UA 1176 Classic Limiter Collection
Customer Reviews
1176 Classic Limiter Collection
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D. Hogan
Better than Waves Audio
Better than Waves Audio
Excellent plugins
There are many simulation plugins for 1176, but this is my favorite
f. Lopez
10/10 the best
E. Gonzales Talledo
Excelente Producto
Hace tiempo ya estaba x comprarlo ahora que salió nativo me siento muy bien con el ....me encanta, la compresion es super buena y agradable al oido
R. Barreto
Ces compresseurs font vraiment la différence!!!!!!!!!!
B. Rodriguez
Best sounding 1176 plugin ive tried
N. Doutt
Solid Recreations of Classic Hardware
You've heard this Rev A model on a billion of your favorite records, just get it.
L. Chanda
UAD 1176 Classics
The UAD 1176 Comps are just what I needed.After fully learning how to use an 1176 Comp Plugin or Hardware,it now was time for me to get the Bundle I ve been wanting for a long time.UAD giving us Studio people the native versions just made that possible for me.I just resently got the LA2A Bundle.
Another classic..
A classic. I have many plugins, I have compressor. LA2A and 1176 are a must. Definitely these two are different. Especially the UAD versions.
S. grzybacz
S. Blecher
Best 1176 Collection
great that you get so many 1176 plugins and each has its own charm of compression and analog saturation. Great in combination with LA2A. Brings the signal forward in the mix
D. Groulx
Best 1176 out there. Period!
Don't bother going through endless reviews of 1176 plugins. Just download the trial version of this UA 1176 and you won't be disappointed. It will immediately become your go-to 1176.
I. Radic
Must have
The best set of upward compressors in the world,UAD did a great job,its set of unique sound characteristics makes any sound musical,warm or crystal clear.
P. Fiore
El mejor fet
sin dudas el mejor fet, por algo será el original no? A decir verdad es un sonido que no tiene comparación, pesado, caro, redondo, suena a hardware, nada para agregar es pues excelencia
f. scolfaro
another classic
For the triumvirate of modeling plugins, this one is a swiss army blade of compression. Doesn't really work on mixbus or too complex busses, but can be the ticket on rear buss techniques. For spiky instruments that need a bit of distortion with the compression, it's up there with the best of the best.
J. Smith
absolute favorite compressor for vocals
I am one of the many ppl who have recently adopted spark, I saw a deal for the first 3 months for a dollar or something like that. I know UA has a great reputation but I had never really had a chance to try any of the plugins that they make. thanks to my subscription, I was able to play around with several of the plugins from the UA library, and there is a lot that I like, some that I love, and honestly even the ones I'm not particularly in love with are still great at what they do. that being said, olone reaally stood out. for whatever reason I just loved the 1176 compressors, and what they do you all the tracks honestly, but specifically vocals. one small feature I will say is so small but to me its just so nice to have it, there is a simple "mix" knob that for me gets such great results by simply using the "average vocal compression" preset and just dialing it back with the mix knob to taste. just that little trick is such a simple, easy, and really quite good sounding technique to just give a vocal track a smoothness that I have difficulty achieving with other plugins. 10/10 it just works. there is o e small thing to mention. when I first felt like I needed these compressors, they actually weren't available to outright purchase unless you bought some specific hardware from UA. I got love for UA but I felt like "man I want to spend my money on their software but I don't need hardware" well needless to say within a month or 2 of that unfortunate issue, sure enough the 1176 compressors are on sale now, with no requirement to purchase hardware. so the decision to do that was unbelievably appreciated, I can't express how much I wanted to buy these. thank you for all that you guys do
C. Davis III
Totally Awesome there are no words all I can say is you have to experience it for yourself unbelievable....Great !
K. Neill
A must have compressor
What can you say about the UAD 1176 plug in. You can use it anywhere and everywhere, and you should. You can use it to tame things down or to add punch. It’s a real workhorse, I don’t a have single session that isn’t using a number of instances of the 1176 plug in.
P. Lindblom
Great compressor!
A really nice and fast compressor! I have not tried the hardware so I cannot compare, but it stands out from most other plug-ins I have tried. Very versatile and adds mojo!
A. Courbat
Compared to the Legacy versions
It sound so much better then the Legacy versions.... This one is the real thing !