Teletronix® LA-2A Classic Leveler Collection
Customer Reviews
Teletronix® LA-2A Leveler Collection
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L. Kenward
Just about every software company has made a version of this unit for the last 15+ years. Having recently discovered UAD the LA2 was one of the first things I tried and it's a proof of concept, this sounds as good as any compressor you can find.
P. Perfetto
Huge sounding
These are a great set of tools for getting analog warmth and color to your parts of your song. The silver is my favorite, with the modern tone and clarity. Its worth it, I use these in every session for mixing. I highly recommend getting this collection.
try it on the final mix bus
few words needed: simple & powerful
J. Johnson II
I use the LA-2A on any and everything. Especially vocals! Love it. Don't do any audio without it. BUY IT!
L. Zechinato
I finally had the chance to put the LA-2A Silver through its paces for mastering work. I needed A transparent limiter at the end of my mastering chain for a project. I've never used the hardware version, so I didn't have a frame of reference for comparing it to the "real" thing. But I definitely knew what I was going for. The tracks for mastering were already fairly hot gain-wise, and almost none needed any squeezing. I just needed to tame the transients. Boom! Perfect. Once I got a feel for how the Gain and Peak Reduction interact while in Limiter mode, it was VERY easy to dial in the right amount per track.
The funny part to me (about me) is that I'm an early adopter always looking toward the bleeding edge. I own 80% of the UAD-2 plugin catalogue at this point. I did a LOT of reading about hardware compressors, limiters, and EQs. I spent a LOT of time reading reviews of the UAD-2 plugins I own -- plugin counterparts to the hardware. I did not read up on was the LA-2A hardware, though I knew it's a serious classic. I didn't bother reading the uaudio reviews of the plugin version, either. So, it's a little ironic that it all came down to the LA-2A plugin, and how perfect it has been for my mastering chain.
Great plugin bundle! The price is a steal compared to the hardware.
J. Mage
Worth the upgrade
for those of you wondering if it's worth it to upgrade for the legacy version; Yeah. While the legacy version is a great workhorse, the nonlinearities added in the uad2 version are fabulous on such sources as lead vocals and bass...just makes these instruments stand out and brings out the vibe of the source.
b. forbes
Real Optical Compression right inside the BOX.
Expand your mind... there it is... right in front of you.... reach out and grab it... can you taste the optics? Listen to that gooey guitar... smooth vocal... Perfect Bass GRAB... Its here now...
F. Abel
Amazing Vocal Compressor
I tried another LA2A compressor plugins for years, and this is so far the real hardware in plugin. Perfect in vocals, pianos, ac guitar! Super smooth sounds. Thanks for this update Uaudio!
A. Etienne
This is by far the best plugin emulation in this time era. I love it on everything. Specially vocals. But give it a try if you're on the fence.
T. Spaniel
Should be standard in every studio
P. Aitchison
Analoge Gold in all it's Digital Splendour!
What can I say about the Legendary LA-2A and this amazing plugin version that hasn't already been said...nothing much.
It's the workhorse compressor everyone needs and loves. But it.
A. West
Pristine Quality and Realistic
It's all been said so I will just say this is as close as your going to get without spending a few G's on a hardware version. It is a must have for everything from Vocals, Acoustic Guitar to Drums, Bass and Lead Guitar or Piano! You need this to get that sound.
D. Maurer
as good as you think
C. Azarcon
Truly a classic!
Great plugins which gives your tracks the analog feel
P. King
Real or not...?
Can barely tell the difference between the tone of this and the original low serial LA-2A that Ive had for years. I'll always love the hardware, but now I can run as many as I need on a session!
The only downside is these plugins don't quite seem to have the 'sweet spot' that an original LA-2A has, when you hit the right spot and the tone just jumps out catches your ears.
B. Valencia
Gave up my hardware.
I was so impressed with the UAD LA2A collection that I sold my hardware unit (Wa2a). The quality, channel count, and work flow is what sold me. I do somewhat miss having physical knobs to turn but for the mobility and quality it just makes sense to have a great ITB option. Love it!
V. Ghislain
Simple d'utilisation et très efficace.
J'ai acheté ce plug après l'avoir utilisé des dizaines de fois en version legacy.
Le plus est sa simplicité d'utilisation.
Je l'utilise beaucoup sur des synthés (surtout sur les nappes de synthé) et le résultat est au rendez-vous.
Je peux l'utiliser également sur d'autres instruments (TOM de batterie par exemple) couplés avec le 1176, le duo est vraiment saisissant.
Ayant la version Legacy, j'ai beaucoup hésité mais je ne suis vraiment pas déçu de cet achat.
B. Thal
A definite go-to.
I very much enjoy what this trio does. Each version of the LA-2A has it's own distinct character. Each one is extremely musical. It's great on just about anything. When you get to this level of quality it's not so much a question anymore of whether it's good or not, but rather what kind of colors or flavors you want in your mix.
D. Miller
Excellent vintage sounds
I've been putting it on the stereo out to give the song that extra vibe and this always delivers. Really beautiful analog character, thanks UA!
M. Guillen
Great Sounding Compressor!
I love what this thing does to my source, it does it like no other plugin I have heard, the fact that I can have 3 different flavors is really nice!