Apollo Twin MkII
Customer Reviews
Apollo Twin MkII
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P. Dias
After using Focusrite for some time, I took a chance on this Apollo and the interface is a step forward in terms of sound quality and easy of use. The control software is one of the most intuitive I came across, and the signal path matrix is a huge benefit. Not related with the quality of the device itself - which is top - UA company is, however, annoying when it comes to try to sell their plugins. Are you desperate UA guys? Can't quite understand what is your core business, excellent audio interfaces or pieces of software? And speaking about pieces of software, the device should install JUST the authorised plugins. Not the whole bunch of non-authorised ones. This makes difficult to find the authorised ones on 3rd party software such as Ableton, Komplete or Maschine (I assume in others too, like Logic Pro, Cubase, etc...). In the end I gave up of using any of your "free" plugins because I simply don't have patience to go through the whole list and try to find the ones I'm authorised to use.
S. Burke
Amazing! - This has lifted me from a so so producer to... A bit better than that.
In all seriousness though, my home studio is primarily to demo songs prior to recording the final versions elsewhere or shipping (selling) the songs to other artists, but the thing is, now when I get demo love, and cant let go of a take or part, the signal path is so warm and clean that I can use them on the final product. The interface is solid, and simple to use, and although its new, it feels sturdy and like it will last. It tends to heat up a lot (I went for the quad and Im glad I did) The quality of all inputs is flatout head and shoulders above anything Ive owned before and often Il leave the channel strip clean in console as the pure input path with nothing in the way is so useful. Love it and obviously as I get better Il be able to use more and more of its capabilities of which Im just touching the surface.
R. Pavlov
Отличный прибор, удобен в командировках
Пока мне не довелось использовать возможность записи, но остальной функционал очень порадовал. Четыре процессора на борту дали возможность достаточно спокойно работать с треками вне студии. Из минусов - отсутствие прямого подключения к USB-C, только через адаптер и конечно зависимость от блока питания, просто так в аэропорту теперь не подключить.
C. Tejeda
D. Thebeau
I'm also an Apollo 8 quad owner. The twin is such an amazing tool to own for traveling engineer and producers. The sound is unlike anything like it. I can easily pack this into my back pack with my laptop and mic and take anywhere to record or produce.
P. Moedl
A (nearly) perfect Interface
This Interface has everything i need and sounds really good. The only thing is, that i miss a second thunderbolt-input. If this device is the last one in a chain, all the other devices must be powered on, thats impractical. Also a BNC-wordclock output would be very helpful, so you don't have to send clock-signals via ADAT.
R. Ficko
almost as
OK. almost like my Apollo Quad
S. Keys
Une interface exceptionnel
Une interface exceptionnelle , Même si elle n’est pas vraiment portable elle reste transportable accessible est complètement transparente pour l’enregistrement
les quatre processeurs suffisent à des mix légers attention aux réverb qui consomment énormément de ressources
C. Manyame
Absolutely stunning
This is the best ‘sound’ decision I have made.... period!!!
K. Jacquemin
Great stuff
I am very happy with my twin upgrade , works great .
C. pena
I'm glad I got the Apollo Twin MKII , it just added so much to my Music, thank you universal audio for your hard work im glad im part of the family now with this product
M. Brown
Surprised by this one!
I've been working out of my home studio with an Apogee Quartet for years. I got the Apollo as I wanted to get into the Universal Audio ecosystem. It was immediately obvious how much better the Apollo sounded as soon as I attached speakers and hit play. This is my must-have going forward!
Thanks guys!
M. Gorbacenoks
Top Product of 2018
The best sounding AD DA Converter for the money. i like it very much
F. Sias
The best ever
In the last 5 years I have changed 5 sound cards of the most renown brands.
The apollo is simply fantastic!
Converters at the top and stability with mac os never seen on any sound card I've ever owned.
Buying this card is an investment that lasts over time.
A. Murray
Love my Twin MKII.
The MKII is a perfect upgrade from the MKI which I already loved. Universal Audio listened to their customers and added everything we requested for MKII. I sounds great and now with the Quad option I can do even more on the go. Super happy. UA Rules!
M. Curnow
Truly Excellent
I absolutely loved this unit. I have since switched to an 8core Satellite as it suited my setup/budget slightly better, but while I had the Apollo, it was such a joy to use. Incredibly solid and fun to work with, I'm sorely missing the unison preamps. The fluidity and simplicity of it is wonderful to work with, giving you all the options you would need while remaining easy to use. And that's before I get onto the plugins and DSP... The freedom of not having to worry about my computer's CPU is epic. The plugins are stunning, with the added bonus of knowing you can add as many as you like without breaking your computer. It might sound silly but running out of CPU on a big, time critical session can be a continuous worry and play on the mind the entire time you are working, and no longer having that subtle stress allows you to be more creative and fluid with your workflow, I love this feeling and it wouldn't happen another way. Big thumbs up from me, it's changed the game, plus every time I've spoken to UA they have been lovely, passionate people. Thanks!
Not happy.
The manufacturer is misleading people Thunderbolt have to be native to the motherboard for it to possibly work with this device. I had to settle for the older version of the device with USB. If the truth be known I was building the machine I bought the device for when I bought the device if they would have stipulated Thunderbolt needed to be native to the motherboard I could have built a different machine.
Company could be more forthright!
The MK II is advertised as a Windows compatible device. I decided to buy this device while building a new computer. The manufacturer of the motherboard actually doesn't make a thunderbolt ready version of the motherboard that works with my chip Xeon class. They do make a PCI Thunderbolt card and the device worked for an hour with the card but upon reboot decided never to work again. It's a good device they should correct their advertising and be more specific I had to move down to the twin Duo USB version to use the device. I'm not a happy customer.
Company could be more forthright!
The MK II is advertised as a Windows compatible device. I decided to buy this device while building a new computer. The manufacturer of the motherboard actually doesn't make a thunderbolt ready version of the motherboard that works with my chip Xeon class. They do make a PCI Thunderbolt card and the device worked for an hour with the card but upon reboot decided never to work again. It's a good device they should correct their advertising and be more specific I had to move down to the twin Duo USB version to use the device. I'm not a happy customer.