UAD Studio Edition
Customer Reviews
UAD Studio Edition
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S. Bakas
Great sounds!
Trully amazing synth!
M. M
Buen complemento
De lo mejor que hay, contento con este complemento
R. Albertsen
Great Value
Perfect Plate for vocals, no fuss, no muss & no dust!
G. Spiridion
Great Plugin, Great Sound
Amazing sounds!!! Indispensable on my productons.
F. Costa
My favorite Distressor
This is my favorite 'Distressor' plugin! I use it in all my mixes !
I really like using this plugin on snares or in parallel on drums. I also love using it in parallel on the lead vocal when I want a sound that's a bit more transparent than the 1176, for example.
Z. dayan
Amazing! Easy and sound great!
Amazing! Easy and sound great
A. Kofler
Nice 'n Fat
This gives jujst enough texture and full-bodyness to my flamenco guitar sound and a smooth cushion on the highs. Beautiful!
R. Olmos
Mi compresor favorito
Me encanta como suaviza todo lo que pasa por él, sobre todo lo uso en voces y las suaviza súper bien además por el color que tiene a veces simplemente lo puedes usar para colorear
E. Berger
Very realistic- It sounds sweet with everything
I am an Organist/Guitarist and I actually own a real Leslie. But of course you need a good sounding Room and several Microphones to capture it's magic, so I was looking for an alternative that is easier to set up, and most importantly, that can be played quietly with Headphones.
The moment I tried the Demo I was completely immersed. The mechanical Noise is spot on and I actually turned around to hear if my actual Leslie wasn't spinning in it's corner. A big plus for me is that it doesn't have a complicated Interface. Many Plugins of that sort let you change the position/angle and whatever of the microphones, as well as 1000s of parameters and I always end up tweaking myself to death. With this one, there are several distinctive presets to choose from, and that's it. Enough variety for different situations, but it's not overdone. And just like the real deal, it sounds good with EVERYTHING. Grand Piano, Rhodes, Mellotron, Guitar, Bass, you name it.
My only criticism is the price. I find the regular price a bit steep to be honest. But as there are several sales over the year, one can grab it at a discounted price anyway.
I strongly recommend it- especially for Hardware Guys who don't want to tweak endlessly.
D. Dustin
Musical and Subtle
Love the 175B and 176 compressors for maintaining a rich natural and warm fat sound. I use them primarily on clean guitars and for squishing room mics in a way that just sounds natural. If you're into just wanting to give a little 50's/60's character to instruments that need just a little something special, these are hard to beat.
J. Camacho torres
lo descargue y no puedo usarlo
L. Predator
O 1176 original!
Minha procura por um plugin 1176 terminou! Sem mais palavras!
L. Predator
Impressionante a qualidade desse plugin! Consegui os resultados que queria rapidamente!
L. Predator
Coleção Fairchild Tube Limiter
Nunca vou conseguir chegar perto de um Fairchild original , mas em relação com as marcas mais conhecidas, tenho Waves ,etc... Esse UAD Fairchild é incomparável. Mágico!
e. madi
The great gluing glow for mixing and mastering
I love uad Fairchild, for me it's the most greatest mastering limiter mix drum buss comp mixer processor enhancement, for glowing glue the multitracks music mix on the master mix buss stereo out, for to glue everything together, I'm so excited and happy for the results, I love you more uad
i. copeland
If your here , You know what’s up
“Apollo Dual , Quad ,
Heritage Edition , and A Nuemann
103 or 87 mic / Beyer Dynamic Cans
/an Akai MPC live 2 / Mac Book Pro
Logic & Luna
“Don’t play around”
O. Ramos
Me encanta estos productos me han sido de mucha utilidad.
S. Dolby
Sounds fantastic on my guitar sounds
It has a unique sound that make my guitar sounds even better, simple plugin but powerful .
J. Mora Sánchez
En mi cadena de vocales trabajo la compresión en serie, siendo el 1176 el primero de dicha serie. (El segundo es el Teletronix LA-2A). Utilizo el modo "Bluey" por su excelente desempeño.
J. Mora Sánchez
El Teletronix LA-2A es mi segundo en serie en la cadena de vocales (El primero es el 1176). Utilizo el modo "Silver" porque me brinda una calidez increíble y combinado con el 1176 me permite controlar los picos mientras suavizo la dinámica general.
Tanto el 1176 como este LA-2A, los utilizo de como plugins nativos. Estoy ansioso de que saquen pronto los EQs API en versión nativa, porque de momento debo usar los de otra compañía.