Neve® Complete Bundle
Customer Reviews
Neve Complete Bundle
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R. Pelletier
Useful Great Sound!
I was gonna go for the 1073 but did the trial on this and can't live without the magic it produces! This thing is so easy to use and my acoustic tracks come alive. Tough to explain until it's not on your track and you hear the magic it creates. So easy to use as well.
It's on a lot of my tracks now, money well spent!
C. Vazquez
A lot of tone in a small package
This worked great when I was limited on DSP! Still use it to track sometimes but If you’re on a budget I recommend it!
K. Matus
The best plugin preamp I tried so far
With this preamp you may record everything in perfect quality!
N. Ibañez
Great pre amp
There is no simpler pre amp to use than de Neve preamp. Great tool to achieve saturated sounds!
I. Pakkala
Great pramp!
I have been fortunate to combine my profession as a doctor with my lifelong hobby and passion in Music. I am now a specialist in my profession and an MD, PhD, but my most fond memories include performing and recording in traditional analog Studios. In my opininion UA HSS totally nailed the sounds, and my personal favorite has to be Neve 1073. No mather whether I am tracking guitar, bass, cello or my feeble voice, this amazing plugin does just the job. It sounds amazing, but it is not any more flattering than its hardware version, which is flattering enough. Big respect to UA!
F. Eder
You can never go wrong with a NEVE
Amazing sound! Very clear highs and fat bottom end. Impressed!
F. Ruiz
Neve Preamp
Having worked with this plug in I am super excited as to the sounds I am getting out of this preamp. looking forward to more recordings.
F. Ruiz
Neve Preamp
Having worked with this plug in I am super excited as to the sounds I am getting out of this preamp. looking forward to more recordings.
C. Stylianides
1073 Preamp & EQ
Clarity, Character, Analog feel!!This guy has it all!Love it:D
D. Bethell
Great Plug in Heavy DSP Load
I suppose it's the trade off (Especially on a UAD2 Duo) but I can only get 2 instances of this plugin before it deactivates. Great plugin though.
R. Campo
Crystal Clear
This preamp is awesome, the clarity is great!!!
M. Hunt
Great pre
I was on the fence about buying this or the neve pre. I will say they do sound different. I tried both and compared the 2. Ultimately I went with the 1073eq. It has a bigger sound to me. Plus the added addition of the eq. I compared both with my WA273eq and The 1073eq got me comparable results. They both sounded very similar. Had the same weight to it's sound. I wanted to add the neve 1073 so that I have a similar pre in my x6 as my wa273. Not having any experience with a real neve pre I can't compare but will say this pre is dead on to the sound I get with my wa273. 4 stars because of price. I would wait for it to go on sale.
M. Vera Sánchez
Se nota algo?
Pues si, se nota. Cuando lo activas notas ese timbre mucho más claro y con más definición, aporta carácter.
O. Yona
Uad is the best!
E. Peguero
Neve Preamp
Great Plugin. ***** 5 stars
R. Luebke
Tested the demo and bought it immediately. I love the Neve 1073 but the 1084 is even better. It has great presets for a quick workflow. 5 stars
M. Clark
So Good!
I was Blown away by the clarity and smooth high end using the new 1084. As a Unison pre it is a welcome addition to the collection. Thanks guys and gals at Universal Audio!
G. Erickson
A tool that has my back.
Downloaded this while starting a new record yesterday and switched from the 1073 to this right when I started tracking.
The entire day we were blown away on the flexibility of the EQ with the drive options The pre is capable of.
In one session I used the 1084 with these mics:
SM-7, Vintage 1952 Shure Ribbon, Ear Trumpet Labs Josephine, Royer SF-24, 421, Earthworks QTC 40 and a 57.
Recording these sources: Tele, Strat through a Vibrolux, Collings D2-H, Yamaha Nylon String, Danolectro Bass D.I and Male Vocals.
Amazing. Really. So versatile and yet simple and out of the way.
Added such great attitude to the SM-7 and the SF-24 was in heaven. Stereo, 3D lifelike Sound.
My client was so happy and played better.
The filters were so great to button things up and keep the ribbon hiss at bay.
I look forward to many more sessions with this pre/strip having my back.
Also, one note to the haters here. UA is running a business and providing a service that WE the users can buy into or not. Unless you have ever spent the money it takes to own and upkeep a real rack of mic Pres you have no idea what a deal $300 is for this strip that you can use on MULTIPLE CHANNELS. I remember spending $3,000 back in the day just to have all api for my Tom channels on a drum kit.
This is a great addition to the the UA family. Glad to keep supporting a company who is making it easier to capture great music.
B. Schulz
Highly recommended
This plugin seems to dissolve annoying peaky frequencies, adds warmth in the lower mids and low end, and sounds more 3D. It's also very musical. The effect seems to aggregate with every additional track that runs through this plugin. I highly recommend it.
S. Lewis
I love the instant crispness
This plugin preamp and EQ add such crisp color to a sound. Perfect for vocals and aoustic guitar and I'm sure much more. I especially love using this in unison with the 1176 and LA2A.