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Customer Reviews

UAD Mix Edition

Overall Rating

6421-6440 of 10595 Results

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N. Brinck

March 27, 2018


any earlier attempt I've heard of the API2500 fades. Seeks and destroys the waves version. Only wish is that the rather heavy DSP load would magically disappear, but I guess it explains why it sounds so good!

T. Hänel

March 27, 2018

Nice Chorus

Really great chorus pedal for guitars, bass & synths!

F. Abel

March 27, 2018

Amazing Tape with beautiful tone!

Maybe the best Tape plugin out there! Beatiful tone, distortion. It is more simple to use than the Ampex or Studer, but it sounds really BIIIIIG! Thanks UAD

F. Abel

March 27, 2018

Amazing Tape with beautiful tone!

Maybe the best Tape plugin out there! Beatiful tone, distortion. It is more simple to use than the Ampex or Studer, but it sounds really BIIIIIG! Thanks UAD

M. Maroulakos

March 26, 2018

Worth trying

This plug certainly does the trick

M. Schultz

March 26, 2018


I was second guessing the purchase almost immediately. I love Softube’s Tape and was wondering why I thought I might need another. Fortunately, the more I use Oxide, the more I’m coming to appreciate its strengths. It’s a little more forgiving with gain staging and excels at adding weight while Tape works exceptionally well at the top end. Not redundant at all. I applied both to a vocal bus this past weekend, and they complement each other quite nicely.


March 26, 2018


This was a natural sounding reverb. I used it on feedle and acoustic guitar and was so happy..... Recommand !!!!!

J. Lanzas

March 25, 2018

Wonderful Character!!

I've extensively used several 1176 and 1176 Style compressors both HW and SW. And i can Honestly say, THESE GUYS ARE AMAZING!, By far my favorite compressor collection. And they have such different characters and vibe. MUST HAVE for every producer/engineer.

J. Ivarsson Björklund

March 25, 2018


... better than most plugins I’ve tested. Looks great too!

F. Doria

March 25, 2018

Bellissimo Chorus

Ottimo pedale dal suono davvero realistico. Perfetto per arpeggi e ottimo anche con le distorsioni. Consigliatissimo

B. Sullivan

March 24, 2018

I don't have to even think about it!

These are my go to compressors while either tracking or mixing! Putting them on an insert in Console, makes it easier when I'm tracking, and adding them in my DAW when I'm mixing, makes me not have to really think about compression! The presets are musically MAGICAL! The LN (that 4:1 ratio does something to me) is my absolute favorite! It takes care of R&B, jazz and Latin sessions with such ease, that I don't have to even think about it! It reminds me of my compressor section on my 6176! Very smooth.

J. Sillanpää

March 24, 2018

Subtle & simple

Oxide is a simple way to add tape saturation to tracks. There isn't a wholelotta options, but the sounds you get are well worth the price of admission.

C. Rivard

March 23, 2018

Needed This

First notes on the brigade chorus and Fender '55 tweed made me grin big. Then soon after hit on the exact Cure sound. I just use the presets, the controls don't seem to be very user friendly. But that's what manuals are for.

S. Bakas

March 23, 2018

Always use this compressors!

Amazing sounding compressors they are one way or another in every production of mine!
Amazing work UA!

P. Radivojevic

March 23, 2018

Simple but powerful tape magic for vocals

I love the sound and simplicity of Oxide Tape Recorder plugin. It sits on my vocals bus as last plugin in chain and all the magic happens.
Beautiful saturation, warmth, and opens vocals wonderfully. There is also some lovely width I can't describe, but the minute I bypass Oxide it sounds flat.
I don't know what magic UA put behind it and I don't care :) Oxide Tape Recorder is a must have for me.

r. kitikora

March 22, 2018



M. Silverman

March 20, 2018

API Vission

Combine this with any UAD tape and you're as close as you can get to analogue. It's that simple. My tracks never sounded so 3D. Brilliant. Love you UAD!

H. Kim

March 19, 2018

말 그대로 코러스.

복잡한 조작 없이 가벼운 코러스 효과를 주고 싶을 때 바로 원하는 소리를 만들어줍니다. 각각 다른 버튼 조합도 가능해서 몇 가지 없는 조작 치고는 폭넓은 톤메이킹이 가능합니다. 코러스 트랙 버스나 피아노, 스트링 앰비언스 등에 사용하고 있습니다.

H. Kim

March 19, 2018

어디를 가도 있는 컴프레서이지만 몇개가 있어도 모자라는 컴프레서.

전 세계 스튜디오에 수없이 보급되어 있는 만큼 개체에 따라서 특성도 천차만별이지만, 상태 좋은 1176을 조작할 때의 평균적인 캐릭터를 상당히 완벽하게 재현한 플러그인입니다. 믹스의 규모가 커질수록 많은 수를 필요로 하는 컴프레서인데 플러그인으로 존재한다는 것은 믹스의 자유도를 높이고 시간을 절약하는데 큰 도움이 됩니다.

B. Stallings

March 19, 2018

I’m In Love!

I’ve been looking for a good quality tape emulation plug-in for a good 2 years or so! So, after I purchased my new UA Apollo Twin, and read some reviews on the Oxide Tape, I decided to purchase it with my promo code(s). I got Oxide at no cost (thanks, UA!), but after using it in my mixes on vocals, piano, strings, etc. I Absolutely Love what it brings to my tracks!! It does exactly what it’s supposed to do, and you really can hear the difference it makes; it’s authentic, polished (or grimy if you really want to push it up!), and so Amazingly easy to use and dial in your saturation amount. It’s really inspirational to work with, and you truly get the feeling that you’re working with an Amazing, Historic analog 2 inch tape hardware reel. Knowing what I know now, I’d have paid considerably more than the current price. If you’re curious, or even dubious, give it a try - you will not regret it for a second! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

6421-6440 of 10595 Results