UAD Studio Edition
Customer Reviews
UAD Studio Edition
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L. Zechinato
I finally had the chance to put the LA-2A Silver through its paces for mastering work. I needed A transparent limiter at the end of my mastering chain for a project. I've never used the hardware version, so I didn't have a frame of reference for comparing it to the "real" thing. But I definitely knew what I was going for. The tracks for mastering were already fairly hot gain-wise, and almost none needed any squeezing. I just needed to tame the transients. Boom! Perfect. Once I got a feel for how the Gain and Peak Reduction interact while in Limiter mode, it was VERY easy to dial in the right amount per track.
The funny part to me (about me) is that I'm an early adopter always looking toward the bleeding edge. I own 80% of the UAD-2 plugin catalogue at this point. I did a LOT of reading about hardware compressors, limiters, and EQs. I spent a LOT of time reading reviews of the UAD-2 plugins I own -- plugin counterparts to the hardware. I did not read up on was the LA-2A hardware, though I knew it's a serious classic. I didn't bother reading the uaudio reviews of the plugin version, either. So, it's a little ironic that it all came down to the LA-2A plugin, and how perfect it has been for my mastering chain.
Great plugin bundle! The price is a steal compared to the hardware.
A. Harrington
The bees kneeeeees
Such a great plugin! A buddy has an original space echo and (as far as I can tell) this reacts exactly like the hardware. What makes that so important is that the hardware is soooooo damn cool to play with.
Y. Sikuade
no 1 for vocals
C. Raspante
Analog heaven!
After 20 something years of digital recording, finally I can get the sound and feel of analog back. This on a snare alone is worth the price of admission. Love it!
A. Pesic
Feel the verb
This plug in has amazing sound,very rich sounding
..and there is Mix knob too! Tried it on vocals,snare and as an pseudo for lead guitar- 5 stars.
Loving this Reverb!
Beautiful, lush and so simple to use.
P. Moshay
So Versatile!
This fills the gaps in the other UA plates so well! Hard to imagine now working without these, and the Pure Plate rounds out the collection so well.
P. Allen
UA does plates so well.
L. Alin Gabriel
A good worker
Fast and punchy. Load it, set it fast and go on. It sounds musical, the lows are killer.
Studer A800
Much better than VTM!
Lexicon 224
I think EMT140 and Lexicon224 are must have UA reverb!
This EQ saves my life!
I love you Pultec and UA!
Great 1176!!!
1176 is my new secret weapon!
R. Somerville
Galaxy Tape Echo
All the lovely tape delay effects without the hassle of broken tape and noisy units ,oh and i can run as many as my Octocore can handle at once.If you want authentic Roland tape Echo fx ..look no further. Definitely a must in your UAD collection.Highly recommended.Mr S from Somerville & Wilson
B. Hastings
Oof! Sexy!
I have used the hardware Lexicon in the studio...this sounds as good if not better. Smooth as silk and beautiful!
R. Calegari
Delay atmosferico de colores varios, un gran aliado a la hora de colorear y agregar movimientos y texturas. Un clasico que no puede faltar sin duda!
R. Calegari
Un compresor que apreta pero no destruye, mantiene la dinamica sin achicar. No es lo mismo que el Legacy, en compresiones altas se nota. Vale la pena tenerlo sin dudas!
S. Albert
Ghost from the past
I knew the real 224 from 2 studios where I used to work. I liked their reverb effect, but always hated the noise they were adding to the mix. This emulation of UAD simply works better than the original. Same reverb quality, WITHOUT that crappy noise !
Amazing Chorus
I use it for all track!!
T. Stoddart
Really Glues a Mix Together
The Studier A800 lives on all of my busses. I love the way it handles drum transients and the harmonic content and gentle tape compression it ads really helps to glue a mix together. I usually run it at 15 or 30ips with GP9 (using CCIR on 15ips) and love the subtle character it imparts. The auto-cal feature with the ability to over-ride it and change the bias is a nice touch.