Manley® Variable Mu Limiter Compressor
Customer Reviews
Manley® Variable Mu Limiter Compressor
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V. Ivanov
The sound is really great!!
The sound is really great, i use on my master channel. Also is great for bass and synths!
The Editor
K. Efstratiou
great sounding compression
Lovely comp, does exactly what one wants it to do, slight compression, almost invisible, but when you bypass it, you want to activate it asap.
T. Kwon
awesome master comp
Sounds awesome. more native please UA...
D. Black
Excellent, it's Manley
I've used my UAD Manley Vari-Mu for a few weeks. Emulation is perfect, it sounds great, it's easy to set, and can be used on everything. At full price it's a good deal, at this discount, you have to consider just getting it unless you've got the hardware.
Realistically this is one of the few plug-in purchases that changes my audio so much to the better all by itself. And I'm not compressing by more that 3 dB. Insert Vari-Mu and there's the sound.
I'm running mine in stereo, but the special option to change to M/S in, out, or both is a relatively rare feature.
D. Hogan
A. Desborough
Good, but was expecting more.
It doesn’t wow me like some other UA plugins. Quite effective on slower, non- transient heavy material, however probably wouldn’t be my first choice for that.
Mostly invisible (positive or negative, you decide) up to 2db of reduction, however any more than that i’ve found the action to be slightly unmusical.
J. Slack-Smith
The Best I've Come Across
The Manley variable mu compressor is robust and produces the good vibrations that I had hoped for. You can't go wrong with this compressor.
T. Schindler
Very Good, but Handling could be better
I am using the Manley now instead of the SPL Iron i used before in the Master chain. The Manley has a much clearer sound. But i found the SpL better in the handling as a plugin. Both work very well for me as Mastering Compressors. I would like a compressor not with the hardware front usage in a plugin but with a good software handling and the sound of good hardware.
AAA for vocals
Extremely useful on vocals and acoustic guitars. Sweet!!!
A. pc
Excelente emulacion of Vari MU
Sin palabras , muy excelente compresor
Д. Дмитрий
My Dream
It's magic )) Love it ))
B. DeRenzo
you're kidding...49.00?
This is the best plugin UAD has, period. I can't believe it's only 49.00 I put it on my vocals, kick, snare, backgrounds and used it for M/S on the master buss. unreal.
This is the very best money I've spent on this platform and I've spent plenty. What a work of art. Bravo
S. bagman
The best plugin.
favorite plugin, thank you universal audio for the wonderful gift.
D. Zakrzewski
Great Plugin!
I love that one! Adds nice dynamics, tube saturation and glueing!
A. pc
Excelente emulacion Vari MU
encantado de la marca UADx
p. durrell
great dynamics & glue
very impressed with this, I found it brings out the dynamics and adds glue..
F. Hasan
Must Have!
finally it became native!