UAD Analog Classics Pro Bundle
Customer Reviews
Analog Classics Pro Bundle
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G. Starr
The legand continues. I have tried several 1176 emus from TC powecore's 24/7, Sonars PC, IK and even the UAD original. UAD was always a cut abouve the others. The new collection is the finest 1176 emus in existance today IMO
L. Graber
I am a long time UAD user, from back when it was still a Mackie card. I also own some hardware from UA including a 2-610, LA610, and a 1176ln. I recently traded my UAD1 card in for a UAD2 solo to add to my existing UAD2 duo. I got a $50 coupon and decided, what the heck, I will get the 1176 Classic Limiter Plugin Collection because I use and love the original so much. Honestly, I was not expecting too much, but wow, I am blown away at how much better these plugins sound than the original 1176ln plugin. They react much more like the hardware unit. Also, these are not the same plugin with different graphics. Each one has a unique character. For me, the Rev A for drums, the Rev E for bass guitar, and the AE for vocals. Worth the upgrade.
H. Loew
The AE-Version has an excellent sound beyond every compressor i own until now and way ahead the initial 1176LN plug-in. Great job!
T. Correia
Amazing sound! fat, and can be dirty as i want... but natural...