Sonnox® Oxford Inflator
Customer Reviews
Sonnox® Oxford Inflator
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I. Duarte
I like it, but not that much
I agree that Sonnox things rock, but I really don't see anything special about this one. Ok, it sounds good, but I can achieve it's results very fast and many times I think things sound better without it. Maybe I am doing something wrong, or maybe I don't know how to use it. Anyways, it may be my fault.
Good that I have it, bad that I will use who knows when...
T. Herman
Works like it should....
Nice filler.....
I recommend it :)
t. lala
great tool for all tracks
great tool for all tracks, i love it!
n. sonmez
well,been using the cracked one for a while,but when i heard the uad oxford inflator there was no option.then i downloaded the demo from sonnox again there was no option exellent plugin.well done uad
R. Bowling
Its a great way to tweak & do little things or bigger things
B. Bell
This is my GO TO maximizer for a reason
If you master your own tracks for clients at the end of mix sessions look no further. All you have to do is Gain control the mix for -14VU and keep the input/output of this plugin stationary. Next, work with the controls for Effect and Curve. Third, make sure to adjust output for a solid A/B comparison. Trust me you will want it in your chain from now on.
N. Zande
This plugin is one of the best plugins I Own at the moment
D. Roberts
I bought this plug as it's one I've had my eye for some time now, since demoing it and when it came up with the discount I pounced on it. Hell am I glad that I did, it's incredibly easy to use and I insert it without a thought on my mixbus for all my sessions, as it gives a wonderful lift in clarity, not to mention volume when I'm at the "mastering" point of the mix. I genuinely feel I can deliver at a volume to the customer that it real broadcast Level with it, while at the same time knowing I'm not compromising the integrity of the audio content:). BBBOOOOOOMMMM!!! ✋️
K. Gilroy
It truly is. I did extensive research and testing and there’s no doubt that, not only is the Inflator the best at what it does, it’s a secret weapon used for many years. There’s nothing that can replace it.
If you want anything to sound better and louder with very little gain on the meters, this is your gold!
You will use this plugin on everything…ALL THE TIME. TOP 10! Go search the Web. – GILROY
A. Navarro
Si grabas voces que luego mezclas con música, como es mi caso, este plugin dará el toque final a tu grabación, que marcará la diferencia con el resto. Es justo lo que buscaba desde hacia tiempo para nivelar mis grabaciones. Gracias a Universal Audio!!!.
If you record voices that you then mix with music, as is my case, this plugin will give the final touch to your recording, which will make a difference with the rest. It's just what I've been looking for since time to level my recordings. Thanks to Universal Audio !!!
Sonnox Oxford Inflators
Plugin truly adds a special touch to my mixes that eq'ing alone cannot complete. It does what it says in the discription and simply makes my mixes sound professional. JC Music
J. Viretto
Awesomeness in any way
Busses, mix bus, solo intrument... works great in any situation! Helps giving consistance to any source, glues elements together (drums or mix bus), adds puch ad definition. One of my go-to plug-in for mixing and mastering
M. Yam Moller
Unique plugin
Does one thing that nothing else can do.
L. Alban
Fabulous !
Extreme Sound Design
I'm using this awesome plugin for sound design combined with extreme eq and distortion!
T. Høirup
A classic
Must-have. Classic. Epic.
S. Anastasov
Easy and Helpful
This thing is really great, especially when you are not a super sound director. Its easy to use and It does something like saturate/compression/color, its sounds nice and you cannot overdose it. Of course there are a limit, but even with the rookie ears you will hear it. Works equally well on a master bus or just a one track.
Tight ´n´ Glue
Love it on my 2bus. With the curve-fader you can really adapt it to every type of mix. It really punches!
D. Nakonechny
Incredible Clarity and Depth.
I find myself using this pretty much on all my mastering projects for that extra dynamic and boost. Its very clean and adds a sonic characteristic that no other plugin or hardware has been able to emulate for me. However aside from mastering I have used it on acoustic guitar, drums & even vocals when they need that little extra shine. I recommend it.
L. Salazar
Really like this plugin, used it for about a year now and I'm thinking of buying the Oxford Limiter as well. I put this in my master bus before hitting a brick wall limiter (Waves L2). I'm able to get the song sounding loud enough that I hardly need to enhance it any more with the L2, just limiting.