Neve® Complete Bundle
Customer Reviews
Neve Complete Bundle
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L. Lesniewski
33609 - Very punchy Mix Buss Compressor - the best for me!
E. D'Angelo
Warm, analog sound
UA plug-ins aren’t cheap, but surely are the best you can find without spending a small fortune on vintage hardware.
T. Aras
Must have !
Thanks UAD ! Great Plugin !!! U can hear the Difference !!
Top 5 must Have
N. Thompson
Just brilliant!
Absolutely brilliant emulation of this must have classic hardware unit, simply put a must have!
L. Spilger
Great preamp
Love to use the preamp when tracking vocals and print it in unison. Either this one gives me Great Resultat or the voxbox - depends on the song.
S. Lontano
My go to vocal preamp&eq
A finally find a preamp that simply make a voice like a record no matter how you set it up. Silky and smooth or agressive. A must have!
C. Aguila
Definitely a go to in my library of preamps. Paired up against my wa73 by warm audio and it easily has a warmer sound for certain vocals.
W. Astley
1073 preamp
Have experience with the hardware version , great usability and portibilty with my desktop interface. Can’t ask for more pretty similar sound when pushed , a little less refined but great product , and you can run multiples now using spark which is great when you run out of dsp while mixing . Gives good flexibility
I. Hajdu
Alap plugin
Egy tipikus ,,ez kell” alap plugin. Az énekhez olyan kontúrt ad, amivel sokkal értelmezhetőbb lesz a mixingben. Külön öröm, hogy natív módban is megy, így kisebb dsp kapacitás esetén be tud segíteni a processzor.
D. Collins
Great Preamp!
Perfect preamp for your vocal chain! This product exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend this plug-in!
D. Collins
Great plug-in
Perfect preamp for your vocal chain! Highly recommended.
J. Hershberger
Sounds great, I love using it as an instrument bus processor
j. elliott
Fills that Neve sized compressor hole in my digital heart.
c. rosario
The best
A must have
J. Vierra
Neve, Neve, Neve !
The 88RS seems to be the underrated, or at least the lesser reviewed of the Neve channel strips here at UA. I tried them all Neves they are all fantastic, however the 88RS won the battle for me. Great in every instance. Smooth and ultra tweakable. The fact that the collection includes the low DSP legacy version was a deal sealer. You can use it on every track.
G. Schwab
Fantastic Plugin!
I don't want to judge whether the plugin sounds the same or similar to the hardware: this discussion software against hardware is actually not useful or helpful. In my opinion, it is essential whether the software or the plugin sounds excellent and fulfills its purpose! I know a number of recordings that were taken using more expensive vintage devices and by no means sound technically better than comparable recordings that I made with my UAD X8P and the UAD plugins. It is essential whether the plugin works, whether it sounds good and fulfills its purpose. The UAD Neve Dynamic Collection makes it possible to complete the various tasks of compression. The plugin and its results are very versatile! I particularly like how to weld and condense the different tracks together in the stereo sum, for example: the result sounds very musical, very natural and organic. The sound can get a rich, warm coloration, while preserving the abundance and accuracy of the details and also the fine dynamics.
G. Merino
Simply the best!
There are many 1073 emulations. To my ears this is the most accurate and true to the hardware.
P. Diaz
Good Strip
Got this in a deal 2 for $100 minus two vouchers that made the total $50. Got this to track on a solo. Having the Pre, gate, comp and EQ all in one plugins is great for the limited DSP.
M. Höger
Great Preamp
I never used the original 1073 so this is my first edition so to say. I love how it pairs up with tube mics and especially the sm7b which lacks clarity by default. The eq just brings super sexy color into linear or duller mics.
D. Morris
Best plus preamp
It really adds good texture to the sound, very cool UAD thumbs up.