C-Suite C-Vox™ Noise & Ambience Reduction
Customer Reviews
C-Suite C-Vox™ Noise & Ambience Reduction
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S. Oberdorfer
Generally amazing, unfortunately not for guitar and bass
At first I was extremely impressed with the quality of noise reduction and clarity of sound. Great job, and working for vocals as advertised! Initially it even seemed to work as well for guitar and bass, until I noticed that after some seconds of doing a perfect job, the continuous automatic recalibration starts to misinterpret the instrument as noise and cancel it out. This is extremely unfortunate and I really hope for an improvement of this aspect, which would make this plugin so much more useful!!
M. Demirel
Its my new FAV
Thats my new fav plug for unwanted noise in the background!
C. Doud
Great Plug-in for On The Go
Works best in console on real-time input with active routing from console to your DAW’s record input. —exceptional noise and ambience dampening while keeping vocals crisp and punchy. And so SIMPLE to use!
I like running c-Vox in tandem with API’s vision channel strip following c- Vox and then routing the signal to the DAW.
It makes my dining room provide acceptable results! Excellent technology!
G. Gulyás
I didn't want to buy it first, but..
I compared it with similar softwares and to my ears, this has by far, the best results. Fantastic plugin, highly recommeneded to everyone who is not recording in an ideal environment. It would be great if UAD and C-Suite had a similar plugin for acoustic guitar recording as well.
E. Bureau
The best noise/ambience reduction for vocals
I've tried a lot of them, but they all seem to leave some sort of footprint on the tone or gated artifacts. This one (if used at reasonable amounts) really helps to reduce noise and ambience without any artifacts. It also works surprisingly well on other instruments, such as acoustic guitars. A must have for people recording vocals in sub-optimal recording spaces.
M. Bos
Love it!
Such a helpful plugin when I record vocals in my small studio. Love it!
Literally magic!!!
Okay, this is literally magic! I have been using Waves NS1 to silence some of the noise in me studio and while this is a little different, it is soooooo much more transparent. Post NS1, my audio sounds muffled and eq'd. This is completely transparent. You've got to try this in your setup. No matter how good your studio is, this makes it even better.
E. Peterson
Like magic
This is what I needed since I don’t have a dedicated vocal booth. It works so good to remove the noise in a natural way. Rx has more options but I like the sound of this one better. It’s become my go to. Love it.
R. Thorogood
Truly surprising performance
For reducing noise and room tone in things like voiceover recorded in untreated rooms this product is IMHO an absolute winner. Highly effective and to most practical intents and purposes artefact-free … in real-time. Up until now, I’ve always thought RX or Clarity Vx (particularly the latter) were the most effective in this space, and whilst they certainly still have a place in my toolbox, C-Vox is without doubt my first choice . Very highly recommended
J. Lambert
Not just for vocals!
Wow! This thing really shines on drums, vocals, and acoustic guitars. Anything that might have a bit too much semblance really. Very very cool, and not too obvious- seems to not effect e.q. as much as many of the other noise reduction Plug-ins.
A. Balogh
Noisy room+C Vox= professional noise dampened room
So far, I have recorded Enek in a room not suitable for recording. With this plugin and the correct preamp setup, it's as if my vocals were recorded in a perfect mid-high quality recording room. They were simply invented for bedroom studio people. The price is expensive, but the money comes back, as if you go to a studio to record your vocals, at an expensive hourly rate.
C. Özdemir
…and there was silence. essential for people with less than ideal room conditions
J. Vanderhorst
Game Changer !
Wow what a difference this thing makes ,especially for those of us that's recording in apts & other non perfect places.
E. Maxwell
This plugin saved my mixes, needed cleaning up bedroom vocals and this did the job!!!!!
W. LeGette
Pretty good
Not the magic solution I was hoping for. It works well if you already have good acoustic treatments in place. It is not artifact free as I have read about. Unfortunately I have to say overall iZotope RX is much better. BUT - because this works in real-time it is very cool. Studios I record live with don't know it's there, which is it's own form of magic. But when recording on my own I am finding using RX in post is much cleaner.
M. O'Brien
Having been a firmware engineer for over 35 yrs. I now only do VST stuff to set up rigs and studio outboard equipment. I can say with my hand on my heart. This is pure witchcraft. It is expensive but it is amazing. Worth every penny.
A. Santana
Es es excelente para un uso variado limpieza perfecta de fondo , donde le da un toque distintivo a la grabación también en casos de poca acústica . Magico
V. Pop Hristov
Excellent tool 4 good clean signal,also good in shaping d environment of d recording
D. Echegorri
Excelente! Aunque consume muchos recursos
Es increíble el trabajo de este plugin. Anula ruido en tiempo real y lo hace realmente bien! El único problema es que consume muchos recursos para mi pequeña Apollo Solo. Soy VoiceOver, y si tengo que grabar mi voz en un ambiente sin tratamiento acústico, es la herramienta perfecta!
d. kwon
Devil's tool
but it works like a angel.