UAD Studio Edition
Customer Reviews
UAD Studio Edition
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T. Carlsson
Not so great
I own the original CE-1 and this software is a little bit different. The hardware is creamy, warm and noisy. It adds life and love to my Korg Poly-61. This is soft, digital and way too nice.
W. Tolle
Great Gear
The Avalon VT-737 Tube Channel Strip is one of the best plugins ever crafted! It is great on every Track of my Nuendo Daw.
D. Keller
Sounds awesome !
N. Bryce
Perfect for Acoustic Guitar!
I always use this on most my vocal tracks and thought I would try it with my Acoustic Guitar and It blow me away on how good it was, Demo this and you'll love it...
R. Souza
Superb Pre amp. Voxbox owner.
I have Voxbox and other Manleys plugins, and I have to say that I have used Voxbox just a few times, for mixing bass and eq (excellent) but i have a lot of options for that propouse. I tested the new pre and was amazed how analog, detailed and real it sound. Make my main vocal mic (violet globe) sound like never before (Vocals: Manley pre (unison slot) -> C-VOX -> API Vision (filters, expander, EQ, gain stage) -> Distressor All printed way in. RMX and DMX in parallel for monitoring). Best UAD vocal chain since 2013. Like others reviews says, smooth and silky highs, with lots of detail. I using it a lot for mixing bass, gtrs, drums and mix bus. The relationchip between gain and imput controls change the color and impact. Using in by the end of signal chain. by this aproach I notice I'm using less plugins. I can assure you that worth the money (U$25 for Manleys owners) and the pre amp is very different that Voxbox plugin. Try it and judge it for yourself. Merry Christmas!
M. Farina
passing my chords into this processor my mix comes moere dimensional
M. Hagan
Worth it!
I own the Voxbox but decided to grab this just to have the most recent Manley preamp emulation. Glad I did, the warm, rich sound is incredible.
S. Ajay
Make it free for voxbox owners pleaseeeee
It's not listed in plugins to try a demo, very surprised! Btw I'm using Apollo solo
D. Whitaker
Review update
After dropping the price to something reasonable for Vox owners, I'm changing my rating.
C. Bors
Very gentle :)
Wow one of the best, and UA quality
K. Chernetskyy
Avalon+Neumann U87
I had a real Avalon VT-737 before and with Neumann U87 it gives me a perfect sound. After I’ve test it with UAD version, on Unison preamps I hear no difference. Great job guys!
A. Martin
Habe es doch gekauft! Nevertheless I've bought it!
As I own the Manley Voxbox I thought I wouldn't need this one. Nevertheless I 've bought it and I'm very happy with it. It sounds wonderful - an excellent preamp. Use it most on vocals!
D. Whitaker
Again bad form folks. This should be free to Voxbox owners.
A. Burroughs
Very cool
Great addition to my arsenal
M. Perez
My Favorite Compressor
I’ve always liked this compressor but there was always something wrong with plug-in versions of it with other companies. This plugin has that magic that the other companies versions are missing.
L. Angelici
A real game changer on my bass sound.
T. Huang
It's the reason for uad
This plugin is the main reason why I got into the uad ecosystem
S. Lichawski
Great on drums
I love the way it goes with drums. It gives me smooth bass on bass drums, clarity on snares and overheads.
A. Fazil
Brilliant Pre Amp
Works fantastic, got a great sound for input.
E. White
The effectiveness of this plug-in
The effectiveness of this plug-in, is awesome because it goes well with the manly reference Mic, and gives it a real greedy nuance that’s different from any other plug-in.