UAD-2 Satellite Thunderbolt 3
Customer Reviews
UAD-2 Satellite Thunderbolt 3
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A. Hogu
I started out with the native plugins and was blown away. So I purchased UAD-2 and a bundle. Great quality sound
D. Keith
As a long time touring drummer and engineer im very pleased with the product and service at Universal Audio!
g. acosta
El UAD-2 Satellite Thunderbolt 3
Muy buena herramienta para tus poderosos plugins..estoy muy satisfecho por haberlo comprado.,
C. Lema
Lo mejor
No puede faltar en mi studio móvil mi laptop y mis audífonos música donde quiera que voy ,
C. Lema
Lo mejor .!!
No puede faltar en mi mochila con mi laptop es una de mis herramientas de producción en mi studio movil ….
益. 飯田
It's a wonderful product including cost performance‼︎
C. Joly
So useful !
A solid box that provides ease of use and adds power to all Daw Projects . Like having my DAW and my CPU on Steroids . Love it !
G. Mahn
A sturdy and powerful little box!
The Octo is plugged in and rocking with my Apollo Twin… a sturdy and powerful little box! The additional DSP makes mixing in Luna and Pro Tools with UAD plugins a breeze. Definitely worth the expense for the value added. Highly recommend!
F. Verjux
Extend done
It really gives more power for my DAW
M. Naw
I Like
D. C
Love my uad so much I made a mount for it
Check out this mount for anyone who has a UAD satellite: https://www.ebay.com/itm/285636707447?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=nEvvpcS8QhK&sssrc=0&ssuid=nEvvpcS8QhK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
M. Wouters
Lots of extra power
I started out using the Apollo twin and soon needed extra processing power. The combination with the Satellite Octo is perfect, price wise an amazing deal to now have 10 processors for around 2k and I only need 2 inputs so this exceeds the use of an Apollo 8 for me.
J. Neilis
OCTO UAD Satellite
Now I can add even more great sounding vibes to a mix. Thanks to Uad OCTO.
I wish there was a robust way to use uad plugins in a live sound environment - like a new liverack.
R. Steen
Great but won’t work for me.
I purchased this hoping to use it while tracking. Found out it can only be used for mixing. Sent it back to the retailer I bought it from.
E. Reynolds
UAD-2 Satellite-- A necessary addition!
Let's start with the obvious, the UAD-2 Satellite is a wonderfully engineered piece of hardware. The unboxing experience is pleasant and the provided imagery gives you a brief hint of heritage, further adding to the assurance of a good purchase. The unit itself is sturdy, metal, and has a girthy power switch that imparts a satisfying clink when engaged. I opted for the Octo thunderbolt 3 interface which allows daisy chaining from my Mac mini to the satellite and then to my Apollo. After authorizing plugins you're off to work. The 8 SHARC chips allow you to employ many more time-based effects and plugins that may have been used sparingly-- Neve 88rs this means you. If you are working in the box and want to have a complete console experience, you may need two.
I love it UAD
I love it UAD
P. Chrastil
turbo power
D. Devion
More DSP!
Was running out of DSP when opening projects in Logic, very frustrating going through the mixer, finding and reenabling plugins. The Octo fixed that problem and also allows much more freedom and flexibility auditioning alternative settings and using LUNA.
W. Dziedzicki
Considering that I don't record much on my own equipment, I travel to different studios, mix and need my set of plug-ins (of which I have plenty at UA) wherever I go. This equipment rocks.
S. Hickman
So far exactly what I expected
I moved from a Mac Pro 5,1 to a M2 Mac Studio. Lots of changes. And one of the biggest was moving from PCI UAD-2 card to a Thunderbolt Satellite. After a month there's been no issues. And I don't expect any.