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Press Release

Marsha Vdovin

SCOTTS VALLEY, CA, USA-27th September 2007, Universal Audio, a manufacturer of high-quality vintage audio hardware and DSP software plug-ins for digital audio workstations, today announced the move of the company from Santa Cruz to new, larger premises in Scotts Calley, California, USA. UA has experienced high double digit revenue growth every year for the last 5 years, and has expanded the product line to include 14 Hardware products (including the original UA Classics : the LA-2A and 1176LN), 10 UAD DSP Card Sku's and over 30 Powered-Plug-Ins. The company has established the new headquarters with adequate room to continue to expand significantly in the coming years and currently employs around 65 full-time staff.

"UA has run far and fast from my Santa Cruz basement and the original 2 classic re-issues of the 1176LN and LA-2A that restarted the company in 1999 based on my fathers original designs." said Bill Putnam Jr., Founder & CEO of Universal Audio. "With our dedication to authenticity, audio quality and high-standards of build combined with our passionate and talented employees, we have together managed to build a dream and a thriving company. We can proudly say, that by focusing on, and understanding the needs and desires of recording musicians and building great products with awesome tone here in the USA, we have become a major worldwide audio player in little over 5 years."

"UA has established a sound business/growth plan, a worldwide distribution network of partners, a world-class audio brand and a premium recording product line that has enabled us to rapidly out-grow Bills basement and garage, into our first business premises in Santa Cruz on Delaware and Encinal and most recently to our current 30000sqft facility in Scotts Valley." enthused Matt Ward, President of Universal Audio. "We have achieved steady double-digit growth and healthy profitability, and I believe we are still far from fulfilling our full potential. As we continue to innovate with our digital product strategy and set the standard for audio DSP with our UAD products, we are already well-into development for a slew of cutting-edge products that will be introduced in 2008."

About the UAD DSP Card
At the heart of every UAD DSP Card & Powered Plug-Ins package is the revolutionary UAD DSP card. Because of its high resolution, floating-point processing, ultra high-speed memory and hardware dithering, the UAD delivers outstanding high-headroom sound quality at sample rates from 32 to 192khz. Unlike other DSP cards, the UAD uses a single, unpartitioned vector processor, allowing for larger and more sophisticated plug-in algorithms offering a new level of power and complexity not found with host-based plug-ins. By greatly reducing the burden on the computer's CPU, the host application can now deliver more tracks, automation and native effects.

About Universal Audio
Founded in 1999 and based in Santa Cruz, California, Universal Audio is best known for its vintage analog reproductions and advanced Digital Signal Processing technology. The company is focused on merging the best of analog and digital technology. The company is devoted to this endeavor, following its motto, Analog Ears, Digital Minds.

UAD-1, UAD-1e, UAD-Xpander, UAD-Nevana X2, "Powered Plug-Ins", "Universal Audio Intelligence", UAi and Helios are trademarks of Universal Audio, Inc. Product & Historical images available at
