Apollo Twin MkII
Customer Reviews
Apollo Twin MkII
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R. Olmos
Me encanta esta interfaz, la calidad de mis grabaciones mejoraron un 100%, sonido super limpio, super potente y todo es facilita la mezcla, ahora mi tiempo para mezclar se ha reducido mucho debido a que puedo grabar con efectos en tiempo real y tengo que pocos ajustes en la mezcla. Excelente.
P. Prince
recording an album with the Apollo Twin / Luna software mixer and the UA plug ins
Over a few years I have had a singularly pleasant , at times exciting experience recording my new album with a "vintage" Apollo twin interface, UAD, and the free Luna mixer. Previously used a VS 2400 or a dat, or long ago the 880 so this was a Huge step up in many ways sonically. By not going thru patch bays, mixers etc the sound gains in dimension and accuracy. The preamps and converters are first rate so when I would do stereo acoustic guitar or percussion, with the right mic, it really shined with basically no latency issues. With the included Pultec type eq I learned how to remove low frequency artifacts. Flamenco guitar with stereo mics, external preamp eq, worked better than any studio I have used as long as the room is acoustically fine - it is that level of professional sound. What was also a pleasure is sometimes before a session I would load up a few new plug ins on trial and that would often make exciting audio surprises and really helped me color the music subtly and I found the tube emulations compression, and EQ plugs in very sweet and I actually learned a lot using them but not over using. Electric guitar direct and bass was really nice actually and surprised me -how could be shaped taking advantage of Manley and Neve eq and even the Ocean Way virtual sound subtly enhancing. To me the Apollo is the most important exciting studio invention years for the home recording musician/composer because of the preamps, the extensive plug in you can try, and the quality of the converters and Luna mixer.
A. Hammani
Not even compatible with windows, ive been contacting thhe support for 2 months and they cant fix my problem....
D. Kokorsky
Simple the best
For almost 30 years with well-known brands, I have now arrived at the best interface so far in terms of haptics, sound quality and design.
b. wilson
Step above
b. wilson
It’s worth it
Just that simple
O. Bakare
It is perfect!
i. mcqueen
I recently just purchased a brand new Apollo mk2 twin. It worked the first couple of days and now none of the buttons work except the volume knob. I can use the console only from my Mac mini and tech support won’t even respond
R. Porrello
It is just another level!
I was finally able to get my hands on this unit after many years of knowing about it and after using many other brands of interfaces. Let me just say this... There is a reason why every other video reviewing a new brand of interface has to compare them to this unit. Once you hear it, it sets a new standard of sound quality. Also, the "ecosystem" (Console software) around this unit is extremely well thought out as well as design, and in my opinion, elevates the quality of this interface.
R. Johnson
Great unit
It’s a great unit, so far so good ….I just wish the process of making ALL the plug-ins native were done . As we know today, the computers can handle anything and I’m running a 12 core Macpro, So only having the plug-ins that work with DSP is limiting my potential.
G. Patro
A portable Music Studio
The plugin emulations sounds so accurate that I use it everyday for music production
Z. Simo
It is incredible for me in the studio and in live mixing. It makes my work much easier
n. vu
Good product
Product quality is good, but the price is still too high compared to the average.
H. Haldane
Great product
My Apollo twin quad core has been great so far. Recording and mixing are both sounding better and happening faster.
F. Meng
J. Oosthuizen
Great unit preamps sound amazing!
Very happy with my purchase! Went from 'n RME and it sounded like my speakers opened up. My analog gear gets noisy sometimes and I recently had a client complain about a vocal session with a slight hiss on it so will switch to unison plugins from now on. Best thing is how good the playback is on this. The converters are so good!
Z. Foster
Nice upgrade
I've used a few audio interfaces over the years many for my small bedroom studio. This one is by far the best, also access to UAD plugins has really upgraded my sound. Small box but it packs a punch! Definitely worth it, also easy to take around with you.
d. uneberg
No Reply from UA on any of my Support issues for this Apollo Twin Mkii
My Apollo randomly turns on and off and it appears to be this cheap power supply that is faulty. I have purchased products from UA since 2003 and not sure why they leave me with Legacy plugins instead of upgrading the same plugin to the latest version. The Apollo hardware is mediocre at best and mine seems to be stuck without a working Volume knob which just happened out of nowhere, I followed the proper protocol to reset the device several times with no luck. I use this on an M1Max Pro Macbook and have had issues with pops and clicks constantly and the UA software console freezing on me where I have to Force Quit. I Love the plugins but to be honest they are overpriced and I really don't need them since upgrading from my 2015 iMac to this M1Max Pro with 64GB of Ram and with the slack customer support I wouldn't buy anything else from them until they make all of our purchased plugins Free as they move away from processor based Audio interfaces. This company doesn't have a great return on your investment and when I used it on my old iMac they plugin count was not that great, I don't see this company making another 5 years without filing Chapter 11 at the rate they're going!
g. avila
Best of the best
An absolute discovery. The perfect audio device.
G. Watson
outstanding performance
I have only scratched the capabilities Of this unit and it has already added quality sound to my recordings!