Sonnox® Oxford Inflator
Customer Reviews
Sonnox® Oxford Inflator
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M. Felber
Perfekt for UAD Spark
Please add it to Spark
M. alsuliman
Exford inflator
Gives the drums, musicians and master a beautiful and new texture
X. Vang
It adds a depth, a loudness that's gentle.
This really works good for my style of music. Italo, Synthetic and epic drums. It adds a few loudness to the overall without losing the target purpose of everything in the mix. My only issue is that it loads very slowly and sometimes stalls when loading it. None of the other plugins to this. I am patient so it's fine for now.
J. Eggert
It’s old … but it’s great
Whenever I need to get a bit clarity in a mix or on a track then I try to put this on and in 90% of the cases or +95% it actually works. I would love to have the native version (that’s why it’s a 4 star)
D. Gill
Adding Shine
Perfect for use on the mix bus to bring out saturation.
G. Spiridion
Good plugin
I had a sonnox version and bought the UAD version.
A great plugin to use in many situations in a mix
S. Saied
Sonic Protein
It's hard to explain the sonic qualities this plugin imparts but when used correctly and sparingly, this adds something more than just perceived volume. You can really go from one extreme to another with this plugin.
l. marques
Lourival No Beat
eu uso ele em todas as minhas Master, realmente faz aquele diferença no Clipe
Porém eu sinto falta ele de usar NATIVO, era bom comprar ele, e ativar modo Nativo também
l. marques
Lourival No Beat
eu uso ele em todas as minhas Master, realmente faz aquele diferença no Clipe
Porém eu sinto falta ele de usar NATIVO, era bom comprar ele, e ativar modo Nativo também
D. Gashi
Amazing plugin!
I really like this plugin, but I miss having a native version since I work in different studios a lot.
Nice sound! Favorite plugin!
树. 陈
Sonnox® Oxford Inflator
I cant use them
I cant use them i bouught them to use them in an other pc with a SSL INTERFACE and they dont work
J. Fathali
Top-tier seriously impressive and useful tool. Great job!
P. Motyczak
Always there
Inflator is always on my mix buss. Warm rich nalog fatness.
G. Healey
Easy to use.
Gives that little bit extra (or even a lot) when you need/want it. Very easy to use and offers great control. Another useful tool to have in the box. Can bring its own warmth and characteristics.
S. Tanner
My to go Plug-In since the TC Powercore (R.I.P)
The famous Sonnox Oxford Inflator I am using in every production on nearly every Channel! It is my secret weapon since 2002! I own it for the Powercore, Native and now for the UAD2. Why? Because I can! :-) No... Seriously: On Garage-Band it works only with the UAD2 Version. That's why!
I. Sveinungsen
This I love on my mix buss. It gives an overall flavor of clearness to the sound I like a lot.
One of my favorite plugs.... Mvh. Roy co/ Himlalyd
J. Kelly
Fairy dust!!
sprinkle sprinkle!!
J. Kelly
Fairy dust!!
sprinkle sprinkle!!