Little Labs® IBP Phase Alignment Tool
Customer Reviews
Little Labs® IBP Phase Alignment Tool
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J. Piccione
Great Phase Alignment Tool
After using the demo on both Snare and Guitar tracks it was a no brainer purchase. The Little Labs IBP simply works, UA knows whats up when it comes to building great plugins of the finest tools available.
If you mix you can use this plug in. If you are ignoring it, chances are your phase isn't as correct as it could be. And, if it is your most likley spending more time than needed to get it there.
Simply put, it is another great tool!
B. Berkovic
Little Labs IBP Phase Alignment Tool
Wau,great for multiple sounds what make one bigger,yes sometimes is a phase problem in that case, but with this little big plug,all problems is gone,I am very satisfied with results,one more great tool from Big Uad Team
S. Chiangthong
New feeling and new knowledge.
New feeling and new knowledge about phase.I just understand how importance of phase alignment..I love it.
T. Abrigo
Phase Phixer
I record in a very small studio where sometimes my mic placement has to be very creative...hahaha. The little labs helps me dial in the little discrepancies in the mic phase and makes every vocal and instrumental nuance glow. I am able to get separation where i had muddiness.
Thanks Universal Audio
R. Hickey
Phase Be Gone
The Little Labs IBP is a lifesaver when it comes to phase. Sometimes 180 degrees isn't the right change. I have found the IBP specifically helpful with multiple instrument takes and drum phase.
Incredible problem solver when mixing. Must have!
J. Mendoza
Essential tool where mixing more than 15 tracks
Bog projects benefit from this tool. Simple to use, immediate response on mix quality
A. Norris
Now I can use that second channel...
Getting a tone or character from one mic may depend upon it's position in relation to the source rather than it's relationship to another mic. The IBP Phase Tool allows the alignment of two or more signals to be essentially phase correlated without causing comb-filtering or cancellation of particular frequency bands. Not that engineers should entirely avoid every effort to phase align when printing but it is not always going to capture the desired signal. Either as part of the input path or in post this plug-in is a saviour, allowing the use of multiple mic's on any source despite phase incoherencies.
P. Michelangelo
Probably the best phase tool
Extremely useful tool for phase issues, I use it every time I double mic snare, bass drum or guitar cab. Great results also on D.I. & mic bass recording!
Worth every single dollar IMHO!
J. Downing
Works great!
Simple as does its job well! Cleans up phase issues nicely.
J. Gradwohl
Very useful and reasonable price
Due to the huge price increase on UAD plugins I havent bought anything off them for ages. I had a $50 voucher and the plugin additionally was on discount so I got it for only $29. It's actually a very useful tool when layering sounds like multiple kicks or working with multi mic recordings.
I. Papagiannidis
Great tool!Very easy to use!
Its one of the most useful tools for music production and recording! great result!
The most important thing is that its really easy to use! No waste of time. you can do everything with two knobs!
Absolutely Great!
(John Jeff Touch)
C. Knafelz
Great tool. I've been eyeballing the hardware version of the IBP for years. I recently added the plug in to my system and it's a perfect little utility for aligning multiple mic sources that weren't quite placed in phase correctly. Also, it's cool for purposefully shifting sources in and out of phase.
M. Prikryl
Powerful and useful tool not only for phase corrections but also a good "toy" for sound tweaking.
M. Spannenkrebs
sometimes i use it to find the right phase correction for my pa speaker .......... very handy
C. Weingarten
Very easy to use. Reduces the effort of nudging tracks or visualizing phase problems and let's one focus more on listening for phase correction while turning a simple knob or two.
As for all UA plug-ins, the sound is not compromised or colored when not meant to be and always sounds great when used correctly. Best sounding plug-ins!!