Neve® Complete Bundle
Customer Reviews
Neve Complete Bundle
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F. Marcus
Perfect, just perfect
Compliments the SSL E 4000 Channel Strip extremely well. This plugin is main stay in my project template. The Legacy version is extremely DSP efficient too. Such a pity that this plugin was poorly rated because a bunch of people were dissatisfied with the upgrade price.
S. Shogren
Up the game!
I've been recording through another interface since I got into the DAW world but just upgraded to an Apollo Twin. Using the new Apollo and the 1073 unison preamp made me feel like I was taking a huge leap from the old sound!
K. Smith
My go-to for any source
I've only used the actual console once and I loved the sound immediately. It's the first modern Neve desk with sonics that surpass the classic favorites. I was doubtful that everything I liked about it could be captured with software but this is pretty much exactly right. The mic pre, the eq, even the compressor and gate, are fantastic. I'm a huge API fan and also have the Vision channel strip, but the 88RS is what I reach for first.
c. nagel
Thank you for this Preamp and EQ
So awesome! Thanks again for a great sounding plug for unison....* * * * * *
Z. Kovács
The Neve magic
I like the middles, absolutely all-time preamp, almost for everything.
It is what it is.
This plugin its just extremely great! but it takes a lottt of your DSP ( a lot ). But its very worthless, and expensive too. Its just what you need if you want that NEVE sound and you cant afford a neve preamp jet. I use it with a U87 and works flawless. The bad thing is i bougth it on SALE in 200$ and now its on SALE in 99$. :o
j. elliott
a pleasure to track through.
has all the weight and life you want out of a good neve preamp emu. and it sounds great overdriven, as well!
M. O'Flynn
Neve 88RS
This is a nice clean sounding and versatile channel strip
C. Rollans
This one doesn't sound like a plugin either!
C. Rollans
Barely sounds like a plugin!
E. Lee
Amazing front end
Got a few days ago after a try out period. Sounds superb on everything, amazing for acoustic guitars and vocals. Very detailed, warm and punchy. The unison preamp makes all the difference for tracking in a home studio without lots of gear. I’m fortunate enough to use real vintage 1073 at the studio where I work at, and this sounds so close to them that I’m happy I got this.
A. Ballantyne
Real Neve Sound!
This is as close as you can get without getting the real thing. Great product from UA!!!
Je le croyais pas ...
Mais grosse tuerie. La basse direct dans ce préamp ... et la, son de fou :)
m. khaleel
unison technology - not too bad at all
The UA website states: 'Developed by UA’s world-renowned team of DSP engineers, UAD plug-ins set the standard by which all other audio plug-ins are judged.'
This is the only plugin developer I am aware of that also posts revealing shootouts.
I think that's pretty good. What do you think?
M. Gray
Affordable Hobby
Now there’s nothing like having hardware to perform the daunting task we ask of it. But let’s be frank, not everyone can afford the costly equipment we so lust after. However with these plugins & a little known how, life comes into focus
M. Gray
Affordable Hobby
Now there’s nothing like having hardware to perform the daunting task we ask of it. But let’s be frank, not everyone can afford the costly equipment we so lust after. However with these plugins & a little known how, life comes into focus
m. andersson
Sounds Great!
Really useful and nice sounding plugin!
E. Lee
After testing it for the demo period, I really dig it. Works very good with all my mics and sources, a truly amazing plugin. The sound is very similar to a real vintage 1073, so close that I can track using my apollo at home or use a real 1073 at the studio and be happy with both. A must for all apollo users
J. Castellanos
Just perfect... I´m mixing mostly my drums, and its just butter sound on my toms with coated heads.. Can´t be more happy !
s. tajima
very well
This is what I wanted.