UAD Mix Edition
Customer Reviews
UAD Mix Edition
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G. Cole
Excellent emulation!
I never thought plugins could come this close to the real thing. I own most of the UAD library and have liked most everything so far, but the updated versions of the Pultecs, LA2As and 1176s are superb. And the new Fairchild...sublime. A combo of the 660 followed by a Pultec EQP-1A on a well recorded vocal is just awesome. I hate to use words like 'warm' and '3 dimensional' and 'silky', but they all apply here. Each of these plugins feels and sounds like its hardware counterpart. These are the first plugins I've used that 'feel' right, like I'm using the real thing. I can almost smell them. Thanks, Universal Audio, for continuing to improve upon your already great plugins as technology advances.
D. Lynch
OOOOhhhh I'm in mix heaven !!!
Maaaan !!! I thought it had it all until I demo'd the API Vision Channel Strip. First thing I noticed is the color and flexibility and mostly the productivity. That EQ is my way of thinking. It gives you a professional quality sound in an intuitive format that just allows the user to get on with it and really enjoy the creative side of mixing. I love everything about this Plug from the input gain to the dynamics sections and hi and lo filters.
I automatically recognized this Strip as being "MY" sound and it has now become the basis of every mix. OOOOhhhh I'm in mix heaven !!!
Cheers UA, awesome job
Producer Diamond Dave, Diamond Recordings Australia.
J. Kieffer
THE "go-to" 1176's
As a first time UA user, I tried out the 1176 Legacy that came with my Satellite custom bundle and was disappointed as it couldn't even come close to my CLA76 blue stripe. I was about to move on to other 1176's from other companies when I noticed UA had this updated collection. WOW!!! A/B'd them to the CLA76's and T-racks and this bundle blew them away. More musical, more options, and each has it's own unique character that works in different applications. For those who swear by CLA's, try these out. They'll become your first option!
R. Fiorentino
Nicest verb for your mix
A lot of reverbs seem to be stuck in the background, and sometimes you want that. A lot get lost in hectic songs, or have a poor sound or an overwhelming sound when you try to get them to cut into the mix. My first reaction to the 224 plugin was "okay it doesn't really sound like the real one but my does it work. This plugin can cut through a mix and make the reverb a part of the journey more than many others. It can also sit in the background if you want and stay out of the way. It is really a dream come true for my reverb arsenal.
R. Fiorentino
Every second is a pleasure.
This plugin takes the beautiful character and functionality of the best API modules and emulates them like nothing I've ever experienced. Definitely the real thing, definitely a buy.
G. Noteris
The best Pultec plugin
Couldn't pass one this one as i realy love the Pultec style EQ.
This version clearly is an improvement over the Legacy version and the new filters are a nice addition to the collection.
Surely the first EQ to get after a basic parametric.
C. Allrich
Can't Be Beat.
Should be known, I've been a Waves user for YEARS, and had I known better I would have trashed their emulations of the 1176 for these a long while ago!
I can not stress enough the night and day difference in applying these 3 instead. There's none of that "make-believe" noise floor that Waves thinks we need in our mixes, and the clarity and punch is mind blowing.
I used to harp on UAD for being too expensive, needing their own DSP power, and now I can not live without my UAD arsenal. I've thrown the rest away, Waves, IK Nomad, there's no comparison.
J. Russell
API Vision for Recording with Apollo
As an Apollo owner, I've looked at the record with FX button in the console several times and thought shall I commit or leave my options open. Most times I've chickened out and just monitored with FX, then I've found myself duplicating the setting of the plugins in Pro Tools.
I bought the API Vision plugin thinking this will be particularly great on drums and I was not disappointed.
I had a session a few days ago with a very talented drummer so I set up seven channels of input using Apollo. Kick, Snare Top, Snare bottom, Tom, Overhead left and right and a mono room mic.
It really does sound like you're recording through a console. We did two passes initially, with FX, and without FX to see what the difference was like. Record with FX won
B. Morris
Finding the right compressor
Ive tried a lot of 1176 knock offs and none sound as organic as this version. The free "Legacy" UAD 1176 is decent but I feel like the 1176 bundle gives you more precise control and the attack and release times feel a little different as well. I really dig the AE version that has a 2:1 ratio setting. Another nifty feature for this bundle is that you can hold Shift and click on the ratio to engage "All Buttons In" mode, or the opposite and unselect all ratio buttons and use the input as a drive and Output to level back down if you want to really drive the signal to distortion or just to bring out the transformer sound a bit more.
