UAD Studio Edition
Customer Reviews
UAD Studio Edition
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M. Fletcher
A wonderful compressor
Fabulous sound, great emulation, so glad it has a wet/dry knob would be so much harder to use without it. Can be extremely powerful like a cartoon version of a compressor but also adds very nice glue at lower amounts of mix and 2:1 and 3:1 on the master. Just annoyed it's another mindblowingly good plug I'm having to buy. UAD are hitting homerun after homerun at the moment.
A. Avelin
Fun chorus
I've been looking hard for a chorus that sounds more interesting that just your ordinary chorus, so to speak, and I found it in this plugin. Thanks UAD!
p. hedin
creative space!
Beautiful sound, creative and easy. It ads nice character and ID to whatever you put it on. Thanx!
L. Kelley
Must Haves
One of those tools you'll use on every mix, plain and simple.
S. Tanner
Nice for a lot of traks
When I make Projects with lot of Tape-Emulation, then These Plug-In is on the right place. But I am still not shure all the Tapes are really in Synch when it Comes to Wow and flutter. Normaly all the Machines must be locked in synch! I want to emulate one Multi track tape and not many different single tapes, you know. ;-)
M. Carter
This Makes A Difference
A Great Plate Reverb. Easy To Find The Sweet Spot When Using. Great For Spacing Out Vocals While Keeping Them Upfront In The Mix. This Plugin Will Not Magically Fix A Bad Mix, But It Certainly Makes A Difference. I Love How Much Depth You Can Obtain With This Plate Reverb. Absolutely A Great Addition To Any Plugin Collection.
Great Tool!
To me it's a highly recommendable Tool. It has few Possibilities in changing it's Presets or Sounds. But that's a plus to a Newbie like I am.
I used it in a Bus-Config for Guitars oder Vocals and to me it adds richness and width - without being obstursive.
A gentle Effect with great Possibilities.
Best chorus plugin ever!!!!! Samtrax said so
Im a big fan of chorus effects and ive used alot. Brigade Chorus Pedal by far is this best plugin ive used. Im gonna use this on everything. Thanx guys for this one
W. Taylor
Distressor vs Distressor
I have 2 hardware distressors. In my study, I find the UAD plug-in to be great, but it is brighter. One of the big things I try to work on in digital recording is smoothing that high end, 'rounding' things out so to speak. My hardware units have more of 'that sound' when I track/mix through them.
W. Taylor
UAD Distressor and Hardware Distressor
I have a pair of hardware distressors. In just initially comparing a vocal through the hardware/UAD, I could not discern any difference. ( I had identical microphones, identical preamps, set hardware comp/UAD comp identically and compared). However, when I did a similar test with a kick drum, recorded the results and listened back n forth, I could hear a difference. To my ears the UAD distressor sounds great but it is a little 'brighter' than my hardware. I guess it's a matter of taste. If you just buy the distressor and have never had the hardware, you're getting a great compressor. If you have a hardware unit and are used to the sound of it, you might hear differences. One thing I'm really glad with the UAD version is all the presets that come from various engineers. It's great to be able to try them out on the UAD but also to be able to try out all those different settings on the hardware as well.
L. Walker
So, Dave, you're saying this is better than your own Arouser v2?
I doubt they differ by much, if at all. But having a distressor plugin available for tracking still makes this compelling, and the reason why I purchased it. I'll do a comparison of all the distressor plugins from UAD, Empirical Labs, Slate, Sknote, but who really cares which one sounds closest to the hardware? How does the plugin sound and is it useful? Again, having one for tracking gives the UAD version another BIG use.
Il est enfin arrivé
je suis impressionné par le caractère de ce compresseur légendaire. Son cousin Fatso jr/sr complètera à merveille ce trio de choc.
Je le recommande vivement.
K. Matzanke
A Classic
A must have in every mixing battery
K. Matzanke
One of the Best
Nothing more to say
K. Matzanke
Warm and Analog
Really good!
E. Pensa
Great for drums!
The pre sets for this plugin are excellent ! The time it takes me to record drums is now cut in half, if not more, thanks to UAD and plugins like this!!!
V. van Tiel
This one is massive! It sounds amazing. And I love the GUI. It's really easy to dial in the right settings. Love it!
s. tajima
This was beyond my imagination(>ω<)/
s. tajima
Love it(>ω<)/
E. Wohl
I've wanted this plugin for such a long time, it's such a great emulation, amazing on vocals!!