Neve® Complete Bundle
Customer Reviews
Neve Complete Bundle
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M. Castrejón
sounds amazing!! great deal!
M. Castrejón
sounds amazing!! great deal!
S. Soares Baptista
Sounds great... Although it consumes plenty of DSP
I tested the demo for a while and ended up buying it when it went on sale. I found it very useful for vocals and clean guitars, even if it's a bit a of a dsp hog.
T. Foster
Awesome Plug-Ins
This is an amazing plug-in, brings color to vocals whenever you add it to the channels unison
T. Foster
This plug-in is amazing, it brings color to whatever you are recording as soon as you put it on the channels unison
D. Pierce
Neve 88RS Channel Strip Collection
I keep it on my kick buss just in case I need it. When I do, it does not play around!
D. Pierce
Neve 1073 Preamp & EQ Collection
The preamp is a game changer for vocals! It sounds great on EVERYTHING!
y. yangyuheng
A. Navarro
Ya sea un instrumento o una voz, el Neve 1073 ofrece unos resultados sorprendentes, dando a la fuente utilizada, un carácter excepcional. este es uno de los Plugin imprescindibles. Si lo pruebas no podrás resistirte a su sonido. Neve 1073 más EQ Collection, genuino carácter de los 70.
This plug is great for an authentic Neve tone and warmth...wow...love this!
This plug is great for a authentic Neve tone and warmth...wow...love this!
a. zitto
My go to EQ
Great on almost everything. From Vox, Bass, Guitars, Snares & Toms
B. Vladimir
All Mighty
Best EQ I own. Good for everything.
p. hedin
Neve fattness!
Love it! it really do sound like a 1073, a great new tool for my itb work!
y. kawaguchi
y. kawaguchi
m. erkelens
It’s a classic
Using it, hearing it, you realize it’s a classic for all the right reasons
G. Fricke
Great Sound Quickly Dialed In
Impressively clean sound recording acoustic instruments. On the other side, rolling through the presets on previously recorded tracks makes getting close to a final edit a breeze.
E. Vee
My go to
On everything!
P. Backman
Sounds really really great. A little bit DSP hungry.