Fairchild® Tube Limiter Collection
Customer Reviews
Fairchild Tube Limiter Collection
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A. Paulos
Great for drums and master!!!
The sound is amazing!!!
h. rowland
Mmmmm tasty
Great bit of kit
S. Mclellan
It’s Fantastic
So good
Good job
Very useful plug-in, beautiful and incredible sound. Good job!
张. 张永
Best Emulation by far.....
Best Emulation by far.....
Thanks UAD for extending the promotion to my purchase; Software is the best emulation to date. I have Been recording for almost 20 years and I’m not usually impressed by a company but UAD is exceptional with this new technology.
M. Konneh
Best Emulation by far.....
Thanks UAD for extending the promotion to my purchase; Software is the best emulation to date. I have Been recording for almost 20 years and I’m not usually impressed by a company but UAD is exceptional with this new technology.
d. erdem
best of best
best of best
Very good plug-ins are useful and glossy from the sound.
d. erdem
best of best
best of best
Very good plug-ins are useful and glossy from the sound.
M. Guichard
La classe !
La classe !
D. Lawrence
yeah its really good....
its 'that' sound. unbelievable. top marks
L. Zamponi
T. Zaporozhets
Fairchild 670
Very cool compressor! Works on everything - vocal, bass, drums, piano etc.
g. mwamlenga
Real Deal
When I started I was just recording and I didn’t know how to use, but recently I started using this plugin and I been using everyday!
p. Fivet
si vous vous voulez parler d'une couleur sonore
ce plugin très puissant change totalement la physionomie d'un mix par sa "couleur" et son relief, sans même changer quoique ce soit aux différent potentiomètres. Mais à manier avec précaution...comme toujours
p. Fivet
si vous vous voulez parler d'une couleur sonore
ce plugin très puissant change totalement la physionomie d'un mix par sa "couleur" et son relief, sans même changer quoique ce soit aux différent potentiomètres. Mais à manier avec précaution...comme toujours
D. Mcnulty
Spoilt for choice
Short of spending 50k on a Fairchild, this is the best emulation I have heard to date, truly refined and a joy to play with, I have to hold short of just putting it on everything, Top stuff UAD and thanks
T. Berger
Well… What can i say… !
Universel Audio makes life worth living even for a poor musician.
A man can dream… And I dream to have them as original hardware in the studio.
But they just works brillant in digital form !
It's amazing what technology can do now a days…
E. Blake
Compression King
Only the finest all around compressor we’ve used.Have used the hardware version & was an awesome machine.I thought,did George Harrison use this very one.My Son’s favourite compressor as well and it will be used on most off his songs on his soon to be released debut album.Stewart Pierson Blake.Real music IS back Neil.Cheers
p. albert
Plug-in vintage d'une excellente qualité
J. Nascimento
Que som sensacional!
Essa fera é extremamente potente. Melhor emulação de todos os tempos! muitas possibilidades numa coisa só! UA, vocês são demais! Congratulações do Brasil e muito som para todos!