UAD Signature Edition Version 2
Customer Reviews
UAD Signature Edition 2
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P. Allen
UA does plates so well.
L. Alin Gabriel
A good worker
Fast and punchy. Load it, set it fast and go on. It sounds musical, the lows are killer.
Studer A800
Much better than VTM!
ATR-102, I can not mix without it!!
Lexicon 224
I think EMT140 and Lexicon224 are must have UA reverb!
This EQ saves my life!
I love you Pultec and UA!
Great 1176!!!
1176 is my new secret weapon!
G. Christiansen
Gave me the vision for the next step
I buildt a custom 12-point touch console with Audient iD22 with 8ch adat preamp and two UAD PCIe cards as the centerpoint of it all. I use my UAD effects to print, so I hook them up on a VST host, this is where the API Vision magic starts. Instantly my audient mixer app turns into a UAD emulated API Vision console..
- The GUI is large (TOO LARGE) wich sports good working area for your fingertups, the response is good.
- dsp power on the instance chart result was made with all sections of the strip activated, wich reduced for every section that you disable. Normally one builds the tone f.ex with a Fairchild or 1176 so the dsp power can be directed to other dyn.effects
- The soundemulation is superb, I have compared with reference stems and get them identical with the strip alone!
- the Gui is just to big! I only manage to allign 4-6 channels, it depends on the resizing I do
- Does not support multitouch as far as I have tried, but may be because of my touch and VST host.
R. Calegari
Agresivo, pero tambien puede ser sutil. Gran posibilidad de extremos y colores. Un jugador de toda la cancha!
R. Calegari
Solo enciendelo...
Solo enciendelo y el calor llega a los tracks....amalgama mezclas y da vida a la digitalizacion. Un jugador importante a la hora de buscar ese toque analogo.
R. Calegari
Con la fineza de Manley
REFINADO eq, preciso y delicado. Transparente y de gran uso en mastering!
R. Somerville
Galaxy Tape Echo
All the lovely tape delay effects without the hassle of broken tape and noisy units ,oh and i can run as many as my Octocore can handle at once.If you want authentic Roland tape Echo fx ..look no further. Definitely a must in your UAD collection.Highly recommended.Mr S from Somerville & Wilson
B. Hastings
Oof! Sexy!
I have used the hardware Lexicon in the studio...this sounds as good if not better. Smooth as silk and beautiful!
R. Calegari
Delay atmosferico de colores varios, un gran aliado a la hora de colorear y agregar movimientos y texturas. Un clasico que no puede faltar sin duda!
R. Calegari
Un compresor que apreta pero no destruye, mantiene la dinamica sin achicar. No es lo mismo que el Legacy, en compresiones altas se nota. Vale la pena tenerlo sin dudas!
A step up
I also have the Waves version of the 2500 which I always liked for the drum bus and sometimes on the mix bus. The UAD is definitely a step up, and now I'm addicted to it on the mix bus. I really like using the wet/dry mix knob and headroom options that they added. Another fine emulation from UA, and it's quickly become an essential part of my mixing process.
t. thiel
Great again
The Manley® Massive Passive EQ, perfect Tool with a perfect sound.
A. Solovyev
Отличный эквалайзер
Очень чисто и правильно звучащий эквалайзер для мастеринга и не только-купил, посмотрев несколько обзоров-абсолютно не жалею-активно использую.
A. Solovyev
Правильный выбор для компрессии шины
Просмотрел много обзоров, поработал с демо-версией-купил и не жалею-отлично звучит-хорошо склеивает группы инструментов и на мастер-шине на своем месте.
S. Albert
The "digital" solution
A must-have, if you're going full digital. With that amazing piece on your mix, you can actually skip analog summing. One of the finest pieces of gear I've experienced in music production. Impossible to do without it since.