Thermionic Culture Vulture
Customer Reviews
Thermionic Culture Vulture
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d. snyder
Rich Saturation
I was interested in this plug-in because I wanted to see what kind of warmth and saturation it could offer. After using it on several tracks, (bass and drums) I realized that this is what I needed to add that golden saturated edge to distorted guitars or drums. I'm going to experiment more with it, but I have used it in conjunction with the fatso, and was impressed with the results. Since I have the Apollo, I don't have to worry about DSP, but if I didn't I would print and bounce the tracks to save on DSP. If you want warmth and saturation, I would demo the unit. It is quite cool.
A good friend of mine has the hardware version and has used in on a few my morning jacket albums.... he loves it. they love it.... now I love it!
J. Skouborg
Review based on demo
Sorry guys, but this one is a miss. I have many other plug ins from UA that I really love, but this one just sounds.. terrible...
S. Goodison
Very happy with this!
There seems to be a lot of negative reviews for this plugin and I don't know why. I love using it on bass and anything with super high end information like overheads. It really shines for parallel use. Kick, snare, vocals, guitars and bass all benefit from some of this added in to the path in parallel. Very happy with it, the only thing I don't like is how much CPU it takes up, but I tend to have it first in the chain on instruments so it's easy enough to print and then disable.
Cherry on top
For subtle fatness on the st bus.. Deep vibes.. Nothing like it to add money to the mix
How underrated !!!
Although I collect UAD-plugin after UAD-plugin with much satisfaction, nothing -- nothing !!! --
made me more smile with joy than the thermionic culture vulture plugin. This damned little thing seems
to awake alive even the very dead. For me it is a miracle what it can do, in particular when applied in tiny
homeopathic doses to, say two or three, relevant tracks of a mix. In the reviews this plugin is sometimes underrated.
If a signals goes in with - 4 dB, usually, to make it shine, I only apply 5-20 % of the distortion carefully
counterbalanced by the bias knob. Only for weaker signals or for "dirt effects" I go higher up.
Those who don't take care of this will be not pleased by this wonderful plugin.
H. Zwarts
Sounds just awesome and is not like all other distortion plug in.
You should only use a little of it to make it sound great.
don´t get tape...
...get this! The perfect glue plugin. Soft saturation or a nice amount of dirt, here you go. I´m not into the heavy distortion setups - didn´t need them so far! Very warm. I love the mix knob! Needs a lot of processing power, but for good reason! I really like to hear it on lots of things, my favorite is drums. Even used it on synth strings. They got way warmer and more natural!
i. babayoff
Fixing my previous review. 6 stars.
I wrote in my previous review : "I love your plugs, they are 85-100% of my Mixes. But... this one have way to much DSP consumption. so its not a real option for me no matter how good it sounds. Sorry". gave it one star. u can find this review down the line.
after checking this plug out i decides to buy an octo to enhance my quad+duo.
amazing plugin. no other word to describe it.
M. Redlich
Possibly the best plugin UA make
This is one of the most analog sounding, musical, versatile and useful tools ive ever bought, software OR hardware. It has become indispensable for my mixes and im yet to find a category of sound on which it does not work. I see some people are saying the hardware is better. Well man, it must be seriously magical then because this is about as good as it gets in plugin land. I rarely go near presets but Ive also found these presets to be amazingly well made and great places to start from.
To all those complaining about its DSP usage, either buy more DSP or live with what youv'e got. Good things cost money. Deal with it. Thankyou UA for choosing sound over instance count. Were in the business of making better sound, not more of it.
O. Dawson
Culture Vulture review.
Love this unit. The distortion has a lot of character; and even at low gain, adds a lot of character and depth. Top end is not harsh, and doesn't mess with the low end either. Use it on bass, drums, guitar, vocals... whatever.
G. Piazza
Real tube dynamics
I spent a lot of time comparing it to Trash, Ozone Exciter, bx_saturator, Voxengo Varisaturator & Decapacitator. Each has its place, but only the CV has that dynamic tube response. On a mix with a few overload moments, only the CV (in Triode) smoothed them out instead of bringing them forward. True, the usable drive & bias ranges are kinda narrow for subtle applications, but the sweet spot has a 'hardware' sound that none of the others can achieve. Try the demo! This and the VSM blow away every other 'distortion' plugin I've worked with.
M. Penn
Soooo Awesome!!!
This is the Truth!! Very Happy with the New Culture Vulture, it definitely delivers that warmth/Grit/Distortion you need for bass, Drum , Guitars or Vocals etc.
Looking for a Distressor Next UA, "Hint" "Hint" ;-)
K. Schade
Great on synths
I never saw or used the original device but this is the first digital overdrive plugin I am happy to use in my mainly analog setup. Try this on a Moog bass, amazing.
M. Fair
Beast mode!
I love the Culture Vulture. Especially for producing EDM, it brings new life to synth sounds that were sounding a bit dull. Sometimes I'll pull up a preset and go through some synth patches with the CV enabled ... It feels like I just purchased a new synth when I do that. This thing is awesome. Yes, it's a bit power hungry, but worth every penny. I don't use it on every track, but I wish I could. LOL
D. Tarqua
Thermionic Culture Vulture Review by D.Tarqua
I bought the plugin as I was looking for a very special Guitar Sound that I could not get with the Amp simulations and it worked fantastic. I was looking for a overdriven distorted but highly sophisticated sound not a Heavy Metal sound. The Thermonic provided exactly the controls I needed to do this. In the meantime I use it not only on guitars but on a variety of instruments and even vocals to add spice or richness to the sounds. Just used it on a Hamond and that was just gorgeous to emphasize the Hammond Sound even more.
What I did notice tough is that I primarily use the P1 distortion sound as I actually don’t seem to like the others. I try them often but then always revert to the P1.
I love it :-)
G. Hadfield
Emperor's new clothes?
After hearing the online demos, and trying out a working demo briefly I made a snap judgement that we had an Emperor's new clothes device here. People were saying it was amazing, to-die-for, best distortion ever. I slapped it down and cranked it up and thought it sounded cheap and nasty and walked away. After seeing the hugely positive and hugely negative reviews coming in, I assumed it was a Marmite machine (you love it or you hate it). But I was tempted to try it out again. This time I used much more subtle settings with mix set very dry on electric piano and I was sold. The electric piano had more character and colour and more significantly it suddenly just sat in the mix like slipping into a comfortable sofa. I was sold.
P. Geiser
my absolute favorite plugin that i've gotten from Universal audio. super duper colorful and powerful. not a crazy amount of flexibility but still very useful and exciting
A. Booth
flexible and brilliant
Since getting this plug-in I've wanted to use it on pretty much everything (shame about the high DSP count). It's super flexible from really minimal distortion to massive amounts with great features on it like the mix and filter options. This has been sat on my master bus since I got in on all the projects I'm currently mixing and it's really important to the sound that I'm getting.
J. Schmidt-hambrock
Very inspiring!
Lots of pleasant surprises in the Vulture.
Did not have to fight it at all. Lots of sounds that I had not imagined - but ended up using.
Very responsive for bass-playing (my use #1) and in the mix for all kinds of things (use #2).
I am suddenly tempted to take a computer to my gigs. Never did that before.