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Customer Reviews

Neve Complete Bundle

Overall Rating

2521-2540 of 3305 Results

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November 3, 2016

Great emulation!

Although I have yet to dial in a great vocal sound, this sounds amazing on acoustic and electric guitars and EQs bass wonderfully. Where this really shines is on drums. Having worked with real 1073s I can say that although they aren't quite like the real thing they're the best plug in on market by far!

B. Oszczak

November 1, 2016

NEVE 1073 Reviews

Neve 1073 is essential for a music production. It has great capacity of dynamic on the board. Actually Neve changes a shape o sound and it is not transparent take it into account. I like a lot, some of my voices are perfect with neve 1073

S. Lehman

October 30, 2016

Nice stuff

Better than other neve plugins in my opinion. The drive is very usable on this. I'm really digging a mix between API and pultec eqs at the moment so I have not had too much work for these yet. But so far just placing it on the track and giving it a little juice is giving my whatever more excitement.


October 30, 2016

The true sound of 73

Some 23 years before my birth, the sound of recorded music was created. The man Rupert NEVE allows me to create sweet vintage sounds that just make everything sound great!!

M. Davis

October 23, 2016

Couldn't Be Happier

Was originally planning on getting the 1073 emulation, but after demoing the 88RS, I changed my mind. I have used several Neve style pre's in the past (original Neves, Vintech, Aurora, etc.), and I am super happy with how good the 88RS sounds in comparison. Easily worth the investment.

A. Kamel

October 20, 2016

Neve 1073 Preamp is good

Je viens d'acquérir le 1073 ainsi que le voxbox manley et on peut dire qu'ils sont bien complémentaire.
Le 1073 à vraiment un grain particulier, je ne peut pas dire si cela ce rapproche de l'original car je ne l'ai jamais essayer mais ça le fait !
On obtient tout de suite plus de dynamique et l'EQ est vraiment efficace pour apporter différentes couleurs aux voix ou instruments.
Un bon choix, même si juste après l'avoir acheté à 299$, le lendemain celui ci ne coûtait plus que 149$ ! Donc un peut frustré, surtout que je n'est pas eu le droit à l'offre des 3 plug gratuit ( 1073, Fairchild et Oxide ) pour l'achat d'une apollo twin car acheté d'occasion ! D'ailleurs la politique commerciale est le seul défaut, pour l'instant, que je trouve à UA.

A. Ramani

October 19, 2016

Great Plugin

Gives nice color on drum buss

O. Bergkvist

October 19, 2016

Favorite UAD Unision Pre-Amp

The 1073 has become my to go tracking plugin for synthesizers.
Love the character it adds when driving the plugin just a touch hot.
Well done UAD!

L. Angulo

October 17, 2016

absolutely top!

this is exactly what was missing in my plugin collection,it just makes everything sound alive!

M. Nigro

October 14, 2016

Sounds like Neve

You can't go wrong with this 88RS plugin, but it's way to hungry for DSP than SSL emulation and this fact I took a star from my review (channel Strips are supposed to be used in lots os channels). Beside that, the sound is awesome.

UAD, please: update the graphics to better serve large screen. Almost all controllers on UAD plug-ins appears very small on my iMac 5K retina.

K. Christian

October 13, 2016

a realy big step forward!

actual i would buy a channelstrip by "acustica". after i compared about a week, i have decided myself for the new rs88. it makes every bus bigger in a respectable way - Great Job!

K. Haritatos

October 13, 2016

Neve 88RS

i was in love with the legacy version of 88RS. Massive sound and clarity. Now i have the chance of of the hole thing via the Mic preamp. You have to spend a time with the 88RS to understand how it works for you. After that it will be your favourite channel strip. Thanks UA!

E. Kurttekin

October 10, 2016

My go to Pre & EQ... Replaced my 1272 Clone!

I have a 1272 clone which I was using (made by B. Averill - killer unit) for 8-9 years and I was very happy with it. Then I bought an Apollo Twin and the first plugin I bought was Neve 1073 Collection. I never went back to my clone and I'm seriously thinking of selling it so I can buy more UAD plugins.
I'm using the 1073 on acoustic & electric guitars (especially for clean tones), lead & back vocals and bass guitar. Believe me when I say this plugin ROCKS. With the EQ combined, it is very versatile and fits every situation perfectly. In short, Neve 1073 takes my recordings up to another level. It might be helpful to say that I am a pro singer & bass player who producing jingles and scores for television for a living.

Y. Furuhashi

October 8, 2016

Nice Saturation

The Neve 1073 Vol is silky saturation.
But Crazy Dsp Power and amazingl Sounds and Real Neve.
I using all tracks.
This is No.1 my favorite gear.
Thank you Universal Audio.


October 2, 2016

YES just YES!!

Ok so iv used several Neve consoles in the past including the legendary 1073 and have always loved the sound, for the rock stuff i usually record its just the perfect match for me. I was very sceptical about if UAD and unison technology would actually even get close to the real thing but i have to say I think this is most incredible advance in technology since multitrack recording. Its just on the money!
This is not a plugin to mix with and in my opinion it shouldn't be used like we have got used to using plugins, for a start it will kill your CPU (in the same way the console would kill your wallet in electrical bills), if you treat this plugin as your gain stage and subtle tracking EQ on input it will add depth and creamy Neve sound.

M. Danciulescu

September 30, 2016

Neve 88RS Channel Strip

Mixing drums, guitars, vocals is great using this plugin. It sounds very warm, but also punchy. It is great.

A. Lee

September 29, 2016

Lifts up your sound

I'd seen some reviews of this, especially a protools expert review where it was compared to the Waves Schlep 73 - of course UAD's Neve 1073 wiped the floor with that one and made me realise I needed to move over to the UAD system (and away from Waves). Now that I've made the move I feel that I'm understanding, for the first time, what it's like to work with top quality interfaces and plugins. Thank you UAD

M. Caputo

September 29, 2016

Very Nice!

Just purchased this last week and used it to embellish a mix. I added this to the stereo output and heard the difference immediately. Well worth buying.

P. Veerman

September 28, 2016

Great combo

Already had the legacy, but this is really an improvement. Especially now I bought the Apollo Twin. Great combo!

E. Maccoppi

September 24, 2016

I love it!

I say: today I have a Neve console !!! Simple like that!

2521-2540 of 3305 Results