Neve® Complete Bundle
Customer Reviews
Neve Complete Bundle
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There are no words to describe the pleasure I get from using this preamp
M. Clay
Have purchased it and now have everything Neve by UAD. The 1084 I used on a vocal recording last night with a NemannTLM 103 Mic as unison. It's lovely. Getting some really nice whisps. My voice is not sibilant and prone to clashing in the bass frequencies and being muddied out. This mic in combination with the 1084 is cutting through the mix clearly now. A very nicely sculpted top end with no added top end eq boost requirred at all and not even any bottom end removal. This is the first time I have not had to cut or add on my vocal. This is the pre amp for my vocals. Many thanks.
J. Garcia
Perfect timing
Always wanted this particular plugin from UAD. Was just about to purchase the 1073 and this was announced. Excellent sounds. Pair with a Distressor and you're in business
M. James
Can't believe the Neve...is so good.
I decided to demo this thinking it wouldn't really be something I would end up buying 'cause I have other options already. The first thing I did ,just to see that it was working ok , was to drop it on a drum buss and selected one of the drum presets. Boom ! I was sold straight away , it made the drums sound amazing without any effort . Then moved onto vocals and guitars and so easy to get a good tone and quickly. The 1073 & Eq is a no brainer.
O. Knight
So, I purchased this without demoing as I have faith in UA and their ability to deliver stunningly real emulations.
Not disappointed in the slightest. The air in the highs, the bite of the mid and the warm low end. When pushed is saturates and passes into distortion beautifully
Full, forward and undoubtedly analogue.
R. Thomas
The Holy Grail of Channel Strips
Just when I thought API and SSL was the best. I finally tried the Neve channel strip and I’ve never heard a channel strip so clean in my life from no developer. The Neve channel strip is the best by far. I brought it immediately after I demoed it. All you need to do is chain it with the 1. Ampex Tape 2. LA-2A “Silver” 3. 1176 Rev & 4. Neve Channel strip in that order. And you can’t go wrong with vocals
R. Thomas
Took me by surprise
I started off using the API channel strip & SSL E channel strip. And I thought it couldn’t get no better. “So I thought”... Finally one day I told my self well let me Demo this Neve channel strip and OMG the cleanliness of this channel strip is unlike anything I’ve ever heard API and SSL is good but they both are to analogy in my opinion. But the Neve channel strip is perfect for Vocals it’s just so clean and ampy! Chain the neve channel strip with 1. Ampex Tape 2. LA-2A “Silver” 3. 1176 Rev and last 4. Neve channel strip!! You will never change your vocal chain ever again!!!
J. Dockerty
Legendary Addition
Great addition to the Neve Summing inside LUNA, been waiting for this for ages. Much prefer the 1084 to the 1073 EQ wise as it has more options
S. Osman
instant gratification
I had to question my ears at first as it seemed too good to be true ... but it really is amazing.
I just tried the 1084 on a vocal and on a master track of a drum kit. I especially love the high shelving. It adds the silky top on a vocal, and brings a drum kit to life. It is so musical. There is nothing electronic sounding about it. I was also able to do a quick vocal recording test with it. I added an 1176 Rev A, into an LA-2A G to complete the chain. Awesome for adding that analog 'air' on top. I love it!
A. Davila
I actually picked up a BAE 1084 a few weeks ago and absolutely love it. Also own uad's 1073 plugin and love it as well, knew it was only a matter of time before UAD made the 1084 - and now here it is, and it's nothing short of amazing. Another highly, highly usable and valuable asset to the "team" hahah!
amazing work from uad!
R. Gilcreast
Very Musical Sounding... Mixture of the 1073 & 1081 put together
If you are looking for the right EQ points in a preamp, this is your go to desert island pre. The EQ ban's are amazing and very dope on vocals. Also lets not forget its amazing on drum tracking, bass , and acoustic guitars. Will recommend using this during recording tracking sessions or studio session mixes.
Peace and love
K-R.O.K from P.M. Dawn
T. Hicks
Easy fix
The pre is easy to dial in and control and can be useful when used judiciously - depends what you want.
J. Migchelsen
o. carreiro
pour le Jazz
pré ampli redoutable. je l'utilise avec un guitare archtop directement plugée dedans. chaleur et rondeur au rendez vous!
M. Hurley
Impressively versatile
I got this for my vocal chain and was surprised how great it sounds on everything else. I can see why users with tons of DSP put it on every channel.
P. Daly
88RS - Neve Channel Strip
Pairing the Legacy Channel with 1073 (Pre only) or Neve Preamp in UNISON slot is a winning combination :)
All the control you could need for most sources.
B. McClain
Best virtual preamp I’ve ever used!
!Si Señor!
Un autentico sonido de Preamp Neave, espectacular sonido para grabación de voces y bajos a linea directa. Tambien ofrece gran versatilidad para utilizar como inserto de canal y modelar el sonido!
!Si Señor!
Un autentico sonido de Preamp Neave, espectacular sonido para grabación de voces y bajos a linea directa. Tambien ofrece gran versatilidad para utilizar como inserto de canal y modelar el sonido!