UAD Studio Edition
Customer Reviews
UAD Studio Edition
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A. Jordan
Great when bussed
I mostly use this on the fly when I’m tracking vocals as it hasn’t failed me yet. It’s easy to use and sounds natural.
great plugins and closed emulation GREAT*****
M. Jarzebski
Give it a chance!
I am a guitar player and not a huge fan of chorus. I loved Andy Summers, Allan Holdsworth, John Scofield, John McLaughlin and many more, but I didn't like how I sounded. I plugged it on bass channel with Ampeg a week ago searching for a bit of stereo width. It worked well. Later I gave my guitar a chance. Oh, boy! 55's fender with a twist of 610B, Pultec and Brigade Chorus on a pure plate. Such fun! It is an easy-going effect. It gives that old school classic quality. I set all knobs between 1 - 3 and played with the level. For me, less makes a huge difference. In my opinion Brigade Chorus is not expensive for the offered quality. I have to check Galaxy, Dytronics and Studio D one day.
M. Jarzebski
Give it a chance!
I am a guitar player and not a huge fan of chorus. I loved Andy Summers, Allan Holdsworth, John Scofield, John McLaughlin and many more, but I didn't like how I sounded. I plugged it on bass channel with Ampeg a week ago searching for a bit of stereo width. It worked well. Later I gave my guitar a chance. Oh, boy! 55's fender with a twist of 610B, Pultec and Brigade Chorus on a pure plate. Such fun! It is an easy-going effect. It gives that old school classic quality. I set all knobs between 1 - 3 and played with the level. For me, less makes a huge difference. In my opinion Brigade Chorus is not expensive for the offered quality. I have to check Galaxy, Dytronics and Studio D one day.
Nice Pedal Effects
Easy to use and great analog sound . Presets are a good place to start. Guitars, BG vocals
Nice Pedal Effects
Easy to use and great analog sound . Presets are a good place to start. Guitars, BG vocals
J. Dolan
Love for 160 !
Great emu, very near from real product !
G. Funes
A truly improved classic and essential for making vocals stand out in the mix. It also works for everything and improves everything, an unmissable and incredible tool.
J. Dallarda
The best sounding and most playable
Ravel is in a category of its own and the best sounding, most playable virtual piano I've ever played, and I've played tons of 'em. The strings resonance modeling together with the sampling likely has a good bit to do with that. Sampling single notes and then playing chords etc with individual notes sampled in isolation from every other note only gets one so far. No one only plays one note at a time when they play a piano, which is a fundamental part of why a lot of sample based virtual pianos fall flat and are completely unnatural sounding and totally uninspiring to play. That's not the case with Ravel. Side note: yeah, sure I wouldn't mind using it in any DAW either but that is NOT a valid reason for giving it a low rating.
J. Dallarda
Expressive, musical and a joy to hear, play and use, very happy I pulled the trigger on this!
This Minimoog is something special. No others can compare. People should not be giving it a low rating simply because they want to whine and have a little pouty tantrum because they can't use it outside of Luna or because Luna and its extensions are not yet available for PC. The review and attendant rating should be about its quality or lack thereof, not about that certain people want to cry and stomp their feet about things that are not relevant to rating the actual quality of this Minimoog. Such reviews and the low ratings that go along with them are not legitimate reviews and ratings based on experience with this Minimoog, they are merely tantrums and UA would be totally justified to simply delete these tantrums - and should. Seriously. They artificially and misleadingly lower the rating of a very fine piece of work and are not even actual legitimate reviews. Period.
S. Lord
No more pedals.
I use chorus on nearly every track I produce. Always trying to source the most authentic tone, until now. Brilliantly done.
R. Andree
Super Vintage Chorus
Adds that vintage Dimensio to your Sounds and they become more organic sitting in the mix!
R. Andree
Super Vintage Chorus
Adds that vintage Dimensio to your Sounds and they become more organic sitting in the mix!
S. Leoson
The one
I have tried them all (or close to it): McDSP Analog Channel, Avid Reel Tape, Avid Heat, Slate VTM, Softube Tape. All of them gives me some distorsion or warmth, none of them glues a mix together like a real tape machine. But UAD Studer A800 does! A bit expensive (compared to the competition) which is why I waited too long to get it... Now I’m very glad I did! If you’re mixing rock or heavier music with real recorded drums you need this...
A. Salinas
Worth it
Honestly made my drums sound so so good. I can’t afford the hardware at the moment and I am more than happy with this software.
C. Sanchez
Great hardware and software!
M. Walker
Great for synths for a vintage sound!
Great for synths for a vintage sound! I literally put it on analog or digital synth and get teleported back in time, add some spacey reverb and you get a vibe!
B. Ashdown
This is lush!
I recently had to move my studio which meant I lost access to the plate reverb I shared with the other occupants so I thought I'd try this plugin, it really sounds like a plate reverb!
E. Toews
the new gui sucks!!! why did you change it? You did not have to..
the new gui sucks!!! why did you change it? You did not have to.. One star for new functions but please change the gui back!
M. Kocur
Great analog chorus sound!
Great analog sounding chorus and vibrato! Simple and easy to use.