UAD Mix Edition
Customer Reviews
UAD Mix Edition
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O. Ramirez
What can I say?
These 1176 plugins sound so much better than any other 1176 emulation on the market. If you enjoy the sound of the hardware you will definitely enjoy the sound of the plugin. Great Job, UA!
H. Way
What Can I Say!
Simply the best emulation ever! The Waves API 2500 has taken a back seat! This plugin is a must Have!
D. Whittington
This on Bass = Yum
Well, I have Studer A800 which I use on my drums. Oxide finds its way on to my drums depending on what the track calls for but generally, this goes on my synths and sub basses. o.0/.
That is all,
Cheers guys!!! This thing is dirty!!!
M. Meijer
I like the compressor!
I haven't had the time to fully test the eq and unison section yet, but at a quick crash test i noticed that the punchy setting on the compressor works really well! i don't have a lot of plug-ins that get the punch sound just right but this one comes pretty close :)
N. Fiumefreddo
Holy Smokes
Just when I thought I had my bus chain figured out, UA had to go flip my world upside down again. My jaw hit the floor when I got this thing dialed in for the first time. If you are used to using the Waves 2500, prepare to have your head spun. I will never not use this compressor on my bus, or... anything I can really! Do yourself a favor and buy it.
J. Flynn Dale
API 2500
Il this is a true winner in your UAD tool box!
Analog Temperature....
From the polluted digital world to the immaculate analog world :))))))
B. Schulz
The first real API-2500 Plugin
I used other API-2500 Emulation plugins before,but none of them works that extraordinary well as the new UAD API-2500. Congratution UAD! Excellent Sound, nice shaping, character, excellent glue on the mixbus. On of my top favourite Plugins. I am very happy with the plugins in v9 AND that Console 2.0 is there Finally for Apollo Firewire.
D. van Haarlem
"That awesome Tape Sound...": ALSO FOR ON YOUR MASTER TRACK!!!
I Love this one! It is a successful emulation of a famous Studer multitrack recorder and with the many options it has I can sculpt the my mix-tracks exactly to my taste. "Tape" does something other plugins can not achieve (so easily) and the Studer A800 is my new favorite, next to the Ampex ATR-102 of course ;-). I use other tape emulations from Waves and Slate as well, but lately I find myself going for the "UA twins" first :-). Don't forget to try it on your master-track as well; you'll be surprised with the MOJO it can add to your overall mix!
R. Patel
API 2500 inside my Mac :)
UA have done it again, and I'm glad to stand by UA as a long time user of UAD plugins. They nailed the API EQ's, and now they've nailed the compressor. Love the familiar grab, punch and VCA / OpAmp tone of the API 2500. Scary close to an actual 2500, and I look forward to using this new beast in my hybrid chain followed by the API 5500 analog EQ. Well done UA!
Must Have
Awesome sounding compressor.
you dont need a reason to get a lexicon.... depth , richness , lush programs....
G. Jansen van Veuren
Must have!
It is as good as they say! I understand why this is so popular! Very musical reverb for basically any type of instrument and vocal application.
D. Shacallis
As the owner of many 201's over the years this emulation is spot on. I use it on everything where needed.
Great work lads.
I. Giovedì
Fantastic tool for glue your mix and give a specific overall sound direction.
V. Rodrigues
The best.
Top demais tudo da uad.
F. Charpentier
Subtle but really efficient
This studio D Chorus (or Dim' D Rolland, no matter how it's branded...) sounds real great. Don't take it for extreme wide panning guitar doubler or helter-skerter chorus feel, you would be disappointed with it. But if you look for some discrete and efficient tool, you're at the right place. It displays subtle FX which helps to sit a track in a mix and give it some shine and a real place without overflow.
I like to use it on a mono track, with keyboards for instance, when i don't want to use a stereo track. It brings life and a real feeling of space though it remains mono.
Last but not least, I think audio demos really don't highlight its qualities because settings and and choices of uses are too outrageous. Don't stop there and give a try in demo mode for a few days.
C. Holford
Before demoing I really assumed I would be getting the Neve 1073 as one of my first unison preamps, however when I tried them all on different sources I discovered to my surprise that I really preferred the feel and sound of the API Vision. It's super versatile and usable on any source, I have been especially appreciating it so far for tracking vocals. A distinct different flavor from my other available preamps, didn't regret the purchase for a second!
Adds warmth to any track
I put this plugin on almost every track. It gives heft and punch to kicks, brings Organs to life, and is a must use on any synth track, analog or digital. Love it and only cost me $19 after some vouchers.
D. Whittington
The Studer was one of my first purchases and downloads to try out as I wanted to see what all this hype was about. Well, this plugin goes on my kick & snare on every track I make after the Neve 88RS channel. This unit is so tight. Even right from default, it just mats my drums a certain way to flatten some extra digital freqs and gives it a more rounded old vibe. I love to use the EQ to re-raise the hights back in after turning it on, put to 7.5 or 15 depending on the track and VOILA!!! Magic. If you are reading this, also, go try Oxide and put it on your bass and synths !!!!! Even kick n snares. Its a different vibe but also a great one. More punchy and thick. Great contract to Studer so if you are a DJ, you have different sounds in your tracks which helps break up the similar mix types you do.