Capitol Chambers
Customer Reviews
Capitol Chambers
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K. Volpe
Capital Chambers Reverb
Just amazing..tweak it a bit and boom. So easy to adjust the send & return to dial the reverb tail. Works for vocals, guitars, drums, etc.. Love it
L. Meade
Even my girlfriend notices the spaces created.
My girlfriend doesnt give a hoot about my mixing. In fact, she hates me calling her in to check out anything because lets face it, nobody cares but us mixers right? Well, for the most part yes thats true. However the exception to this reality is when you sit somebody down to hear a mix using Capitol Chambers.
"That bit sounda far back, that bit sounds up front, that bit seems really far in the sides, feels like im in the music. Great... Well, actually, how much did this thing cost you"
At that point I led her back out of the room and thanked her for her time while being truthful telling her I had gotten it during a sale, that said... Id pay full price for this reverb time and time again. Inexcusable if this is not in your Arsenal.
C. Clivio
Jaw dropper
Takes a bit of dsp but my jaw breaks every time I use it!
L. Ross
Incredibly classy sounding. Most complimentary on vocals and acoustic instruments. A little goes a long way. This is going to see a lot of use.
C. Yang
Capitol Chambers
It's a very moving machine.
I cried when I sang the song for the first time.
That's how touching it is.
R. T
Capitol Chambers
This thing is getting hyped for a good reason! Wonderful reverb! Read here in the UAD Support how to manage your DSP powers and enjoy it alos without buying extra devices.
R. Freeman
Capitol Chambers
Excellent chamber reverb. Sounds fantastic. I just wish there was some kind of input level indicator (also applies to the Ocean Way reverb).
H. Ataka
Sound you need now
This plug-in brings a very dark color to a clear mix.
R. Bouma
Missing link reverb
Recognizable sound from many records. Very impressive colour and usable from a thin edge to the fullest chamber size and mic position. ❤️ it!
C. Borella
Capitol Chambers
Your plugins are wonderful but very expensive.
p. fordstrom
One of the best!
This plugin is truly amazing on virtual instruments - it really brings them alive.
J. Scalia
This isn’t one of those “toys” that seem to flood the market these days. This is a USABLE plugin ! In so many scenarios, it can add a certain color to a room sound . The environment actually changes to fully controllable degrees. I guarantee you don’t have anything else like this in your arsenal.
G. Chan
Awesome sound!
I use it as a required item. I want to thank uad
r. kELLY
I can hear the records it was used on
Man this is spot on. Can actually hear the sound that was on all those classics. UAD did it on this one!
r. kELLY
I can hear the records it was used on
Man this is spot on. Can actually hear the sound that was on all those classics. UAD did it on this one!
J. Walton
My favorite Reverb
Excellent sounding reverb. My favorite besides my Master Room Xl-305
C. Smith
Amazing reverb
I actually didn’t know too much about this reverb before getting it, was recommended by a friend. The sound is incredible , sounds amazing on vocals/acoustic/piano! Been recording more ambient/experimental music and this has added so much depth!
Capitol Chambers has replaced so many items on my mixes, the amount of realism it adds to instruments and vocals incomparable! The fine tuning is so detailed. Fabulous!
J. Poole
Best of both
Space, the final frontier
N. Gastel
Every producer should have it
Favorite r plugin