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Regular Price: $349.00


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Customer Reviews

Ampex® ATR-102 Mastering Tape Recorder

Overall Rating

861-880 of 1128 Results

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H. Nakanishi

March 25, 2015

It's great and easy!

It's became my favorite plug-in since I tried once.

G. Anikin

March 24, 2015

Great as Delay

But not good as a mastering tape machine... not even close to the sound of original ATR. makes sound too mono and over compressed even on a low level. Sounds good as slap delay though.

M. Puigserver Barceló

March 11, 2015

Nice analog sound

Before I purchased this plugin I demoed it an compared to the waves kramer, j37 and the studer. I think that compared to others, this one offers an immediate difference in sound. The sonic characteristics can go from subtle to more evident. I'm using it on my final mixes and I'm very satisfied as it suites my needs. Nevertheless, I have to say that the price is far too high. I purchased it thanks to a 250€ coupoun and the 50€ price cut that they were offering, otherwise I believe that 350€ for a plugin is close to ridiculous.

A. McCarthy

March 7, 2015

Its so attractive its MAGNETIC

Amazing quality of sound. You would be hard pressed to make anything running through it NOT sound so much better. Great job UA. Adam, Sydney AUS


March 6, 2015

Makes a big difference

I recently sent some tracks off to be mixed and mastered by a professional studio. When I got the mixes back they were not at all what I wanted or expected. To my ear it was completely wrong. I decided to mix the tracks myself and once I had mixes I was happy with I was looking for tricks to enhance them during the mastering process. I'm glad I found this plugin because it has made a substantial difference. I recorded my first album to tape and I've always felt that record has a nicer vibe to it that I've never quite managed to replicate in the digital realm. This plugin, as well as a few others has really helped to achieve what I was looking for. Definitely my favourite from UAD.

P. Meeks

January 29, 2015

Superior to track tape machine

There is nothing like adding a tape machine to your sound. I used this exact model in the hardware version,on a daily basis. This plug-in is so true to the tape sound it's amazing to me. Together with the ability to change tape, speeds, Bias, EQ, it truly gives you the flexibility to get any sound off the tape you want. The warmth of this plug-in is outstanding. It was one of the first ones that I got.

A. Minh

January 27, 2015

Very nice,i ca'nt imagine how much it did for my sound,like professional

Very nice,i ca'nt imagine how much it did for my sound,like professional

K. Khokhlov

January 22, 2015

Great rich sound

a lot of people said that it absolutely amazing on drums, vocal, master buses, i cant disagree with them all))) It makes my life warmer. thank u UAD

P. Lalama

January 20, 2015

Ampex Atr-102

This is a game changer. You will need to turn up your air conditioning!

S. Sigfridsson

January 20, 2015


Really helpful to fatten up a mix by adding subtile changes to the sounds that makes it all sound a bit more like a record! I also use on my mix busses/summing tracks to liven up things. Its chorus and delay features are really nice as well!

T. Bove

January 13, 2015

My GO TO for mastering

Im late to this review, but Ive owned this plug for over 3 years now and it took my masters to the next level. I now slap it on the end of all of my chains (right before the limiter) and it does beautiful things to mixes.

H. Edblad

January 10, 2015


After owning and using numerous tape machines through the 80's and 90's including the Ampex ATR-102, I was dying to hear this plug-in. WOW! it is so simple to use and sounds so good on the mix/master. After being away from recording for some time it has been inspiring to come back and have possibilities available like this plug-in to utilize and create with. Highly recommended as a must have tool in your tool chest!

Thanks UA for making this a reality.

J. Bray

January 9, 2015

Magic for your Mix!

So far, I'd have to say this is my favorite UA plugin so far. It sounds incredible on everything. I have to repeat what everyone else is saying regarding the Ampex. I've been using this on the the master and it just blends everything together so well. It really has been like magic on my final sound. I was hooked after the first day of using it. Love this plugin. Demo it. I think you'll feel the same way.

J. H

January 5, 2015


Love this plugin too much. I'd put it in my top 5 as far as quality of sound and amount I use it. It goes on almost every master (along with my trusty UA shadow hills comp plug) and it also finds work on guitars, drums and keys. in the digital world it really warms things up. WIth the right settings you can get chorusy and slapback delay type effects with this plugin as well. It can be pristine warmth, or total distorted filth, depending on what you're after.

A. Thapar

January 5, 2015


OMG turn the bias all the way down and play with the in-gain, amazing degenerating and degrading effects. love the way the sounds break in form nothing ness.

Erm as a tape effect though, sometimes its invisible and sometimes its noticeable.

M. Ramalho

December 30, 2014


Excelente Plugin, qualidade sonora muito boa ja mais vista em outro plugin da mesma categoria !!!

B. Tonak

December 27, 2014

Great on mix down bus

The Ampex live on my mix bus. It's great for adding glue and a finished sound. I haven't had a chance to dig into all the different ways to use it. Generally I set it using a Stephen Smith ultra linear preset, maybe tweak levels a little and let it do it's thing... which is great.

R. Kirk

December 25, 2014

Just WOW

I've used the ATR-102 across my DAW master bus now for several mixes and absolutely love the way it completes the sound.. it gives my recordings a finished, record-like quality. And the new Ultralinear custom presets are simply amazing.

But recently I found another great use.. I was throwing together a quick and rough mix of a songwriting demo for a friend and found the ATR-102 to be an excellent time saver. I didn't have time to really dig in with the usual insert compression, level adjustments, automation, etc, so I just threw the ATR-102 on the master bus in Logic and called up my favorite 15ips 250 preset. Almost immediately I had a decent, workable demo to send out.

S. Zahle

December 15, 2014

Glue me!

I just love this plugin. While the Studer A800 is more neutral, the ATR-102 brings all sorts of colours to my mixes. Especially when used on master bus. Only problem I have is rewinding the tape ;-)

J. Holt

December 15, 2014

Powerful tool

Used carefully, it's like having an old friend helping you. Although I used different machines, back in the day, this plugin delivers the goods. Very familiar results. It's not for everything (what is?), but is a great tool when used in the proper context.

861-880 of 1128 Results