Classic FX Bundle
Customer Reviews
Classic FX Bundle
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Galaxy Tape Echo
The LEGENDARY Galaxy Tape Echo.. I LOVE IT!!
S. Sinclair
Iconic bass chorus
I've been on an endless search for a chorus on my bass. When I tried this plugin, my eyes lit up.
R. Zohrab
Blissfully Clean guitar sounds
It is the first plugin I brought after buying my apollo twin, it is great for clean guitar and I wrote some nice chordal parts within a few minutes, I reckon from the inspiring sounds that it creates.
L. Herve
sounds very good but need MIDI
I love the sound of this plug with clean guitars, you're immediately transported into the 80's.
When pedals where created, the main interest was to keep the hands of the player for playing, and to use the feet for changing the sounds. This plug needs an update with MIDI mapping to able the footswitching of the bypass and the effect type.
A Dry/Wet pot should be a thing too.
h. YU
나는 빈티지 스럽고 아날로그 적인 사운드를 찾기 위해 정말 많은 노력을 해왔다.
이 플러그인을 알게되고, 내가 왜 좀더 빨리 데모를 써보지 않았을까? 생각했다.
패드, 신스, 기타, 베이스 모두 어울리고 모두 내가 원하는 굉장한 사운드를 들려준다.
최고다! 최고!
Galaxy out of this world
This is a plug in that works on so many different tracks. Vocals, guitar, effects... Just great... easy to use and control !
T. Stoddart
Great Substitute For Tracking With Chorus Pedals
I find this is a a great substitute for tracking guitar with chorus (which I find tends to sound small and confined when recorded through a pedal into a mic'd amp). It does everything from wet 80s chorus to 90s Nirvana-esque grunge chorus, although I wish the vibrato and chorus could be used simultaneously instead of as an either-or thing. Overall, a good plugin and it should take care of most if not all of your guitar chorus needs
T. Clark
Studio D Chorus
Everyone knows what annoying cheap sounding chorus sounds like. Right?
Well, the Studio D Chorus ain't that baby!
P. Tavshed
Awesome sounding
Awesome sounding!
D. Sofra
wow awesome reverb echo effect
D. Hendrickson
Quite possibly the best-sounding chorus ever made.
This remains one of the best ways to enhance width and add excitement to any track in your mix. This is indeed the Roland Dimension D, despite the initial confusion over the name due to licensing issues, and it sounds as incredible now as it ever has. I first heard this effect a few years ago and was immediately impressed with it, so much so that I had to get this plugin as soon as I got a UAD satellite. Very useful and impressive.
A. Harrington
The bees kneeeeees
Such a great plugin! A buddy has an original space echo and (as far as I can tell) this reacts exactly like the hardware. What makes that so important is that the hardware is soooooo damn cool to play with.
R. Somerville
Galaxy Tape Echo
All the lovely tape delay effects without the hassle of broken tape and noisy units ,oh and i can run as many as my Octocore can handle at once.If you want authentic Roland tape Echo fx ..look no further. Definitely a must in your UAD collection.Highly recommended.Mr S from Somerville & Wilson
R. Calegari
Delay atmosferico de colores varios, un gran aliado a la hora de colorear y agregar movimientos y texturas. Un clasico que no puede faltar sin duda!
Amazing Chorus
I use it for all track!!
m. jackson
Very few delay plugins are this good....love it.
J. Mage
Do you really need another chorus? Yes. You do.
The thing about chorus for me is that it so quickly goes 80's and that's not really my thing. The beauty of this unit is that it does what I always want chorus to do; add a psychological sense of space and movement without actually registering as "Oh, that's a chorus"...Yay!!!
A. Rucker
Simple and sounds great!!!
Easy to use, one of my new favorite plugins
M. L
This one is a must have
C. Hazel
Depth and Width
This plugin is just special. I love using it on lead vocals (sometimes background vocals too). Whenever I want the lead vocals to have a little more depth/or width in the mix I just put this thing on a bus and send a little bit of the lead vocals through it. Great job UAD!