Definitely a winner on drums and bass. Some vocals work really well with these as well. Must have plug in!
B. Morris
Finding the right compressor
Ive tried a lot of 1176 knock offs and none sound as organic as this version. The free "Legacy" UAD 1176 is decent but I feel like the 1176 bundle gives you more precise control and the attack and release times feel a little different as well. I really dig the AE version that has a 2:1 ratio setting. Another nifty feature for this bundle is that you can hold Shift and click on the ratio to engage "All Buttons In" mode, or the opposite and unselect all ratio buttons and use the input as a drive and Output to level back down if you want to really drive the signal to distortion or just to bring out the transformer sound a bit more.
Definitely a winner on drums and bass. Some vocals work really well with these as well. Must have plug in!
T. Woods
Smooth....just smooth
I haven't had this eq long, but I've been tracking all guitars through the Apollo on the way in with the Studer, followed by the whole Pultec Passive EQ Collection. I only use it for character really. I tame some trouble spots, but for the most part, I'm using it for a color. It does a fantastic job of that. They're great for adding some beef around the instrument they're on. I've never used the hardware version, so I can't compare the two, but my ears say this is a good plug.
H. Makela
API Vision, SSL and NEVE side by side
Inserted my new API Vision Plug-in in Apollo together with SLL and NEVE strips on same channel.
Tweaked them 1 hour for finding best sound from each of these and then started A/B/C comparison - Wow!
API sounds best hands down - the clarity , warmth and punch - this thing sounds amazing!
Was using my U87 mic for combination of vocal and guitar and then also compared them side by side with vocal and guitar individually. Same result.
I own all except few UAD plug-ins and this is by far my favorite one now.
Thank you Universal Audio!
T. Warren
Makes Other plugins sound like child's play
UA plugins are the real deal. Best plugins on the market. Absolutely no comparison.the 1176 & LA-2A package and the Studer A800 are a must have. I use them on every every single session. The quality of the 1176 is superb. Very similar to the hardware. I find myself using Waves less and less and I use the UAD-2 more and more. I will end up owning most of the UAD-2 plugs sooner or later
S. Cavalieri
Great !!!
Love this product use it in all my mixes check it out in
Thanks Universal for the great Job !!!
Sergio Cavalieri
A. Muntner
One of my go-tos
I've never had the real hardware, but these 1176 emulations do everything their namesakes are reputed for - pinning a sound down. Depending on which one you use and how, it can really give a sound some serious edge or make it smooth as silk. It's a go-to for me, on every track.
S. Renius
One step more on the way to analog sound
The Plug has a cool colour of sound and the surface area is super !!! A basic tool for all.
One step more on the way to analog sound.
H. Zwarts
real api sound
This plug in is really my favourite. Sounding warm and round. The coloration of the API sound is perfectly emulated. LOVE IT!
S. Brown
I hate you. I really do !!
I vowed I would not go down the api road, and stayed away from the other api plugins available. I looked at the vision complement and went down the rabbit hole - I tried the 14 day demo. The 14 days turned into 14 minutes and It is living as the standard plug on the apollo console for the drum room lines and I have printed with it and have the greatest confidence as we mix that we will not need much other work. On vocals it - well - sounds - ah - like an api ... what can you say. Anyone who has used the original will find this spot on and the signature sound is so well delivered. We had given serious consideration to an api 1608 but may just stick with this for the time being!
A. Liburd
Teletronix LA-2A Classic Leveler Collection
I have been looking for a compressor to make my vocals, bass guitar and kick drum sit really nicely in my mixes and to give the punch that I been looking for. Now with the purchase of the Teletronix Leveler collection I am able to achieve what I have not been able to achieve with other compressors. I use all three compressors in my mixes and the sound quality of ALL 3 is just amazing! Thank you Universal Audio for these three plugins at such an affordable price.
M. Kartashev
This strip is amazing!
* Mic pre is amazing to get color and hint of saturation stuning on vocals and drums!
* Best gate for precusive sounds on any thing iv tried so far
* Compressor and EQ work as expected easy to get gentle trims and can also be pushed if needed
all in all this strip is a great package of tool thet can help to turn any mix more detailed and special!!