EMT® 140 Classic Plate Reverberator
Customer Reviews
EMT® 140 Classic Plate Reverberator
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P. Alberta
Warm and lush
There's no better way to have a richer, warmer and better sounding classic plate sound than using the EMT140 from UAudio.
Transparent reverb lovers: stay away from this!
A. Bushaj
Super plate reverb
Es gibt sehr gute plugins auf der markt, aber uad mit siene Produkte macht Revolution.
A. Bushaj
Super plate reverb
Es gibt sehr gute plugins auf der markt, aber uad mit siene Produkte macht Revolution.
J. H
The only reverb I use
I love this reverb plugin so much. It works on everything, drums, guitars, vocals, keys and anything else you need to verb. The presets are a great start, and the plugin is very tweakable. I find it sounds great in mono and stereo, and will usually run a mono and stereo buss of the same setting to keep things less muddy. If you buy 5 UA plugins make this one one of them. Essential.
S. Popyk
Very Good plate reverb!!! Must Have!
Did not work with the original device, but really enjoy working with the plugin!
140 Sound does not repeat other plugins!
- Very good at the drums! Gives depth to SNARE and TOM'S!
- In some cases, very good sound on vocal tracks. Gives a soft sound to a hissing sound, and a sense of space. No pail sound.
- Deep sound, good tail.
- A good read in the mix.
- Easy operation.
- You can quickly adjust the sound for themselves and get the desired result.
- One of the few plug-in that is required for the sound engineer at MIXING.
E. Hood
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBest Plate Reverb !! #WatchThis
M. Hartmann
One word... yeaaah!
Well, there is not much to say about this tool... I does exactly what it is supposed to do: It delivers an easy to use und yet epic sounding reverb :-)
With the different sonic-characters of the three plates, you can achieve every room or space you have in mind...
PLUS: the input-filter is a great feature! e.g. when you use the reverb on an entire drum-track and you don't want the kick-drum to get muddy...
As we say german:
Schönes Ding ;-)
C. Vonsneidern
Love it
The EMT® 140 Classic is lovely sounding. Nice bloom, no fake sounding tail. I just realized there are three different plates modeled. I used this recently on a live mix as well. I have a real EMT plate at my studio, and while they're all a little different and unfair to compare, there is no reason not to use this plug in alongside or instead of the hardware unit. And no hum!
S. Mccauley
Very Nice
I love the EMT 140 Classic .It works well with Vocals and on piano and also For my drum bus. Great Work.
C. Waldron
A must have!
i was a bit skeptical at first, but the space this plugin gives to my records is amazing it can be both subtle and in your face if you want to. I like the space it gives to vocals and drums.
J. Meeker
Still Relevant
The EMT 140 Plate is still a worthy contender among reverb plugins despite being a few years old now. There are very few options available for modeling a real plate reverb, giving the EMT 140 a distinct advantage of having a unique character.
UA's execution of this plugin was spot on. It really harkens back to yesteryear with a fat, metallic, gorgeous tone.
While it is a no-brainer to use the EMT 140 for percussion, it provides startling results with keyboard instruments as well--allowing them to really shine in a mix.
I like specialized tools that are great at doing a few things and are easy to use. The EMT 140 nails this description.
R. Mann
EMT 140 ... full circle
I am always searching for new reverbs, and new impulse responses. The more subtile the better. And dealing with mono fold-down has always a thorn in my side. But when I heard the Universal Audio EMT 140 reproduction it really blew me away. I have worked with original EMT 140s over the years and never thought it would be possible to emulate that sound in my studio. Now I can and it's my first choice go-to reverb when setting up a new project. And its mono capabilities are fantastic!
I feel I've come full circle right back to the original sound that is best in any mix. Thank you UA.
R. Ravella
EMT 140 Classic Plate
Like all UAD plugins, this one is way WAY too expensive. Between the year end sale and the small $25 coupon that takes a tiny bite out of the cost, I purchased this for something closer to a reasonable price. It sounds very good, but then all my reverb plugins sound very good. This one sounds different, I have no personal experience with the real thing so I can't say if that difference is authentic, but it will likely be usable. If UA would stop trying to gouge their customers and act a bit less like Avid, they would probably sell enough more product to compensate and actually make more money in the end. But clearly, they're driven by greed. Like Avid.
V. H
All around awesome
I bus most of my channels to the EMT 140 to give my track a natural room sound. Love the EMT for that specific purpose. The controls are easy and it sounds phenomenal.
J. Eli
Price was misleading.
When looking for a reverb to get free with my Appolo Twin, then satellite, I overlooked this because of the price. Tried to get the most expensive since it was free. While the other one I got it great, I find myself using this one more and more. Great reverb that doesn't take much to get sitting well in the mix.
G. Goldberg
The Real Deal.
Unfathomably good, not just for a plugin, but by any measure. I've used many plates over the years and this plugin sounds better than at least half of them! Some cool presets too.
T. Cosgrave
EM 140
Put simply it's the most natural reverb plugin I've ever used.. Thank you UA!
B. Nazarov
Great Product!
its a very beautiful product!!! i like it!!!! Thank you very much!
D. Colombo
Very flexible
love the reverb, is actually my go to for shaping and enrich snare tracks. Love it on guitars as well.
D. Wohl
My go to reverb
The EMT 140 Classic Plate Reverb is the first reverb I turn to especially on vocals though I do have all of the other UA reverb plugins and use them as well. It has that great classic reverb sound that I love and I've used it quite a bit over the years. And being in a small project studio, who has the room or money to amass a number of 4' X 8' sheets of metal!