Magnetic Tape Bundle
Customer Reviews
Magnetic Tape Bundle
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s. beaubien
This gives you all the great sounds of tape. Most tape pluggins only give you the saturation effect. This one gives you the warmth and the fatness, along with the saturation when needed.
R. Tiburcio
just applied on the master buss and the overall sound change to a like 3 dimensional stage .. I really love what im getting from this tape Machine
T. Sminge
Okay I am so old thet i actually learned the trade by using 24 track machines. Of course I had to leave them behind like so many others. The price of keeping them running, l and the price of tape, and the lack of editing possibilities, and, and ,and.
But i have never stopped longing for the sound and the tapesaturation you could achieve when gaining tracks different on the tape. But this plugin does a pretty good job giving me that back! I love it!
J. Cheek
Used on every mix! This plugin is simply great!
This plugin lives on my master bus and drum bus. It instantly adds vibe, glue and depth. There are a lot of great presets to help get started too which is great as there are never ending options in this plugin. Worth every penny!
J. Reed
Great Tape Imitation.
Its great to have BOTH my UA Tapedecks to run Mix and Tape types with . Saves Thousands $$ in Tape to Run these Decks that sound so Real ,I fooled last Client .When I Told him What I did HE went out and bought an Apollo and Plug-ins To run his own test on ..Again Great Job by UA !!
J. Reed
Great Tape Machines !!
I Am able to use plug-ins to TEST Tape Mixes and types . And Then use my Real Tape Drives ,SAVES A lot of $$$ . Great Job as usual UA !!
E. Sokolowski
Amazing versatility
This plugin can offer tape vibe in spades, or just a hair of analogue feel depending on how its set up and driven. Takes a little bit of learning to get the most out of it, but its a lot of fun.
E. Sokolowski
Endless Customisation options!
This plugin sounds brilliant - I'd recommend using it early in the mix process as it can be fairly noticeable and could potentially add too much of a good thing. The feature that really sets this plugin apart is all the calibration options - you can set it up just as you would with the hardware.
b. henry
If you want to fatten up ANYTHING!!!
E. Taponen
Very nice
Being new to this, I started with presets which are great and of course easily tweakable. Really adds warmth and power to the recording.
T. Williams
Use this first
Before you compress, eq, filter, widen, etc... Throw this across the master. So many of the choices we all make when mixing in the box are simply attempts to make digital sound more like tape. I've tried half a dozen other tape emulators, and this one is the best. Currently rethinking my workflow as a result. Thanks UA!!
D. Range
brings it alive
will take your mixes to another level definitely brings it alive
D. Range
you tube tutorial talked me into this plug in and what a difference it makes when I first bought my uad plug in I should have bought this but I got with the july sale dont sell yourself short
D. Bottrill
Fabulous Analogue Character
Such a great tool to add that warm tape distortion that I grew up with. Fantastic on guitars, the drum bus or even on the overall mix bus.
T. Smabakk
Versatile glue
It glues everything together beautifully. Nice, lush delays and warmth that is unmatched on the marked. Go get it now!
M. Miller-Loran
works all over the place
fantastic for subtle color, or to crush your sounds into lo-fi oblivion. highly recommended.
J. Raper
Absolutely beautiful!
A wonderful addition to my mastering chain. So much control and a beautiful piece of work to add that "warmth" and tape feel.
S. Tenryu
Great warm analog sound
I purchased this plugin for real analog simulation sound.
I love this real warm sound and perfect laughness sound. I also like sound color. We can add richness for sound in mixing work. Finally, I'm really proud this plugin.
J. Volinsky
This will add a warm to your tracks. So far I've mostly used it on the Master Fader as well as on bass and vocals with very good results. Very pleased.
Es increíble el trabajo realizado con este plus-ins, los resultados para masterizar son perfectos. Saludos