FATSO™ Jr. / Sr. Tape Sim. & Compressor
Customer Reviews
FATSO™ Jr./Sr. Tape Sim. & Compressor
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B. Joseph
Best tape emulation out there.
I'm all about the sound of the 60's and 70's - when analog tape was the only recording format. I've come to learn that it is not only the tape machine that contributes to the warm, in your face 70's analog sound, but rather the PROCESS and headspace (Especially when tracking). Having the FATSO as a part of my "Analog Quest" artillery has taken my sound from 70% analog sounding to about 95% analog sounding (Does that even make sense?) All I'm saying is this plug-in is AMAZING. Try sending super dry BG's to an aux track with FATSO slammed, adjust to taste. You'll be amazed...
M. Olsen
The Compressor that keeps on giving...
Over the years, UAD plugins get better and better and better. Imagine my amazement and surprise when after the advent of the newer Fairchild, 1176 and other top-shelf emulations, the FATSO wins hands down for electric bass guitar. It's in your face. It's three dimensional. The tone has inspirational soul. No other compressor sounds as good for low end, and it's still gorgeous in the upper register as well. Welcome to my live rig, FATSO. Now... if only UAD Console would let me control plugins and the mixer from MIDI foot pedals [prays fervently to the UA gods].
M. Diaz Velez
A good warm on this cold days!
I have the "tape" emulations but when I have my DSPs at top of Load use the Fatso... is a good choise. This compressor added to APIs EQs is a winning team (Recommended).
F. Batiste III
Alive and Electric
Putting the Fatso on your drum bus is like "Fatso to drum resuscitation". This thing really breathes live into your drums. And adds warmth and sizzle to any other instrument. It does fat and crunchy, it does big and warm. It does not do boring. Fatso goes hard.
M. Coy
Loving this on some drum bus
I've been using this on the drum bus and it's pretty sick. Not exactly tape, but sweetly crunching. Good stuff.
J. De mendonca
nice, very nice
great compressor, great adding wonderfull tone to any track
Nothing like the real thing!
Very disappointed.
E. Kurttekin
Brings a smile to my face every time I use it.
Fatso Jr. ALWAYS sits on my drum bus and every time it delivers. I love it... It brings a smile to my face every time I use it. I never want to mix without it anymore.
FATSO™ Jr./Sr. Tape Sim. & Compressor Review
I am currently demoing this plugin and I'm still loving it from the first time I've used it.
It reminds me so much of the drum sounds engineered by Brendan O'Brien, especially albums like Blood Sugar Sex Magick by Red Hot Chili Peppers and Yield by Pearl Jam. It's also fantastic for adding edge to both clean/distorted guitars and vocals.
This will be the next plugin purchase for my Apollo Twin. I can't wait.
J. Fashe
Ultra Versatile Plugin!!!
You will use this in every project and you'll have different results, all of them with a fantastic and unique sound!!!
M. Davis
A serious game changer!
I've been looking at the buying the hardware version for quite some time. After hearing this plugin, I'm seriously doubting that I'll need the hardware version anytime soon, this plugin sounds incredible! Magic glue for your mix. Driving this bad boy is a great pleasure as well - adds beautiful, very real sounding analog distortion, great for driving vocals for effects. You can great some killer bass tones too. UA killed it.
I. Vidovic
Butter to my ears!
b. lugay
I want it..
This is the one i want next.
M. Jago
Really great on smashing the drum buss, also on getting bass guitar to growl & warming the vocal buss. Needs a bit of experimentation to get the best out of it, the controls can be quite sensitive, but once you hit the sweet spot, it's pretty awesome.
This compressor and saturator brings so much to the table. Completely satisfied with this plugin and the actual hardware version. Well done!
This is a special sauce plug . ... DSP hungry....worth it.... warm , crunchy , crisy . ...
My demo expired and felt the void which this plug left in my mix. . ..... Must buy
a. de rocco
i'll never mix without
Really helpful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Amazing.
M. Nigro
Almost the real thing
Do you want real mean punch on your drums? Can't miss with UAD Fatso. It really sound very close to the hardware for a fraction os the price. And you get Jr and Sr. versions. Just go for it!
B. Gotch
This is my Sauce on any source it just adds so much character but Lov It On VOCALS
S. Giordano
Not much to say here.... I ALWAYS wanted the hardware unit, but who can afford that? This is analogue tape to my ears. I am in love. Buss it up! This thing is amazing. This plug is a game changer. Try this compressor on the drum and bass buss - fattens them up and glues them together!