UAD Mix Edition
Customer Reviews
UAD Mix Edition
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T. James
Musical favourite!
One among the most musical EQs that I’ve used. The mastering EQ especially lives on my master channel.
J. Pena
Just really good
The very first thing I used this on when I got the demo was on vocals for a old style bluesy rock song. I had to mess with it for a little to get a sound I liked, but when I got it there, it sounded really good. It sounded like the vocal and reverb just blended into each other in a way that I never got from any other reverb plugin that I own. By the way for me to get that sound I send a slap delay (galaxy echo) into the reverb, and I also blended in a little bit of the pure plate verb. After I heard that, I purchased the 224 the next day.
A. Pradier
Excellente Reverb!
Il y a pas à dire, cette reverb sonne très bien et elle est très flexible sur les voix et instruments.
Comme d'habitude avec la qualité UAD.
Je vous la recommande.
G. Pigman
Jot to the Ears
Beautiful, simple and a delight to add echo and reverb to give tracks full depth and dimension.
Not to mention, its green !
a. atheer
Wonderful products, characterized by precision and giving a very beautiful color and flavor.
B. Hjörleifsson
Vibe and shine
A. Gek
I love 76 comp
I really liked this compressor with its legendary and expensive sound, it sounds much better than the compressor from the Waves company.
M. Woods
I just run my vocals through the Lexicon 224 Digital Reverb…job done!
I don’t spend a lot of time tweaking parameters..no need..default is excellent..just take it out of solo . The soundscape possibilities are endless.
L. walle
Top plugin
A. Giroux
I use often on mandolin tracks
J. Worth
A useful tool !
The Brigade Chorus plugin works well.....easily adjusts the pitch and also slightly delays the pitch and then mixed back into the original guitar signal... creating the sound of a several guitars simultaneously creating a wider, thicker and richer sound. A useful tool indeed !
S. Apted
Amazingly accurate.
These plug-ins are insanely accurate, to the point where most people would not know the difference between this plug-in and the real thing. I A physical 1176 and have a beat them and found there to be very little difference. An excellent plug-in that everyone should own.
G. Hebert
Five star
I just bought this plugin and I'm blown away by the difference compared to other Lexicon plugins out there. It's a game-changer, I love it !!
D. Lewis
Clean and Accurate!!!
This plugin gives me clarity and the true reverb behind anything I put in front of it .. from vocals to instruments!! Use this in EVERY session!!
D. Lewis
Amazing! And Warm!
This plugin sounds amazing with guitar and vocals!! It’s being used in one of my betas as we speak!
S. Sotiriadis
Amazing Staff
E. Carlsson
Amazing width and depth
T. Godoy
the best
This is the best channel strip plugin I've ever used, i love UAD
s. ayton
Nice vibe
Great historical piece and insight into the foundation of verb. Easy to do this with many other plugs but such a nice thing to use. Really like this but has very limited use personally cos I’m not often asked to get a Motown sound but will use it for music education.
s. ayton
Really worthwhile
Not required of you have an outboard Lexicon of any standing, just use an insert and introduce your old effects unit into your workflow. Even an old LXP1 or Alex had this vibe. Gets the PCM70
Vibe though which is a lovely flavor.
I preferred it to the 480L when you want to really hear the reverb but the 480L lets you create incredibly long sound design type tails. You don’t need this though if you use Convology XT (free) or any other IR reverb so it’s really for those who always wanted a 480L which I am one too. I do really like the interface with the faders right there, you can’t get around the research that was done into the original user interface but falls short in that midi control should be implemented clearly so you can assign controls to emulate this workflow. Bigtime missed opportunity here but that’s the problem with the plugin world. Not enough synergy between the tactile and mouse worlds. Anyway, it’s the UAD reverb plugin to get for the old school studio reverb unit vibe.