UAD Producer Edition
Customer Reviews
UAD Producer Edition
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J. Harris
Smooth as butter
It feels like super slick on music. Love this thing on everything.
C. Bors
simple to use, must have piece
very gentle and nice eq
C. Bors
classic fundamental plugin :)
the black 1176 is killer :)
C. Bors
piece of a legendary era
must have product :)
L. White
Sounds great.
Sounds great. Try the demo and see if it's worth it for your workflow.
G. Lion
Simply Beautiful
Be warned, if you install this you're writing off the weekend! You won't want to leave it alone. The word "lush" occurred to me most often. It's pretty much everything in an analogue-esque synth you could want with the "morphing" front and centre. If you need some superior leads/poly as well as GORGEOUS pads this has got what you're after in spades. Excellent piece of software.
S. Bakas
Lovely Synth!
Great sound!
S. Bakas
Lovely Synth!
Great sound!
s. dionigi
molto bello
Aggiunge armoniosità
E. Cutillas
Tasteful strip
Punchy and tasty on drums, for electronic music genre
J. Lehmkuhl
Note off DC Click & Bashed Hard Samples, no way to not use them
I read the reviews and thought this would be a great addition to the amazing synths UA has made but there are some flaws that make this a piano I likely will never use in its current state. Instead of a nice note off sample with a little thunk to it, there is a very loud click that equals their note off sample choice which doesn't sound realistic and once you hear it, you will never play and not hear it. Thankfully there is a "Release Level" slider to turn this off (it's at Max volume by default). The bigger problem is that the hardest hit samples have a almost painful hammer attack to them and I have not found any patches that didn't use these hardest hit samples. Even the velocity controls don't give you an absolute Min/Max so you could window below these samples - so if you're playing really loud intense rock, this piano might fit in perfect, of if you play with a feather touch, but I play full range and find this Rhodes sample set (at 8GB) is not useful for me. 1st disappointed purchase of anything UA makes, ever.
A. Zegers
I love it!
it's great ! The best rotary speaker plug-in I've tried!
J. Neves
Great Plugin BUT...
Native only?! Seriously?! First they release the Capitol Mastering Compressor, which is an AWESOME plugin btw but, when asked why no DSP version came out, they told us is because most people would be using it for mastering applications and blah blah blah....I wonder what they will say about this one now? C'mon guys show us some UAD love, please! Being able to load it up in Console etc. is the ONE thing that sets you apart, don't let it die out so easily!
M. Rother
Toller Sound, schreckliche Usability
Eigentlich ist das Plugin toll. Aber die UA Connect App ist echt schlecht. Man braucht immer Internet, wenn es kurz weg ist, geht das Plugin nicht mehr. Schön, wenn man exportiert und dann merkt, dass im Export auf einmal was fehlt. Eine Wiederverbindung der UA App funktioniert nicht, man muss den ganzen Rechner neu starten.
Und das passiert hier also mehrfach pro Sitzung, da ich das Internet übers Handy erhalte und auch mal weggehe vom Rechner, der daraufhin die Verbindung verliert.
Wäre alles kein Problem, wenn die App sich wenigstens wiederverbinden würde. Auch per Task-Manager beenden geht nicht. Der Rechner muss neu gestartet werden.
K. L
Another classic
A super versatile compressor, very colorful and works on everything! A must.
K. L
A classic
Super compressor, on almost any source material. Subtle and very nice after an 1176 on vocals.
A. Machado
Best 1176 plugin on the market!
These emulations are incredibly good and versatile! My most used compressors by far!
J. McCool
The smile maker
Set the Pultec to a smiley face curve and it will put a smile on your face. Takes a minute to understand, but once you get it, you’ll reach for it often.
L. Marchetti
A. Mazzaev
Ear Candy!
Warm, organic sound! Feels like you’re playing on the hardware and not the midi keyboard. It’s inspiring and really addictive:)