Apollo Twin MkII
Customer Reviews
Apollo Twin MkII
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A. Nielsen
Centerpiece of my studio
No hiccups, no mess, the Apollo Twin MkII is reliable, sitting right in front of me in my working environment. It simply works, and does what it promises to do, and does that very well. Sound quality is pristine.
I have a UAD-2 Satellite Octa, as well. The two of them are rarely maxed out, even with pretty extensive mixing session going on here. There are workarounds in Pro Tools for that. Still, I am going to get myself another Satellite soon. I wouldn't work any other way.
c. moody
Apollo twin
Great product...Good buy well worth the money...
h. 69
mk2 duo
great sound!
M. Livingstone
Only one and a half year of life
My sound card just died after a year and a half of use at home. She just stopped turning on. I had to buy the same one. This suggests that they are very short-lived, but since this is the best product on the market, there is simply no choice.
K. Kim
D. Krüger
My best choice for an interface!
When I came into contact with Universal Audio products for the first time, I was completely thrilled. The Apollo devices are just great and are indispensable in my recordings!
r. mayne
Perfect for preproduction studios
This was perfect for my small studio. I need to do professional recording of a small number of instruments. Having these pre amps to practice vocals through is also really nice!
P. Daly
No regrets!!
I got the Quad, anything less is a tease. Without a doubt the best interface I’ve had as regards AD/DA and quality recording of sources. The plugins are primo. Mobile to boot. 8p next for the full drum kit in Unison :)
K. Scott
Best purchase I made in a long time!
After having a full Recording Studio for many years, I decided to scale down and just do a little set up at my home. I can still get great sounds and mixes with this little thing. The plugins are amazing! Thank you UAD!
M. Olsson
The sound quality of the preamps lifts decent mics up to new levels.
G. Fuko
Apollo twin Pluggins
Apollo twin is a great equipment. really really great. I have a minor problems but purely based on the fact that am new to Apollo. Using it with Logic Pro x 10.4. somehow I cannot easily make them work together. Secondly I bought plugins but I cannot use them with Logic Pro x. If I can get assistance on that it will be awesome.
Quel bonheur
Superbe interface...gros son, qualité irréprochable...un bonheur de bosser avec.
It's Working!
My studio in now complete. My monitors and mic have been brought to life with the MKII DUO.
G. Hardman
Apollo MKII is the Best sounding Interface without a doubt!
I have had many interfaces as a studio owner Apogee, Focusrite, Presonus ect. Nothing comes close to the MKII Apollo. I sold my Avalon Vt-737 mic preamp because the Apollo mic preamps with the unison preamp turned the Avalon into a paperweight. Thanks UAD worth every penny
E. Schweyer
The perfect Interface for my Guitar Home Studio
I was looking for a High-Quality Interface for recording my two amps in stereo at home. Sounds Amazing! Perfect. Exactly what I was looking for.
w. jung
Wenn es funktionieren würde ...
Zuerst das ua arrow bestellt, weil es alles kann was ich brauche. Leider funktioniert es nicht (wie auf der UA Website geschrieben) über ein Thunderbolt 3 dock mit externer Stromversorgung.
Also dank der Firmenpolitik von UA und Apple nochmal 200 Euro mehr hin gelegt und das mk 2 bestellt. Leider funktionierten die LEDs nicht. Also zurück geschickt. Jetzt ist der Ersatz da und siehe da es fehlt das Netzteil. Alles in allem eine laaaaaaange Enttäuschung .
P. Ulvforsen
It´s awesome. Very easy to use and no latency.
J. Alaminos
Estoy super encantado con ella¡¡¡ es una de las mejores inversiones que he hecho¡¡
C. Lehman
Super excited!
Feels very inuitive and I am excited to explore further. Little concerned with the amount of heat generated off this little puppy, but everything has been ship shape. Thanks UAD!
J. Murner
Much better than my previous apogee quartet at least the preamp are much more transparent. A bit surprised by the low latency with thunderbolt, not much faster than USB. Love the hi-z input