Neve® Complete Bundle
Customer Reviews
Neve Complete Bundle
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F. Aurel
Very nice !
So happy with this purchase. The vocals now sound bigger and warmer. I recommend to activate the demo and see if it fits you
F. Aurel
Very nice !
So happy with this purchase. The vocals now sound bigger and warmer. I recommend to activate the demo and see if it fits you
G. Elvis
And on The 8th Day of The Week God gave the earth the 1073
And on The 8th day of The Week God gave the earth the 1073 well actually Rupert did but God had something to do with giving us, Rupert Neve.... I've worked in several great" Neve Rooms" over the years including recording my first record with the Elvis BroThers at The Power Station with Tony Bongiovi as one of our producers and UA has done a fabulous job at making a world class 1073 available to anyone who has the need for one of the greatest recording components ever produced so hats off to UA for giving us such a great line of Neve Plug In's. Now we can go to our graves knowing we lived and worked with one of the best the plugin's in the known Universe a Neve 1073 from UA ... That's Right Now- Graham Elvis-Chicago-USA. October 2017
J. Rawls
I love this Pre Amp!
The Neve 1073 is my go to Pre Amp
I never want to be without it.. The tone and the crisp high end is absolutely beautiful.
h. Hwang
very good to record vocal.
I felt new vocal and guitar sound thank to neve 1073.
B. VanWagoner
The. Best.
I expected this to be pretty good and to like it... but wow! This plug in is amazing. The 1073 has brought so much life to my songs and now I can’t imagine mixing without it. Just buy it and print it on those tracks!
j. revels
Authentic Neve
Makes everything sound good, just turn the knobs and listen
K. Miller
Best Preamp Plugin Ever!!
This is the absolute best preamp plugin I have ever used. So crystal clear with that great vintage Neve tone. Acoustic guitar never felt so good. I can't wait to use it on more instruments on my upcoming sessions!
R. De Sa
Neve 1073
Amazing sounding mic pre , with classic Neve sound.
I haven't used anything else since I got it.
Sounds so good on vocals through my Aston Spirit. Great job UA
This Plugin is amazing very accurate
M. Stiso
uad plugins are simply the best
Uad powered plugins sound better than any other plugins hands down. Very musical & high quality and is worth the price
M. Streckbein
Happy customer!
Everything goes through this neve preamp in unison mode! Bass vocals guitars.. everything gets this life! For me one of the top investments for my homestudio!
Thanks UAD
V. Braganholo
One of the best Neve 1073 Simulations out there
I really like using the equalizer on my vocal tracks. The way the sound opens up the highs is really pleasing. Best Neve 1073 simulator on the market
J. Sillanpää
Selling my 1073 clones
I've had a dream of having a single box that I can take with me to record with, but nothing has really had a musical enough sound to make that possible. The 1073 plugin made that possible and now I'm selling my 1073 hardware clones. I didn't believe the hype, but after using them I am now officially a part of the choir.
A. Wilshire
Brilliant plug in. The pre amp sounds fantastic for tracking through, giving you the classic Neve sound. Brilliant how it works with the Apollo hardware.
S. Stout
Incredible analog vibe
Holy cow. All I can say is I’m in love. I’ve worked completely in the box at my own studio but through others’ vintage neve’s at theirs. This thing hits the nail on the head for warmth and usability of EQ. The only In the box EQ I have (and I have a few other neve clones) that really just sounds sweet even if you crank frequencies up. As fun as dialing in an old guitar amp. Killer killer work guys
K. Gilroy
I don't know why I put off buying the 1073, I think it was because we've been cutting Vocals w/ the API or the VoxBox and really lovin' it! I was debating on finally picking up the 1073 based on the articles where they're always using it for tracking on just about anything...... well long story short, I A/B'd the 1073 as an EQ and it beat everything. I couldn't believe it. It has this edge that almost surpasses the all other factors. It's like the signal gets sharp ...but smooth no matter what you run thru it. I wish I had done this before. I knew it was great on Unison and for recording, but as an EQ? WOW! I got better results with the 1073 than with...well, I don't wanna say. BUY IT, or try what I did. You'll see. IT MAKES EVERYTHING SOUND GREAT! - Gilroy
This made my eyes pop open wide when I first used it
This channel strip is VERY special. I adore it on busses and especially the master buss. It widens, opens up, deepens, sheens, and polishes every track I use it on. The eq is magic. The mic pre transformer modeling is awesome. The dynamics section is VERY good and flexible. Desert island stuff....
d. Lee
so nice sound!
I'm addicted
Everything sounds so much better with this. Ads power and an amazing coloration.