UAD Studio Edition
Customer Reviews
UAD Studio Edition
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R. Christian
the fixers
they fix things.
K. Birmingham
Creamy, Rich and Lucious!
After hearing Dr. Mix demoing a MiniMoog, I knew I needed that sound, but I also knew that I wasn't going to be purchasing a Model D. I looked up reviews of various VSTs and even the Behringer Model D and I had settled on something. But, then UAD offered their VST at a price I couldn't ignore and I'm glad I purchased it. I'm not going to claim that it sounds exactly like a MiniMoog. I've only ever watched demos on YouTube, but I found that rich creamy bass sound that I heard on Dr. Mix's MiniMoog, And have already released a song on YouTube with it!
D. Carter
Worst Piano Sound I've Ever Heard
I love all my UA plugins so I was expecting great sounds from this piano. Was disappointed to say the least. It was a complete waste of money. I hope in future updates UA will make this thing sound as good as I was hoping for.
A. Eden
Why does it need an internet connection to work?!
I purchased this one to use as my go-to vocal compressor on various projects. I didn't knew that it requires internet connection, so i can't use it when i'm outside or on a plane. It's a shame that there's no option to transfer the license to my laptop directly. An AU unit also launches too long, because it connects to the internet every time.
And that would only be half the problem. After all, my Ableton Live won't even launch a project with these plugins unless I'm connected to the internet. So my go-to compressor paralyzes my whole projects, and if my internet connection is interrupted, the plugin stops and displays the message "DAW restart required", even if the connection is restored. It's a shame.
I don't rate it as 1 star, because they sound great, actually. But for me, as for traveling producer, it's impossible to use it all the time.
H. Acero
Solo lo probe una vez y me enamoré
Soy advenedizo en el mundo de la Producción Musical. Sé que los compresores son muy importantes, así que, solo lo probé y, realmente el sonido que me dio los Fairchild, realmente me fascinó.
J. Haim
Great Sound!
It sounds amazing. Definitely best emulation of Fairchild till today!
M. alsuliman
Thank you for this beautiful product and thank you for your excellence
Thank you for this beautiful product and thank you for your excellence
M. Kulev
The UAD - STUDER A800 is an indispensable processing for my taste, versatile in use, flexible and a wonderful instrument that sets the character of the timbres.
Just try the A800 on a group of drums, on vocals, on guitars, listen carefully to how it condenses the sound, making it more lively, collected. Using the A800 on guitars, listen to how life, movement and vibe appear, how sharp attacks are gently cut off, and the sound seems to round off, becomes warmer.
T. Jux
The one
Great sounding instrument.
T. Flynn
The Ultimate Hammond B3!
I’ve been using this Waterfall Hammond B3 plug-in on all types of tracks… and it’s just so great, how you can use the waterfall speaker effect, or not, and otherwise have a traditional B3 sound… and really, just about any type of B3 style that you may want. There may be other B3 Organ emulations that can do more… I wouldn’t know, because I’ve been so satisfied with this one…while the quality and range of this emulation is absolutely incredible. The sound quality, like all UAD plugins, is absolutely superb. Highly recommended, say the very least! Not only that, but on some of the songs that I’ve used it on… almost every time people have commented on the organ sound. No joke. It’s that well done, and authentic, that it just jumps out, and listeners remark about it, over and over again. That’s really saying something. I don’t know if I’ve ever had that happen with any other plug-in or emulation.
E. Tcaciuc
very warm
it's very warm and present preamp
J. Howard
UA plugins are spot on for me and my ears! I love them, every one of them that's I've downloaded and the Manley Tube Preamp is right on par. Giving me warmth and attitude when I need it and it's also subtle as well. Very nicely done guys!!
E. pinthieire
Great on vocal and drums
M. Attila
Absolutely perfect gear, one and only emulation of the original gear! Must have gear on your library! Thanks for UAD!
e. madi
The great gluing glow for mixing and mastering
I love uad Fairchild, for me it's the most greatest mastering limiter mix drum buss comp mixer processor enhancement, for glowing glue the multitracks music mix on the master mix buss stereo out, for to glue everything together, I'm so excited and happy for the results, I love you more uad
sounds very clear and natural
I don't get the negative replys . it sounds absolutely clear and natural.. like all other UAD Instruments. This Piano Emulation is absolutely great !! thank you Universal Audio.
H. Krocke
Great plugin !
Sounds great, just like a Distressor does !
F. Manteghian
I like to see this VI develop more
I would like to see UA improve the Waterfall rotary speed midi options. I am used to Air's DB-33 organ, where it is easy to assign the rotary speed (slow / brake / fast) to an expression pedal, so you can play with both hands and change speed with your foot (left in my case). UA defaults to the rotary speed being controlled by the Mod wheel (so you have to take your left hand off the keys to modify it), or you can assign it to the sustain pedal but then it only switches between fast and slow. No "Brake".
Another thing is some people complain is about harshness in the upper frequencies. I notice that as well when the Vibrato is on, or when some of the upper drawer bars are full extended. I compared it to the DB-33 and where the Waterfall is sometimes harsh in the upper frequencies, the DB-33 is also harsh in the lower frequencies.
When it comes to the Leslie, however, the UA Leslie is far superior.
So I like this instrument very much and with little effort, it can be made to sound superior to the DB-33, but the lack of expression control for the rotary speed is a downfall that I bet would be issue to fix.
Also, so many people want plugins ported to Spark. I'm the opposite - I would love to be able to stack the Waterfall Leslie in Console, after a Unison amp plug-in, but that's not in the cards right now. Sure, I could add the Leslie in PT but then I am working with latency issues which is what Apollo handles so well. Native stinks when its the only option. We have paid a tiny fortune for these DSPs and I would like to use them to their max.
F. Manteghian
I like to see this VI develop more
I would like to see UA improve the Waterfall rotary speed midi options. I am used to Air's DB-33 organ, where it is easy to assign the rotary speed (slow / brake / fast) to an expression pedal, so you can play with both hands and change speed with your foot (left in my case). UA defaults to the rotary speed being controlled by the Mod wheel (so you have to take your left hand off the keys to modify it), or you can assign it to the sustain pedal but then it only switches between fast and slow. No "Brake".
Another thing is some people complain is about harshness in the upper frequencies. I notice that as well when the Vibrato is on, or when some of the upper drawer bars are full extended. I compared it to the DB-33 and where the Waterfall is sometimes harsh in the upper frequencies, the DB-33 is also harsh in the lower frequencies.
When it comes to the Leslie, however, the UA Leslie is far superior.
So I like this instrument very much and with little effort, it can be made to sound superior to the DB-33, but the lack of expression control for the rotary speed is a downfall that I bet would be issue to fix.
Also, so many people want plugins ported to Spark. I'm the opposite - I would love to be able to stack the Waterfall Leslie in Console, after a Unison amp plug-in, but that's not in the cards right now. Sure, I could add the Leslie in PT but then I am working with latency issues which is what Apollo handles so well. Native stinks when its the only option. We have paid a tiny fortune for these DSPs and I would like to use them to their max.
J. Beeson
One click perfection
It’s really amazing… it’s almost effortless to achieve a great result. It really brings out some beautiful tones!