UAD Studio Edition
Customer Reviews
UAD Studio Edition
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P. Mello
Simple and crystal clear!
Like everything Universal Audio does, this plugin is also awesome, simple and crystal clear, it delivers fantastic results, all you need is a good instrument, excellent performance and a set of honest microphones that are not necessarily the most expensive. I never stop being surprised with each new acquisition with UAD.
Paulo Bourg
Brazilian Conductor
T. Mitrevej
Instant smile
Apply sheen/gloss to a sound in a seconds.
A. Pashka
The best emulation on market
Having used real LA-2As, I can confidently say this is the best LA2A plugin collection by far
V. Shamets
ilok and no midi mapping
No matter how good this synth sounds this damn ilok dongle which takes one usb port on my mac book and lack of midi mapping is a real dealbreaker ...even for discount price. I have a nice keyboard with knobs an sliders and I still have to use the mouse? No way. NO deal!
J. Pena
Just really good
The very first thing I used this on when I got the demo was on vocals for a old style bluesy rock song. I had to mess with it for a little to get a sound I liked, but when I got it there, it sounded really good. It sounded like the vocal and reverb just blended into each other in a way that I never got from any other reverb plugin that I own. By the way for me to get that sound I send a slap delay (galaxy echo) into the reverb, and I also blended in a little bit of the pure plate verb. After I heard that, I purchased the 224 the next day.
S. Greenaway
Top shelf
Authentic emulation that sounds fantastic
E. Ross
Empirical Labs EL8 Distressor Compressor
This is one amazing compressor/Distressor on the market. Sound quality is great on drums, bass and vocals. Love it!!
A. Pradier
Excellente Reverb!
Il y a pas à dire, cette reverb sonne très bien et elle est très flexible sur les voix et instruments.
Comme d'habitude avec la qualité UAD.
Je vous la recommande.
E. Ross
Avalon VT 737
This is the magic I add to every mix and to selected channels. The Avalon sounds smooth, professional and adds a radio ready finish to my mixes.
E. Ross
Avalon VT 737
This is the magic I add to every mix and to selected channels. The Avalon sounds smooth, professional and adds a radio ready finish to my mixes.
G. Pigman
Jot to the Ears
Beautiful, simple and a delight to add echo and reverb to give tracks full depth and dimension.
Not to mention, its green !
a. atheer
really great
This product is really great. It gives the sound a wonderful color and flavor.
A. Caro
The best
S. Joseph
Simply fantastic!
UA did it again! Great plug in
B. Hjörleifsson
Vibe and shine
e. tanaka
One of the best compressors in the industry! my favorite for vocals and bass
M. Coutausse
un grand traditionnel du traitement
belle réalisation , mais assez difficile a maitriser , comme l'original ..
f. coelho
Sonne comme le vrai
f. coelho
Sonne comme le vrai
A. Gek
I love 76 comp
I really liked this compressor with its legendary and expensive sound, it sounds much better than the compressor from the Waves company.