API® Vision Console Emulation Bundle
Customer Reviews
LUNA API Vision Console Emulation Bundle
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J. Johnson II
Splendid Product
I just purchased the API Vision Channel Strip, I used it for the first time last night on a hip hop vocal session. I have been on a trip of running the few vocals i have recorded so far on an AT 2035 ($149) through my my new Apollo 8 Quad unison preamps. Just to see what results I can get. Let me say with the API Vision i was able to dial in on a nice sweet sound for the vocals. I wish UA had something integrated so you could place a sample of the work you have done with the plugins you're reviewing. The vocals were sitting up front before they were mixed. They were shining awesome during tracking. There is everything on this strip you will need! Buy It! You won't be disappointed!
A clean, pristine channel strip
The Vision has def. become my go-to preamp when tracking. If it wasn't so DSP hungry, I'd be using it a lot more often when mixing as well. The API definitely gives a clean, sometimes even direct-like response to my vocal and guitar tracks. Would've def. been 5 stars without the big DSP footprint!
D. Gray
Great multipurpose plugin
This is a no brainer for how many uses it gets. I really like the gate on live drums (my go to). I do kind of expect a little more out of the pre and eq section. It is world class but lacks a bit of what i was hoping for (was hoping for more of what the HW actually sounds like). I would say its a must have in your collection!!
N. Christie
Simply stunning
This is my go to for drum tracking.
It's always on my console preset I pull it up and get straight to tracking
It's unison and it sounds amazing!
M. Walter
Incredible for Tracking! A Must Have Tool!
I have been using this channel strip for tracking drums and vocals over the past few days. However, I do not use it in the mixing phase. It uses a lot of DSP, so it isn't very economical during mixing, but It really shines during tracking. I love that (because of unison technology on the Apollo) I can track right through the API Vision Channel. Its actually been a lot of fun shaping tracks with this channel strip, and not having to do a ton of work in the mixing phase. The API lets me get great sounding tracks in a very portable rig (Apollo Quad) without having to take a ton of outboard gear with me. The API Vision Channel will definitely give you great sounding tracks that you won't hesitate to commit into your DAW.
Great and versatile channelstrip
I'm using the API Vision mainly for recording electric and acoustic guitars (with Apollo Twin) and I really love it. Coming from 100% hardware I'm surprised about the quality of the UAD-channelstrips generally. I'm also using Neve 1073 and UA 610 A/B, but the API Vision is the best for me.
j. hartmann
unfassbar gutes Teil
lange habe ich gezögert, ob ich für ein plug in nochmal geld ausgeben will... aber ich bereue es keineswegs. der preamp macht einen so klaren, direkten, edlen sound – ohne kälte. vlt. norwegen an einem warmen sommertag. das gate ist das beste, dass ich je ausprobiert habe. compressor auch gut. nicht fett, aber gut. ... aber dann der eq. also mit dem es selten viel spass.
ein wirklich ganz, ganz tolles teil. maag und helios braucht man nicht mehr.
J. Le Saint
Really nice channetlstrip
Warm, powerful and responsive: fine and effective tool for recording & mixing !
c. dorino
Api sound without breaking the bank
The Api channel strip had brought my guitar tracks to life. I always wanted an Api 500 series preamp and Eq but getting into the 500 series cost lots of money and this plugin gives me that preamp and Eq sound that you can get with an Api 500 series for a fraction of the price, and the Eq and high pass filter really make my guitar sound warm and clear... If theres one plugin you need it's this one....
M. Cawthra
Fixed my drum buss up a treat.
Has all the right qualities for me when it comes to drums, and whilst the DSP requirements are a little high, on my quad rig I'm finding I can use it happily enough with load lock off. The expander is really useful for kicks and toms too, giving you punch without that synthetic full on eighties rock sound, and the compressor again is perfect for percussion. I'm finding it great on guitars too, it's very musical but again, whilst its effects are pronounced they are so 'right' that is wins the day. Love it With this and 88RS Neve I've all the bases covered. Oh yeah, it's good on bass too.
B. Wiederholt
great for tracking
this is my most used plug in for recording sax. I use it as a channel strip.
D. Williams
Sounds real good and warm on "synths" I'm happy to add this one to my collection !!
Super channel strip
Now I can get very rich and clear sounds. Thanks
J. Parnell
Instant Upgrade To My Sound
If you record rock then the API channel is a must have staple. I am still learning all its functions but it works great for tracking. nothing like running a whole drum kit through a system that would cost hundreds of thousands. Love it for tracking vocals to with unison tech. It's awesome!
m. wilson
its ok does the job
clear warm nice little plugin presets are pretty good too as a starting point
S. Sepa
My Go-To for Bass DI
This preamp is great, and the wealth of features in this strip allow you to do almost anything to shape your sound. I find the EQ very easy to push and pull frequencies, gain some low end add a bit of shine at the top, without getting drastic. The gate has been very useful at smoothly cutting hum on the end of bass lines. I haven't been successful getting great results out of the compressor and will usually rely on an LA2A or 1176 if thats the sound I'm after. All in all a great starting point for almost any source.
G. K.
API Vision Channel Strip , great for Bass recordings
I use this one for recording Bass tracks through a Apollo Twin Duo . Great presets are already involved . The Bass sits in the Mix , without sounding boomy or upfront . 5Stars
G. Postorino
Heavyweight sound
I love tracking through this plugin in Unison on the Apollo. It takes a variety of sources extremely well and provides the coveted API punch. While some find the EQ section to be hit and miss, I personally think it's a big hit. The preamp section alone is worth the price of admission. Possibly the better of the UA channel strips!
R. Comitz
yeah, this channel strip rules!
love itlove itlove itlove itlove itlove itlove itlove it