Neve® 1073® Preamp & EQ Collection
Customer Reviews
Neve 1073 Preamp & EQ Collection
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G. Goodwin III
This thing is great! Really.
I don't know what sorcery is going on with the programming behind this 1073 plugin nor have I ever had the pleasure to use a real Neve 1073.
However....there is most definitely something here. Something really, really good. I can't tell you if it sounds 'exactly like a real 1073' but I can tell you, for example, I slapped a SM57 on a small Fender tube amp, played a Telecaster through it, just at the point of breakup, like always, only this time - on playback there was THE sound that I have heard on a ton of records. Keith was in my room. I actually had to pick my jaw up off the desk. I have real Telefunken/TAB V376 pres - which are absolutely amazing, but this 1073 plugin really has 'THE' sound. Though I tried, and I really know what I am doing, I could not get this particular sound before. I get great sounds mind you, BUT this is THE sound I have been looking for. Why, you may ask, do the old 70's records sound like they do (best rock guitar and vocal sounds ever)? Space around everything? Definition? Better than real? Well. Here's why. This 1073 plugin seems to give a tightly focused space and definition to an instrument or voice like nothing else I have used, ever. If a real Neve console sounds like this, and it must because I have heard these sounds before, it is no wonder they are legendary. For fucks sake. UA has really outdone themselves here. I am only pissed its 99 dollars now. Hahahaha. Well, I paid more than that and I don't feel abused at all. This is a GREAT plugin if you are looking for that particular sound that nothing else will give you. I am very, very happy with this. Between this and my real Telefunkens and LA2As I'm pretty much the Record Plant, 1974. Very happy.
Neve preamp
i love this to use on my Fender strat, warm clean tones is the best from this so called "plug-in", these sounds are amazing that you wouldn't believe the sound is coming from your home studio.
J. Mendel
Sounds great!
Brings the sound of transformers and transistors to the mix!! Intened to use it in every session!
C. Pedersen
Incredibly clean and clear. Has an amazing brightness. I love the impedance control.. works great with my Coles!
R. Noel
Great sounding Pre
Great sounding mic preamp that adds a nice color to whatever you put it on. The full plugin is quite a dsp hog, but using it on the source track on the way in in the console has added some really nice color and clarity to the vocals, and bass I've tried it on.
A. Rom
Awesome !
This is where the worlds of analogue and digital collide.....awesome.
T. Gol
Tracking vocals
I got it with my Apollo Twin at October Sale. While tracking vocals it's magical... Not limited with vocal tracking but I mainly use for vocals. Adding great warmth & saturation. Also great on electric, acoustic or bass guitars.
B. Autry
Amazingly accurate
When compared to my BAE 1073 mic pre, I'm stunned at how much better I like the plugin vs my hardware. Wow
O. Ramirez
Punch in your face!
Again this UA emulation beats out any other Neve plugin on the market. I did a test drive of the 1073 and immediately purchased the complete Neve bundle. The punch you get from this plugin is uncanny, its like I now own a bunch of neve 1073's. Recording/ Mixing in the box has never sounded so good, what a time to be alive!
C. Rios Herrera
Love Plugin
This Plugin make get a professional quality on my vocals...Love it!!
D. Whittington
What can I say that anyone else hasn't said already
This unit is clear, airy and lush. The red input knob mixed with the EQs makes it easy for me to shape the sound I am shaping the way I want or for brightening vocals nicely.
Cheers guys!
P. Ochoa
Increíble... realmente es un NEVE!
Mi primera impresión sobre este plugin fue muy agradable, realmente no encuentro diferencia con el hardware! Muy transparente y cálido... muy musical... muy NEVE... que esperas para tener uno? ;)
R. Beld
Character plugin!
Pre-amp has a beautifull drive + the famous 1073 eq, beautiful!
V. Rodrigues
Muito top, adorei a fidelidade de reprodução.
Simplesmente the best.
A synths best friend
The warmth and sheen that the 1073 adds to all of my recordings is second to none. I will never track another synth without imparting some 1073 magic on it.
Great emulation!
Although I have yet to dial in a great vocal sound, this sounds amazing on acoustic and electric guitars and EQs bass wonderfully. Where this really shines is on drums. Having worked with real 1073s I can say that although they aren't quite like the real thing they're the best plug in on market by far!
B. Oszczak
NEVE 1073 Reviews
Neve 1073 is essential for a music production. It has great capacity of dynamic on the board. Actually Neve changes a shape o sound and it is not transparent take it into account. I like a lot, some of my voices are perfect with neve 1073
S. Lehman
Nice stuff
Better than other neve plugins in my opinion. The drive is very usable on this. I'm really digging a mix between API and pultec eqs at the moment so I have not had too much work for these yet. But so far just placing it on the track and giving it a little juice is giving my whatever more excitement.
The true sound of 73
Some 23 years before my birth, the sound of recorded music was created. The man Rupert NEVE allows me to create sweet vintage sounds that just make everything sound great!!
A. Kamel
Neve 1073 Preamp is good
Je viens d'acquérir le 1073 ainsi que le voxbox manley et on peut dire qu'ils sont bien complémentaire.
Le 1073 à vraiment un grain particulier, je ne peut pas dire si cela ce rapproche de l'original car je ne l'ai jamais essayer mais ça le fait !
On obtient tout de suite plus de dynamique et l'EQ est vraiment efficace pour apporter différentes couleurs aux voix ou instruments.
Un bon choix, même si juste après l'avoir acheté à 299$, le lendemain celui ci ne coûtait plus que 149$ ! Donc un peut frustré, surtout que je n'est pas eu le droit à l'offre des 3 plug gratuit ( 1073, Fairchild et Oxide ) pour l'achat d'une apollo twin car acheté d'occasion ! D'ailleurs la politique commerciale est le seul défaut, pour l'instant, que je trouve à UA.