog hybrid setup. Early 2000s sold everything.
In 2022 I got back into music production because my son started making music. My setup now has a great analog front end to capture vocals including a pair of Universal Audio tube preamps. Once things are in the box I mix and master all in one pass with my setup. There are many advantages to mixing and mastering all at once, but in order to do it successfully you need processing power. My setup consists of a 28 core system. 12 on the host computer and 8 and 8 on my two UAD accelerators.
Every computer setup will have its limitations. Yours will be different from mine so I will just share what I see. Although I see I can have as many tracks as I could ever dream of now on a DAW, the limitations are in the implementation of plug-in processing.
As I got back into this I noticed that I was once again making compromises because of processing power. If you want to use a really good modeled reverb it is going to use a good percentage of computer processing power. I found that I couldn’t use my best reverb at all because of all the processing power it’s sucked from the computer.
The solution was the UAD Accelerators. Now I can run the most advanced reverb models ever made. I have mixed tracks using the Ocean Way studio plugin, the Capitol Records underground chambers and a recent dance track with the Hitsville attic chambers. These models give your mixes the life they need. Remember people traveled from all over to record and mix their records at these locations specifically for their unique room sound. Now you can have that same space and sound in your setup! These plugins alone have completely improved the sound quality of my mixes. To me this is the number one reason to add an accelerator to your existing system, the reverb models.
Reason number two is just the quality of all the plugins. I like watching these plugin review videos on YouTube and the guy who does the “Snake Oil” videos just does native plugin reviews and it’s fun to get his views and feedback. Many of these reviewers not just him, are very helpful. So one time he got the chance to review UAD plugins with an accelerator and his mouth dropped and he was speechless! He said he was hearing the best plug-ins he had ever heard! And he is right! There is a reason these plugins need more horsepower. They are better period.
If you are on the fence about taking the UAD accelerator plunge, think reverb, think about transforming your studio with big studio room models. Or like me with my experience, think mix and master all in one pass.
If you want the big boy “sound” you will need to get the gear the big boys use, Universal Audio.
L. Chandler
I had to buy this to replace a UAD-2 Satellite TB Octo that failed
Support request unsolved since opening March 23, 2023. "Customer Service," and I use the term loosely, has not responded since March 30, 2023
P. Singh
Smooth Sailing
Once I finally bought the satellite is when the light bulb went on....... (power switch).... now my mixes contain everything I need to get it done without DSP resources popping up left and right. At first I was hesitant but glad I upgraded my dsp chip count with a new box. Went from "WHAT.....THE.....f"or that time to now sayin YEEEEEAH after I got it. Hypersonic Speed Super Power with Laser like Precision. Now my music is like honey mixed with sugar, SWEEEEET!
A. Rosell
Gives you that extra power for heavy UAD sessions
The positive side: I combined UAD-2 Satellite Octo T3 with my Apollo Twin X for extra power and easy workflow without losing power for my UAD plug ins, works really great and easy to use. The Negative side: UA must start delivering T3 cables with their products, especially a really short one for connecting between Apollo and Satellite. But the major thing I would do is to let the customer choose plug ins especially when you already have an Apollo and own most of the plug ins that comes in the analog classics.
a. dorrat
Works flawlessly
Exactly what it says on the tin. More DSP. And lots of it. Simple box but works flawlessly.
D. Poe
Multiple crashes, Force Quits on Logic Pro X since getting Apollo/Satellite (after almost no crashes in 15 years of near-daily use.)
Ghosted by UA customer service, to the point where I wonder if UA even employs customer service specialists.
Yeah, the UA plug-ins sound nice … if and when they work.
S. Quadros
Sattelite Octo
Perfect combination for the Apollo Twin!! It’s incredible to see how more DSP’s make the whole difference in your sound. I also love the design of the UAD equipment!!!! The best part….. Works!!!!!!!!!!!!
S. Scarcella
music production
Satellite octo is ideal for my project studio...I can work with all my plug ins. Universal Audio my best choice for my productions. Santi Scarcella
D. Alley
Works great! Allows me to use more UA plug-ins while mixing.