UAD Mix Edition
Customer Reviews
UAD Mix Edition
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R. Marant
Expande y da profundidad a los sonidos, con agradable calidez. Me gusta esa sensación de espacio!!
A. Thebault
Killer sound
Sounds great on everything I've used it on and is great to use as a Unison plug-in when recording. Really happy with this plug-in!
R. Salay
The best Chorus plugin !
After I touch Brigade Chorus pedal plugin I was in heaven!:) really warm deep beautiful coloring chorus / vibrato effect,wich coloring all of my instruments when i need chorus or vibrato ! Another good work UAD ! thnx :) Richard
T. Spillmann
cool plugin
great chorus for subtile widening
T. Spillmann
I'm loving this
Just a fantastic sound! Works great on guitars and vocals. Would recommend it to anyone
Mix Glue
This is on my Mix Bus more often than not. Wide bandwidth in the low end 60 or 100 Hz both boosting and attenuating, and also giving air around 8 or 10K. Makes it sound like a record. It's the little things that mean a lot. Is there a huge difference between this version and the legacy version? No, not HUGE. But significant enough that I'm glad I spent the money!!!!
A very good Tool
Especially for Vocals. Still learning - but already using it for the Vocals!
O. Marts
this plugin solves all problems with compression
I work in the studio for 25 years. I have a lot of hardware, but this plugin solves all problems with compression
S. Long
Brilliant Chorus!
Great plug-in, very easy to use and the four options give a lot of width. Would definitely recommend.
-. Trips
Does whats its intended to do!
Reminds me alot of my old Boss pedal I had as a kid. Great on guitars, bass and synth.
-. Trips
Still new to me.. but....
I just recently acquired this one, and my first impressions are "versatility". Its going to take some time for me to find where I like using it best, especially with SO many other Compressors in my arsenal, but when demoing this and going back and forth between the Zener, and the Distressor, all which came out relatively close in proximity to one another, I simply couldn't decide, and bought all 3!
I have NO doubt I will put it to good use though as its versatility is likely its finest quality. I will be putting it through its paces on my 2bus asap!
-. Trips
Sound pretty damn good!
Ive been after this one for a while. Sounds great and helps free up my native CPU usage. This one is a classic UA plugin for sure!
H. Andersen
So nice
H. Schmitt
Studio D Chorus - I like to take him for pads and vocals, is in my opinion the best chorus on the UAD platform.
s. shahida
Clean, Spacious and open
Takes me back to the hits of the 80’s
Very pleased w this one
C. Green
NEWBIE turns Pro using uad PLUGINS
I'm a newbie when it comes to UAD all the other plugins sounded like toys to me so I had to make a drastic change when I heard the Pultec EQ in a few others
Must buy.. guaranteed to not be disappointed
A. Martinez del Rio
Excellent Reverb
The sound of this reverb is recorded in the DNA because of the amount of songs and records we have heard in which it is present ...
R. Gun
The colorful and musical
It gives clearly a certain tone to every thing you send trough it.
And it has a lot of different sounds. I miss the warmth of the typical API circuit but that´s ok since it makes your tracks sound good though.
None of other UAD plugins do the same. But do expect a certain POSITIVE destruction :-)
I dislike these new large GUIs, they bomb your small 15" laptop displays.
V. Uhov
Studio D / Dimension D
long looked closely at this plugin. Used P&M Dimension 3D. Tried it was pleasant. Very famously expands voices and instruments. Not so intrusive. But there is depth and volume! Thank you, UAudio! For the opportunity to use so many beautiful instruments! Buy in hardware devices for me is very expensive and problematic ... Thank you