Apollo Twin MkII
Customer Reviews
Apollo Twin MkII
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S. Maheshwari
Twin Mk II
This is best sound card I’ve worked on so far. It’s been 10 years of me being a musician. But no other brand beats UAD.
R. Fyfield
The business
This little device is the doorway to pro studio sound. Endless possibilities. I researched audio interfaces to the ends of the earth and found my ideal creative outlet.
C. Paschall
Great small solution
Love the functionality and software this little guy offers. In particular the talkback and dim functions offer features that would normally require more money and more gear. Great piece!
A. Abduljabbar
Fantastic zero latency
I’ve tried a lot of apollo products but this one is simply great woth my kind of work
Thanks to MediaCast Dubai for help specially benjamin
J. Bascuña
Feels like an amp
I'm a guitarist. There are a lot of plugins out there that sound excellent. But with uad platform, amps sound and feels like amps! Excellent work uad!
J. Bascuña
Feels like an amp
I'm a guitarist. There are a lot of plugins out there that sound excellent. But with uad platform, amps sound and feels like amps! Excellent work uad!
M. Heigl
APOLLO TWIN DUO MKII | Nicht günstig aber tolles Gerät
Ja, der Preis ist vielleicht nicht günstig aber ich bin absolut zufrieden was Klangqualität und handling angeht. Und mein Problem mit Bildschirm Aufnahme ohne Ton habe ich jetzt auch nicht mehr! Danke für dieses tolle Produkt! *thumpsup*
Ich bin zufrieden damit und jeder sollte selber entscheiden ob das was für ihn ist oder nicht!
Ein Stern Abzug für den Preis und die etwas mühselige Installation!
T. Thu
Great product but not happy with customer service.
I really like this interface. But I think it sucks that just a couple of days after I bought it, it comes with extra plugins. And when I asked customer service if I was able to get it aswell the answer was no. And that was after universal audio said them self to ask customer service via instagram. I think that sucks when I bought both an arrow and a apollo within the last 4 weeks..
z. henry
Great Sounding AD card
I have been using the Apogee sound card for over 10 and was advised to try out the Apollo Twin, as I use to have a professional studio, but now I have a home set up. And to be honest, I was blown away by the depth and warmth of the sound. Great sounding AD conversion, and great plugins. Love it!!
I. Grigorenko
My feeling
Thank you very much! Our apollo is the best!
A. Johnson
awesome interface!!!!
Been recording for over 20 yrs, owned everything, this little box is the truth, great converters, along with great plugins, low latency, hard to beat.
I. Palmer
Headache since steeping up to this so call professional product.
I was proud to be the owner of the Apollo twin quad until a few days after I started having connection issues and the support from the customer support is so bad after spend 30 mins waiting to speak with someone, the call lasted a minute.I am feeling so low having spent my hard earn cash on a supposedly high end product that looks great on the desk top thats it looks great. I am so disappointed.
S. Campbell
Great But There's Integration Issues To Consider.
If only it was compatible with Propellerhead's Reason. It does mention the DAW's UAD support, I just wish they stressed this a little more. However, this integration issue isn't UAD's fault (to my understanding), this doesn't render the interface useless by any means, just using their plugins in the daw creates some issues but so far it's manageable.
Besides this; incredible quality, design and sound; honestly second to none I've used before.
K. Husen
Professional Quality
This is literally the most professional quality interface you buy for less than $1,000. Every instrument that runs through the Apollo ends up sounding amazing! Only bummer is that you have to buy the thunderbolt cable separately. But other than that, this is by far the best interface!
D. Rossi
Best interface in the market.
Flexibility, reliability and quality. At this moment no other interface equals UA.
t. meulens
Best ever !
This interface just rocks!, the warmth in my vocals, how clear my mixes come thru my speakers just amaizing.
M. Alquati
State of the Art audio interface
The audio interface is perfect from any point of view, from the construction to the software, my version with thunderbolt interface can be totally compatible and perfect stable both with win (i7 CPU) and macosx (MacBook Pro with i5 CPU). Unison preamps and effect are simply amazing!
Game changer
This thing is for real. I can confirm if you have been wondering if this is worth the investment? If top quality is your goal then YES!
J. Connolly
New User Apollo Twin
I am getting into software synths and plugins from hardware synths, and upgraded to this from Clarett...wow, very impressed, and look forward to getting more plugins in the future...God bless you all...James
A. Frouin
interface haute qualité
très bonne qualité audio avec unison