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Regular Price: $299.00


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Customer Reviews

Fairchild Tube Limiter Collection

Overall Rating

781-800 of 838 Results

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G. Piazza

January 15, 2014

My new desert Island compressor

Finally, a UAD comp with a wet/dry knob! But so much more than that. The sound, the variety between the 660 & 670, the excellent saturation, variable knee, M/S and the ability to dial in the amount you want (wet/dry) makes this incredibly versatile - a rich tonal palette for everything but absolute transparency. But in a digital world, transparency is often the problem - and here is an A+ solution!
This and the API stuff shows a stepped up game from UAD - still the king!

D. Favuzza

January 15, 2014

Fairchild collection

I use it on channel, group and bus..!
I love the combo with harrison Eq!!


C. Kazmier

January 14, 2014

Had to have this one!

Demoed it and was sold. My Go-to on acoustic, piano, BG vocals. Wasn't very interested in the UAD-1 version but they got something special in this one.

J. Vesel

January 14, 2014

new fairchild collection is sweet

i really like the sound and character of this plug-in.the side chain and mix knob are great features.i own a hardware manley vari-mu, and this plug has depth and smoothness that is hard to find in a plug-in. the side chain for me is something that is going to get a lot of use.highly recommend it. 660 is great also it has vibe like the 670

M. Gustafson

January 10, 2014

How do they do it?

Still loving this plugin. I can't believe they were able to improve the legacy 670 but they did. The user presets are even better!

D. Stroop

January 10, 2014

Remarkable plug in

As a song writer, record producer, composer (Wendy's Chevy Trucks, and more) and orchestrator for thirty years I've made recordings on everything from 2" tape to ADAT to DAWs so I've seen pretty much every compressor, EQ etc out there in action. And I've worked in high end studios with all the stuff.

This plug in is ridiculous in how well it emulates the hardware. I especially like how responsive it is to subtle changes sonically. The added tweak-ability from the original Fairchild plugin (which I still love as well) is a big deal.

I will continue to reach for this on so much of what I do.

Great work!

J. Dittamo

January 10, 2014

My dear Fairchild

It's not everyday you can say something delivers the real deal
The Fairchild family collection is a must have for your plugin arsenal of all your plugins this is your go to plug in.
What more can you say try it out it speaks for itself....
Let your ears enjoy the rest..

J. Kuric

January 10, 2014

Fairchild Tube Limiter Collection

High quality plugin, cozy, rounded, full sound! I am very satisfied with the work of developers.

S. Fritz

January 9, 2014

More of what we loved....

The MKII Fairchild brings this compressor set up to speed with the 1176 and LA-2 MKIIs....more of what we already loved about these venerable compressors. Now that harmonic distortion and saturation are modeled, on extreme settings these comps have character to spare along with dynamic shaping abilities. Highly recommended.
Scott Fritz
Stranded On A Planet

E. Lam

January 8, 2014

Read This!

You need to buy this. It's not even about it's compressing abilities. I use this the most without actually dialing in any settings. It tonally changes your sounds. It's really hard to explain because i've never really experienced a plugin like it. Download the demo. See for yourself.

B. Keis

January 8, 2014

Sounds Great

Fat, punchy, smooth, you get the idea. it is another winner tom Universal Audio.

D. Baron

January 7, 2014

Oh my goodness!

Had the original Legacy 670 and liked that, but man, the 660 does amazing stuff for beefing up bass and drums. Notice that it kind of reduces the highs on things, and you can use that to great effect on things like overheads on drums, where you can beef up the drums without the cymbals getting annoying. Looking forward to doing more with these.

M. Gustafson

January 6, 2014

An Absolute Must!

You think you already have The Fairchild plugin so you'll pass on this one. Do yourself a favor and rethink that. I have the "legacy" Fairchild and love it, but when I heard this one I was gown away. I I can understand if you're skeptical so run it as a demo and I'm sure you wound be able to live without it. The new presets are amazing and the depth and clarity ,if you want it, is staggering. I've been using it to crunch drums, bass, and vocal lately. I Can't wait to hit the guitars. Least of all it looks beautiful. I think it helps to be visually inspired as well and sonically. Try it out. You have nothing to loose.

W. Johnson

January 2, 2014

Luv It

Really nice on everything I've tried it on, individual tracks, bus, mains. Violins, guitars, piano, dials in quickly no fuss. Kissing a track or crushing a track... it makes a difference to my ears when I A/B with other comps. Still like to have other tools for specific things, but..... this one definitely has its own vibe and its very, very useful across a broad spectrum. Its in my favorites right along side the 1176's

Thanks UAD for a job well done. Desperately waiting for the AAX for PC..... and the Apollo fairy to stop by. If you see her knocking around your neck of the woods... could you nudge her my way?


F. Speer

December 28, 2013

Beste Fairchild Emulation bisher

Nach nunmehr einem Monat des Testens finde ich beide Versionen klasse. Durchaus anders als die ältere UA Variante, viel subtiler, aber eben auch edler. 99 % des Materials, was ich durchgeschickt habe, klang hinterher - bei gleicher Lautstärke wie ohne das plugin abgehört - durchaus transparenter.
Schön auch die neuen Features (Parallele Kompression, etc.)
Und das Auge ißt auch mit, davor ist man auch als Audiomensch nicht gefeit.
Ob einem das - regulär - etwa 220,- Euro wert sind, ist schwer zu sagen. Ich hatte den Vorteil upgraden zu können von der Vorversion und habe noch einen Gutschein hineingeworfen. Da war es dann schon ein No-Brainer. Speziell auf dynamischen und/oder problematischen Stimmen meine erste Wahl!!

L. Roccatagliati

December 26, 2013


I used to put the previous Fairchild version on my drums buses...nearly for the last 5 or 6 years, always...but now, with the new version, drums blowing my mind!! Amazing!

C. Roberts

December 25, 2013


DELIVERS!!!! In all areas of compression. This is as close as your gonna get to a hardware comp as I've heard. This one does great things to the bass guitar and the drum buss. Could use this as my only comp in a mix all across every track and be absolutely satisfied.

W. Lance

December 24, 2013

lovin' the new Fairchild...

I love this new Fairchild limiter, to me, the magic of both the 660 & 670 lie in the tonal variation you can get by driving the input of the compressor, backing off the output to keep in/out level, and then playing with the MIX control to vary the tone.. on individual instruments such as bass, guitars and saxaphone, using the 660 I'm able to do this and set the mix up around anywhere from 60-90% and get more drive and color (or back it off for more clarity and less presence in the mix) and on the master bus, I love the way this limiter works just to the left or right of the 50% marker on MIX, you can get these tones without even compressing, also play around with the headroom dial to vary the tone, this is by far my favorite compressor..

E. Middlesworth

December 22, 2013

Used on everyone session

Bought this first version of this and used it on every session, same story with the updated version

C. Huber

December 22, 2013

superb sounding plugin

very versatile and great sounding plugin, it fast became one of my favourite compressor plugins sofar, this really adds magic to your tracks.

781-800 of 838 Results