API® Vision Channel Strip Collection
Customer Reviews
API Vision Channel Strip Collection
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A. Seva
Great sounding API
It has the same API flavor as the real deal. Great addition to the vault
I. Chekhovskyi
Великолепный плагин
Чистое звучание,я люблю uad
D. O'Rourke
Great Channel Strip
Quality audio is second to none and easy to get started with.
S. Bramham
Using API with LUNA for voiceover recordings. Sounds GREAT!
T. Kouassi
Amazing Channel Strip
Everything I need
K. Purwin
Najlepszy Pasek Kanału API
Robi Robotę , mój ulubiony.
L. Rothman
One Sweet Channel Strip
Sonically it is above reproach and the plethora of tools it brings to the table is comprehensive to say the least. Their gate is about the finest I've ever used. Literally invisible if adjusted right. The gain is virtually noise free as well. Very well done indeed and a virtual MUST for a Luna owner.
T. Godoy
the best
This is the best channel strip plugin I've ever used, i love UAD
M. Le Borgne
Efficacité et musicalité
Une tranche de console très efficace et facile à exploiter.
M. Le Borgne
Efficacité et musicalité
Une tranche de console très efficace et facile à exploiter.
l. bubba
Great Plugin
When cranking the gain the sound remains nice and open a lot more than any other brand of plugins.
E. Guimarães
best channel strip
T. Zick
Punch and Warmth
Easy to use controls, lots of headroom and exactly the tone I was looking for. I need more DSP because I'm going to want to put this on everything.
E. Uvarov
Just love it
This is my favorite channel strip along with ssl one. Love to gate, clear and characterize track with it!
A. Wallin
Very useful plugin
It’s a powerful tool for mixing and sound enhance. Bass and drums get more clarity and air. It’s brilliant to me
R. C
Using this with Luna and Its awesome
e. pellegrino
è incredibile io che ho comprato questo fantastico plugin per farlo funzionare nella striscia di luna dovrei ricomprarlo a 380 euro ed avere quindi un doppione..... secondo me siete assolutamente PAZZI ....... andava implementato gratis trattandosi dello stesso plugin...... chi è questo genio che ha avuto questa PESSIMA idea....
K. Filus
Classic device. Highly Recommended
c. rivera
The best channel strip. Only needs a mix parameter for the compressor and maybe an mid side operation for mastering.
s. so
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