Neve® Complete Bundle
Customer Reviews
Neve Complete Bundle
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S. Regis
Warning Dsp User
1 of this plug used 76% by dsp it's amazing.
i have Uad 2 pci quad and i can put 4 plug of 1073
S. Regis
Warning Dsp User
1 of this plug used 76% by dsp it's amazing.
i have Uad 2 pci quad and i can put 4 plug of 1073
S. Regis
Warning Dsp User
1 of this plug used 76% by dsp it's amazing.
i have Uad 2 pci quad and i can put 4 plug of 1073
G. Canares
Top Caliber Plugs!!
100% awesome plugins. i should have wait till midnight (black friday) i bought it at $149.00 then couple of hours it's $89. Bucks..damn!! but anyhow, A super Plug. Can't regret..
S. Regis
1 dsp for 1 plug
i have uad 2 quad and 1 dsp used( 73,3%) for 1 plug 1073 . it's normally ???
C. Huber
great sound
awesome sounding plugin, too bad it draws sooo much dsp power!
E. Mejia
My go to plugin
The 1073 gives you that punch that edginess that you are looking for to add to vocals to add to drums. This plugin will bring out rich times to instruments as well. I have been very impressed with all the great sounds and warmth it can give. You can't beat getting three plugins for the price of one could easily go for more. This plugin in right here is a must for hip-hop Rnb rock this will never fail you and always give you that legendary sound that you have been looking for. Make sure you add this plugin to your weapons of choice when mixing on your mixes.
W. Mcwilson
Use it on vocals and absolutely love it!
UAD is on a roll! This plugin across a lead vocal puts you on a whole different playing field. Can't do without it!!
C. Edmonds
Love the Plug. Feel like a sucker
The plug in sounds great. I can't imagine going back to tracking (vocals especially, it's just beautiful sounding) now that I own it. But I have to say, after I just paid $299, to see it selling for half?? i mean...can you feel my pain a little bit? $150 is not going to bankrupt me, and if i couldn't afford the $300...well i might have bought it anyway. But I feel a bitter taste knowing that I basically paid twice what is currently being charged. Am wrong to feel irritated? Let's just say, I'm not going to be buying a plug-in full price from UAD anytime soon. Plug-ins are great, gear is great, source recordings and talent and good songs are 4689% more important than "color." Even if it's a beautiful color. It's a final touch.
D. Myers
Great eq color and depth
So far I have used this plug in on vocals, drums and over entire mixes and I have been blown away by the added depth and dimension it adds to all sources. A quick tip - if you are demoing this plug, unlike previous 1073, you must press the eq button for it to be engaged. Seems like a no brainer, but initially I was twisting knobs wondering why It didn't seem to do anything. So the functional design is faithful to the analog gear as well.
C. Fröberg
I recently bought apollo twin, and finally I am able to use UAD plugins.
I have never used or heard the hardware but the plugin just sound amazing and I don't care if does sound like the hardware or not, it just brings some magic to my mixes in the box.
D. Keldie
1073 -- two thumbs up!!
A friend of mine just bought four original 1073s for $5K each. I couldn't afford that, but I could afford the plug-in, and I'm amazed at how good it sounds with my Peluso 2247 and Apollo.
O. Del
Ive'd spent to much time trying to get a drum sound out of my Demeter pre, and when I swicthed to the Neve 1073 all of a sudden their it was a great kick and snare tone that sat really nice in the mix. Since then ive'd tryed it on everything with great results.This was worth the money and time. Thanks UAD.
Y. Chistyakov
Neve 1073 Preamp & EQ Plug
Finally, i can hear the really sounds of my jazz bass. I just did not expect. just great. Setup is very simple, the sound is always there. Highly recommend. thanks UA.
Y. Chistyakov
Neve 1073 Preamp & EQ Plug
Finally, i can hear the really sounds of my jazz bass. I just did not expect. just great. highly recommend. thanks UA.
E. Rafael
Neve 1073 Preamp
Excellent product, UAD always letting its users flabbergasted. Have purchased a product from UAD was a watershed for my productions, mixes and mastering. Neve 1073 Preamp is incomparable. sole
F. Hassan
Must buy
This is what makes the Apollo Twin series incredible. I have a separate rig with an Avalon 737 and a Apogee Rosetta 200. That rig costs me thousands and for less than 1/3 of the price, I was able to buy the Apollo Twin and Neve preamp and actually get better vocals. If you get that combo, you'd be paying amateur price and getting pro quality, I promise. Just make sure you get a great mic to go along with it.
J. Vazquez
Really works!!
I am sound engineer about 25 years working with many analog stuff and one of my favorite and Ioving working is with Neve 1073 hardware all the time, but since I tried the 1073 UAD bundle plugins I was shocked, about what exactly that emulates the actual Neve 1073, I'll recomended 100%, great job guys.
J. Verbeeck
What can i say... everything i expect from a preamp. thank you UA!!!!
M. Höffken
Neve 1073 - Leader of EQs
Of course especially the EQ-Plugs require the individual taste of everyone, but this EQ refines all different sources (predominantly vocals, but also drums, guitars and bass) on a high-end level. Many thanks to UAD for this extremely smooth sounding tool, for this enrichment to my studio arsenal.
Finally I`d like to invite you to see my new music video (http://youtu.be/MJITCIsagU0), in which a great variety of UAD-Plugs can be watched in action.
Greetings from Germany