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What’s Included: UAD Native, UAD-2 Realtime, and LUNA Extensions

Customer Reviews

Magnetic Tape Bundle

Overall Rating

1981-2000 of 2185 Results

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M. Gutarra

August 6, 2013

Sounds good

Good tape emulation with options. Wouldnt use it on everything. But when used, it's good.

O. Hartmann

July 31, 2013

a must for the bus

i use it on the bus for synths and vocal and it gives the sound this nice saturation and is glouing the things together. It´s magic.

D. Medvedev

July 31, 2013

The first sample

Hi! Slowly prazbirayus with this device. One thing I can tell he's doing his job. Although not all the tracks it can be applied, it is necessary to accurately represent what you want to get to the finish. In general, good!

A. Perez

July 26, 2013

Ampex Utilities

thanks for your request,
can i use this plug in mono channel? or is only for stereo channels?
is only for mastering?
what is the difference between the studer A600 and Ampex?

C. Mcfarlane

July 26, 2013

Ampex ATR-102 is my new best friend

I use this tool with every project ....I enjoy working again especially with vocals
It's like using magic dust on your mix..worth every penny!

D. Colombo

July 20, 2013

No track without, EVER

I use this plugin everywhere, loving the 15 ips speed, it smooths everything and gives body to any material. On the Apollo channel strip and in my daw, it is always there to imprint that nice smooth tape sound to all my material. Cannot recommend this enough

B. Armand

July 19, 2013

hum.. not shure for master after all

very impressive plugin, you run the demo, you are impressed by the "3D" effect", you buy it but.. after months of use, finally I take it off my master busses and realize that most of my mixes sound better without.. confusing. I think it can be great on vox, drum busses, accoustic guitars, it can be great for many reasons: warming up the sound, get a sensation of 3 dimensions, high end details, delays effects, wow and flutter.. but on a master, I feel I loose something in the feeling of stereo.. Does someone feel like I do?

P. Favati

July 18, 2013

Studer® A800 Multichannel Tape Recorder Plug-In

Strepitoso, sicuramente uno sei migliori emulatori di registratori in commercio. Non adatto da usare sul master si presta per tutte le singole tracce. A800 farà diventare la vostra sessione analogica al 100% ottimo acquisto!

A. Thiele

July 16, 2013

Improves my recordings

I definitly love the sound of the Ampex ATR 102. Indeed, I find recordings sound better when they are processed with this plugin. I thought about buying a real tape machine some time ago. Now I'm happy not to have all the hassles with real tape machines - but he sound.

C. Bailey

July 14, 2013


I've only used this on one mix so far. It made a huge improvement on my drum tracks. Didn't have to compress as much later on.

R. Fort

July 13, 2013


Been using for months now. It's my go to plug-in for drums and bass. I find after I fiddle with the input I often don't need any EQ. Gives my mostly in the box tracks the warmth I seek.

P. Lieberkühn

July 12, 2013

worth every penny

it wasnt on my list, now i wouldnt wanna live without it.. simple as that. multiple instances open in every session now... thumbs up!

K. Kofler

July 12, 2013


Nothing but great! I use it an nearly every track.
Thank you for this astonishing work!

D. Flores

July 8, 2013


Just dropping this thing over my mix makes everything just come together it sounds so nice! Highly recommended!

J. Grefsrud

July 5, 2013


This plugin is so good I'd like to use it on every channel! But the multi-unit Apollo-software is so buggy that I can't..
Hoping to be able to use it more after UAD 7.2.

T. Reis

July 5, 2013


Finding its way on to more and more of my tracks. What can I say about this that hasn't been said before ?

P. Giacalone

July 2, 2013

Brilliant! Powerful!

This plugs in is incredible. It is VERY different from the Studer A800 which I've had for a little while now. The Studer is very plug and play - it's hard to go wrong. There are different settings but they don't vary too drastically and they're all kind of moving in the same direction.

The Ampex is a whole different beast. It reminds me of working on a high end console. If you know what you're doing, you can do great things. if you don' can make a royal mess. You just have to be more careful and pay more attention when using the Ampex. If you do, the results are phenomenal! I can't imagine mastering without it.

For anyone wondering - No, putting the Studer on your mix bus is not at all the same as using the Ampex.

J. Moreland

July 1, 2013

A little effort and you're in analog heaven!

While at a session in L.A. last week, the band and I over the songs a few times as the engineer was getting tones and recording them to Pro Tools (sounded fine). Then we tracked the keepers onto a 2" Studer machine. I couldn't stop grinning after hearing my kit played back through that deck (it's been so long, I'd forgotten what tape does for drums). When I got home I started the A800 demo, tracked some drums and right there in front of me was that sound. Subtle on the overheads (like they were EQ'd - with really awesome EQ), more pronounced on kick & snare (the body of the drums were pulled forward, whereas it was mostly attack before). The price kept me from trying this out before. Don't be stupid like me, buy this. I finally did.

P. Larose

June 27, 2013

Une grande ouverture

J'ai eu l'occasion de tester les simulateurs de bandes la première fois dans la collection wave. Je suis depuis resté plutôt sceptique sur la question, cette chose en plus qui apparait et sur laquelle on se pose beaucoup de questions 15 minutes plus tard et que finalement on enlève très vite. Pour le coup cette version du A800 est particulièrement étonnante car elle ouvre sur tous les paramètres existant sur l'original avec une réelle palette de textures, une finesse qui va bien au delà d'un simple boost des bas et des médiums arrondis pour donner l'aspect "tape". Je n'ai pas encore évidemment eu le temps de faire le tour de cette outil mais il m'apparait déjà comme terriblement excitant et créatif.

M. Karnalyuk

June 25, 2013

Studer® A800

Great sound after the processing and for tape did not need to worry about).

1981-2000 of 2185 Results