UAD Producer Edition
Customer Reviews
UAD Producer Edition
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L. Myrvoll
The best
Superior to any other 1176 plug I've ever heard.
T. Smabakk
Classic tape sound
Adds that classic tape sound to any track to glue together the mix. Learn to master it and you'll improve your mixes remarkably. Recommended.
S. Tib
Great Tape, easy to use !!
I love tapes and I tend to use them on every channel, I love the studer that does a great job for removing harshness and brightness on high and add warmth on low. I tried Oxide and the simplicity and the color pushed me to get it to have more flavor to play with. I recommend it on kick, bass, and anything you want really to add a nice round touch. Just try it !!
B. Bell
This is THE Chorus effect for your bass
I have tried several things to enhance my bass sounds. Then I purchased this plugin because it was a thing of folklore. Now I see why...it is amazing. It never seems to step on the mid signal's toes. All it does is add glorious width and movement to the bass without the added mud that can cloud up other things in the mix. It is one of my favorite plugins.
B. Bell
LA2A plugin collection is the perfect swiss army knife
I often became frustrated with my original LA2A plugin thinking I just wasn't dialing it in correctly. Well, it wasn't just me. Literally, as soon as I tried the LA2A silver face, things just came forward in the mix in a way I had never heard before. Then I tried the grey face on my vocal buss and it was like magic. You owe it to yourself to give these a try because you will love what you hear.
E. Wee
Killer compressors.
Used it on Drum Bus and Guitar Bus.
Sort of my go-to plug ins now.
You won't go wrong with this!
N. Zande
In one word ... AMAZING !
SO happy with these plugins ! Can't wait to buy more of them !
m. gianluca
M.r.e.u.x and Uad
excellent, perfect for my Kick
Gospel Beats
This plugin sounds great on any track you put it on. I mainly use it for vocals, can't explain what it's doing to the vocals, but they just sound better after putting it on the track; simply using the vocal preset. It sounds good on your overall mix as well. If you do all of your mixing in the box, this plugin will add some analog warmth to your tracks, and make it sound less digital.
J. Banfield
Very unique EQ
I have tons of EQ plugins. This one stands above them all as an extremely flexible and colorful tool. It adds such a unique character unlike anything else. It can fatten a guitar, tighten a bass, and just make a full mix shine. The three components don't necessary need to be used together but when they are, it is an equalization arsenal. As stated, simply running a mix thru this plugin gives it a fresh character. Tweaking the freqs just a little can completely enhance an instrument or mix. I don't know why I waited so long to get this set. I guess I figured it was just another EQ, but I was quite mistaken!
M. Bernardo
Perfect sound
I use this on everything, nothing I can complain. Two knobs and magic comes out . Awesome.
F. Batiste III
This plugin is sweeter than brown sugar. If you need to brighten a track or add a solid bottom, look no further. It's hard to make this emulation sound bad.
F. Batiste III
Idiot Proof
This is one of the easiest compressors you'll ever find. On the same token the sound is unmatched. One of the best compressors of all time. Hardware or software.
N. DeArmon
Easy quick-fix plugin
I was told how amazing the UAD tape plugins could be and I found out straight away with this plugin. Simple to use, great presets to start from, and great sounding results. I found the slight bass bump, gentle compression, and warmth/saturation of this plugin to instantly improve a variety of sources, from kicks, to bass guitar, to vocals. All this in a reasonable DSP cost package per instance. Killer plug.
Double-edged sword
Be careful with all digital saturators. The oxide tape likewise makes the sound stronger and weaker.
U. Friedrich
Studio D Chorus
Real nice Chorussound
U. Friedrich
Studio D Chorus
The real chorus-sound, nice
J. Bernstein
Classic For a Reason - Must Have
The 1176 Collection is my favorite plugins from UA. They really nail the original hardware units. My favorite one is the AE, which is fantastic for bass and vocals.
J. Bernstein
Oxide - Excellent
Easy to use, great sounds. I like to drive the input and back off the output so it's running close to unity gain. Great on bass DI track to add some color and life. Plan on using this plugin a lot in the future!
l. crosby
It Just Works !
tried messing with some other delays by other software manufacturers and this just has a sense of space about it that i couldn't instantly get from some others ,no messing about ,time saver